
Chongqing Tianyou Children's Hospital: What are the misunderstandings of parents in understanding the treatment of children's cerebral palsy?

Pediatric cerebral palsy brings not only physical inconvenience and spasms, but also many complications. Some children have symptoms of cerebral palsy that are not particularly pronounced, but the complications are obvious. These complications will more or less affect the child's life and health. Here I would like to tell you what are the main complications of cerebral palsy?

Chongqing Tianyou Children's Hospital: What are the misunderstandings of parents in understanding the treatment of children's cerebral palsy?

Children with cerebral palsy have poor motor self-control, easy to fall, severe hands will not take things, there is no self-care function, feet will not walk, some will not even turn over, will not sit, will not stand, will not chew and swallow normally.

Many children with cerebral palsy have a lot lower intelligence than normal children, are prone to hyperactivity, are emotionally unstable, are prone to autism, and have difficulty measuring IQ.

In the final analysis, cerebral palsy must be treated early. If treated early, not only will the limb problems be greatly improved, but the harm of complications will be reduced accordingly.

Chongqing Tianyou Children's Hospital: What are the misunderstandings of parents in understanding the treatment of children's cerebral palsy?

Common misunderstandings in the treatment of cerebral palsy in children include:

1. Ignorance and superstition. Many parents burn incense and worship buddha for children with cerebral palsy, and the money is small, but the children are older and it is very difficult to treat.

2. Incurable. The treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy is more difficult at home and abroad. According to the original Western medical view, pediatric cerebral palsy is incurable. However, with the development of science, practice has confirmed that as long as reasonable intervention is carried out as soon as possible, the rehabilitation treatment of children with cerebral palsy is still promising.

Chongqing Tianyou Children's Hospital: What are the misunderstandings of parents in understanding the treatment of children's cerebral palsy?

3. Monotherapy. Some parents hope that a single treatment will make their children suffer less, which is impossible. Because surgical therapies have strict indications and are highly selective, various physical therapies cannot solve the underlying problem. After clinical treatment practice, it is believed that the best solution for the treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy is the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and the use of comprehensive therapy can achieve the expected purpose.

The above is the introduction of the common pediatric cerebral palsy treatment misunderstandings, parents must know the misunderstandings in the treatment of cerebral palsy, in order to better take care of children, so that children away from cerebral palsy.

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