
Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

I believe that many pregnant mothers have had such an experience, obviously during pregnancy, their stomachs look much larger than other pregnant women, but after the baby is born, it is smaller than their baby, what is the matter?

Some mothers believe that this may be that the pregnant woman herself is fatter and has more fat in the stomach, so it gives people the illusion that the stomach is larger and the fetus is larger. Admittedly, this is indeed a possibility, but the more important reason is not here.

Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

01 Five months pregnant women's stomach is comparable to others' eight months, and the result is that the child is born 5 pounds and 6 pairs

Ms. Lin was pregnant very quickly, about five months pregnant, when going out for a walk, she met other pregnant women, the two stomachs were almost large, at that time Ms. Lin also thought that the other party was also pregnant for five or six months, and as a result, she knew that the other party was eight months pregnant, and the other party also felt very surprised, at that time, the other party also said that Ms. Lin was only five months Old, the stomach was so big, it seems that the baby pregnant is very large, and it is more difficult to give birth at that time.

Who knew that when it was time to give birth, the doctor told Ms. Lin after the prenatal examination that the fetus in the stomach was not large and could be delivered smoothly. After the baby was born, it was only five pounds and six two, which surprised Ms. Lin, although she already knew that the baby was not very big, but she really did not expect that it was not even six pounds.

Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

Ms. Lin also couldn't understand why her belly was so big and her baby was so small. Later, the doctor explained, "This is because you do not have enough nutritional supplements during pregnancy, resulting in the child's growth and development is not motivated, so the growth is relatively slow." Ms. Lin listened to the doctor's explanation and felt guilty, because she had no appetite during pregnancy, coupled with frequent indigestion, so the appetite was even worse, and the baby was also affected by her, and the development was slower than other fetuses.

Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

02 Why is the belly bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others?

After reading the above cases, I believe that pregnant mothers can also understand that if they do not supplement enough nutrition during pregnancy, then the growth and development rate of the fetus will become slower, so whether it is weight or size, it will fall behind. This is because during growth and development, they will take nutrients from the pregnant mother's body through the umbilical cord, and if the pregnant mother supplements with sufficient nutrients, then they will receive more nutrients.

On the contrary, if the pregnant mothers supplement the nutrition is insufficient, it means that these nutrients not only provide the pregnant mother's own physical stability maintenance activities, but also to divide a part to the fetus, and because of the body's self-protection mechanism, the pregnant mother's own energy will not be taken away in large quantities, only the excess part will be provided to the fetus, so in the case of insufficient nutritional supplementation, the growth and development of the fetus is naturally more difficult.

Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

03 How should pregnant women supplement their nutrition during pregnancy?

For pregnant women, the supplement of nutrients should follow the principle of "nutritional balance", maintain a balanced and stable nutritional structure, and consume various nutrients in all aspects, rather than ingesting a single nutrient, otherwise the nutritional structure is easily unbalanced, and pregnant women and fetuses are equally prone to health problems.

A friend heard before that DHA is good for fetal brain development, and pregnant women eat more during pregnancy, and the fetus will be smarter. So friends every day staple food into fish, and nutritional supplements are also directed at DHA, the result was later in a maternity examination was told by the doctor, the fetus has symptoms of developmental delay, we must pay attention to multi-nutrient structure supplementation, otherwise continue so, the fetus may have developmental malformations.

Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

The friend realized the problem and quickly adjusted the nutritional structure, and later the development of the fetus slowly returned to normal. Therefore, pregnant mothers must pay attention to the diversification of nutritional supplements during pregnancy, try not to be picky eaters, if you really do not like to eat a certain food, then you can change to other foods that can also provide a certain nutrient, do not force yourself to eat food you do not like, but can not pay attention to nutritional balance.

Why is it that the belly is bigger than others, but the children born are smaller than others? I feel ashamed after reading it

In addition, pregnant mothers are best to take the "eat less and eat more" diet mode, because pregnant women enter the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the stomach slowly becomes larger, the gastrointestinal space is squeezed, then the digestive function declines, if you eat too much at once, pregnant mothers are also difficult to digest, then nutrition can not be better absorbed, but will remain, but also easy to cause constipation, food accumulation and other issues.

Therefore, you can use the mode of eating less and eating more meals, and divide the food that you originally want to eat into two meals, so that pregnant mothers can better absorb nutrients, and it is more conducive to the development of the fetus and the stability of their own functions.

Conclusion: The whole ten months of pregnancy, I hope that pregnant mothers can stick to it, although the whole process is very difficult, but for the healthy development of the fetus, but also for their own health, we must develop good eating habits, but also to control the mouth, eat less food that is not conducive to the health of the fetus and themselves.

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