
Kindle or withdraw from the Chinese market, domestic readers are about to rise

Kindle or withdraw from the Chinese market, domestic readers are about to rise

"Kindle or exit the Chinese market" has recently rushed to the hot search.

Some netizens found that kindle products are in a large-scale state of non-stock, which is regarded as a signal for Amazon's e-book business to withdraw from China. According to netizens, the Kindle China business group has all been dismissed by Amazon, and the e-book mall will be closed at the same time in the future, and relevant users need to back up their relevant data.

At a time when fragmented time is being eaten away by short videos, reading has become a "luxury", and whether the Kindle is eventually delisted or not, the shrinking e-book market shows this. However, there are still many friends who like to read who are worried about such news.

The Kindle, which is jokingly called the "bubble noodle artifact", was delisted due to suspected delisting, causing the "bookworms" to cry out, for the following reasons: First, worry that they will no longer be able to buy a good ink screen reader; Second, netizens are worried that the Kindle will not only delist hardware, but also its copyright business, resulting in no books to read in the future.

In fact, in the field of ink screen readers, Kindle has not "dumped a street of domestic readers" as netizens say, on the contrary, in many ways, domestic readers have surpassed the Kindle; We don't have to worry about "the delisting of Kindle is a cultural regression", on the contrary, there are many domestic platforms with rich library resources. The regression of Kindle's domestic business can only show that domestic readers that are more in line with the reading habits of the Chinese people are rising. If you like to read, why not use a domestic reader to read a book?

For example, in the e-book resources, Kindle claims to have a collection of more than 700,000 books, domestic brands, as the only reader with a book city, the number of books in the palm reading city is more than 600,000 books, Kindle's foreign language resources are rich, and the palm reading Chinese publishing resources are many. In most cases, the books you want to read can be found in the Kindle, and there are also in the palm reading city, and the domestic e-book resources can already meet the reading needs of most readers, and there is no need to struggle with nuances in numbers. Moreover, even if it is a resource that cannot be found, the import function of the domestic reader is much more convenient than that of the Kindle.

In terms of product configuration, Kindle entered the domestic market early, the replacement is slow, its early hardware advantages have long been caught up by many domestic readers, and various brands have long been equipped with better hardware configurations than Kindle.

In terms of appearance, the design of the Kindle is as "thick" as ever, and the wide border interprets what is called "buy 6 inches to get 5 inches, buy 7 inches to get 6 inches", and it is more and more out of line with the aesthetics of the Chinese people. The same is a small-screen ink screen reader, the Light series of the palm reading iReader adopts a narrow border design, giving readers more reading space; The moaan series of the early ink cases were also narrower than the Kindle's bezels; The same is true of Aragonite's poke series.

Kindle or withdraw from the Chinese market, domestic readers are about to rise
Kindle or withdraw from the Chinese market, domestic readers are about to rise

In terms of function, the difference between the domestic reader and the Kindle in the reading function is almost the same, and the Kindle is not as convenient as the domestic reader in the transmission, for example, like the palm reading iReader not only supports mailbox transmission, but also supports mutual transmission with the computer, and even WeChat transmission; To import an e-book into the Kindle, you even need to find a tutorial. In addition to the palm reading iReader, most domestic readers can use a two-dimensional code to import e-books, which is more in line with the use habits of the Chinese people and can expand the reader's reading horizons.

In terms of innovation, the function of kindle has not changed for many years, the update is like squeezing toothpaste, and many domestic reader brands continue to iterate product functions and innovate according to the usage habits of the Chinese people. For example, in the face of the problem that the PDF reading display effect is not good, the palm reading iReader is equipped with the REINK engine, which can trim and edit the imported PDF, and the reading is more user-friendly, while the Kindle does not have such a function update. Some people say that after years of not using the Kindle, and then using the system that has not been used to using it, it shows that the Kindle has stagnated in innovation, which may be the reason for its delisting.

In short, we don't need to panic because of the suspected delisting of the Kindle, because in the field of readers, domestic brands have already taken over the banner and gradually risen.

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