
She and the emperor Qingmei Bamboo Horse, 13 years of madness and 12 sons, but were reduced to nuns, with a quilt to press themselves to death

In the history of More than 5,000 years of China, there have been more than 400 emperors, large and small, in that feudal ancient era, the rule of the state was all decided by the emperor alone, and now we have a very popular sentence that the emperor is the most ruthless since ancient times, and the concubines in their harem are countless, but in that feudal period, the status of women is low, don't look at them in the royal family, but most of them are tools for reproduction, the royal family values the continuation of the heirs, so the emperor will accept concubines to continue the incense, of course, the emperor also has his favorite person Today we are talking about an emperor and this woman from a small green plum bamboo horse, 13 years gave birth to 12 sons, but unfortunately this woman was demoted from empress to nun, and finally was given death by the emperor with a quilt to crush herself.

She and the emperor Qingmei Bamboo Horse, 13 years of madness and 12 sons, but were reduced to nuns, with a quilt to press themselves to death

She was empress Yifu of the Western Wei Dynasty, born in Luoyang, her father was Yi Tongsansi, Yanzhou Thorn History, and her mother was the Princess Huaiyang of the Northern Wei Emperor, she was clever and clever from childhood, and she was deeply loved by her parents, and her parents had told their relatives that my little girl was not a boy, and it was not worse than a boy. She was proud of her little daughter since she was a child, so she grew up happily under the love of her parents, and when she was 16 years old, she married Yuan Baoju. The two were very affectionate, he had a deep affection for his wife, after he took the throne, he officially crowned his wife as an empress, and as an empress, she lived frugally, and only wore old clothes on weekdays, and the food was mainly vegetables, and in the face of many concubines in the harem, she did not have the slightest jealousy, so that the emperor liked her more. In 13 years, 12 children were born, but most of them died prematurely, leaving only Prince Yuanqin and Wang Yuanpeng.

She and the emperor Qingmei Bamboo Horse, 13 years of madness and 12 sons, but were reduced to nuns, with a quilt to press themselves to death

The emperor was a cowardly person by nature, even if he sat on the throne, but the power was in the hands of the ministers, and in addition to the harassment of the nomads in the north from time to time, in order to stabilize the situation, the powerful minister Yuwen Tai persuaded the emperor to marry the princess of the other side as a concubine, but he had to come over as the empress. Although the emperor heard that he was very reluctant to give up his empress, he had no choice but to sacrifice his wife for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji, so he abolished her empress position and asked her to move out of the palace and become a nun.

She and the emperor Qingmei Bamboo Horse, 13 years of madness and 12 sons, but were reduced to nuns, with a quilt to press themselves to death

But even if she became a monk, it did not affect the emperor's love for her, they still kept in touch often, after Princess Rouran became the empress, but she was jealous, seeing that the emperor's beloved people were still living in the capital, they noisily threatened the emperor, the emperor had to send her son Wang Yuanpeng and his mother to the town together, although this was thousands of miles apart, the emperor's heart was also difficult to miss her, which caused the princess to be angry, and specially wrote to her father to tell him about the recent situation, and finally led to the invasion of the Rouran army, which made the emperor have a headache. He could only give Yi Fu to death with a hard scalp.

She and the emperor Qingmei Bamboo Horse, 13 years of madness and 12 sons, but were reduced to nuns, with a quilt to press themselves to death

However, when Yi Fu learned about it, he did not blame his husband at all, but said that as long as the emperor and the country were safe, I would not be wronged even if I died. It can be seen how generous Yifu is, so she returned to her bedroom and pressed herself to death with a quilt, only 31 years old. To say that the princess is also a fierce character, Screw sheng will tear the emperor and her beloved apart.

She and the emperor Qingmei Bamboo Horse, 13 years of madness and 12 sons, but were reduced to nuns, with a quilt to press themselves to death

After the crown prince ascended the throne, he posthumously crowned his mother YiFu as Empress Wen, and buried with his father and emperor, which is also an account of the two of them, although they cannot be blessed together before they die, but they can sleep together after death, and Yifu's life is also very miserable, and her husband Jun's green plum bamboo horse, but because of jiangshan Daji, she was given death by her husband, and it is also because of the emperor's cowardice that led to her such a fate, I have to say that ancient women are really sad.

Reference: Book of Wei

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