
Before his death, Li Hongzhang had already said that in addition to Japan, there is another country that will not die in destroying China

Before his death, Li Hongzhang had already said that in addition to Japan, there is another country that will not die in destroying China

As early as the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese aggressors launched attacks on China, and also forced the Qing government to sign the Treaty of Maguan, which humiliated the country, during which the Japanese demanded hundreds of millions of taels of silver and a large piece of land from the Qing government. The person in charge of the negotiations on this matter was Li Hongzhang, a famous minister of the late Qing Dynasty, who was a defeated country at that time and was unable to negotiate terms with the Japanese invaders.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang had already said that in addition to Japan, there is another country that will not die in destroying China

In the process of negotiations, there was basically no right to speak, and even so, Li Hongzhang still insisted on fighting for the interests of the Qing government and reducing his losses as much as possible. After Li Hongzhang signed this treaty, he was criticized and angrily scolded by countless people, and some people who were emotionally agitated even directly referred to Li Hongzhang as a traitor. Before his death, He also told others that the Japanese aggressors had always been eyeing China and that this country would not be able to make it difficult for our country.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang had already said that in addition to Japan, there is another country that will not die in destroying China

In fact, there is another country that has been trying to destroy China, the thief's heart is not dead, Li Hongzhang before his death, he has already said the situation of this country, the country is Russia, at the beginning, China's land area is actually not large. The reason why we can have such a large territory is entirely due to armed aggression. The former Tsarist Russia, like Japan, repeatedly sent troops to attack China, but also forced the Qing government to sign a series of unequal treaties, when Tsarist Russia seized millions of square kilometers of land, not only that, Russia later supported the independence of Outer Mongolia, causing huge losses to our country.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang had already said that in addition to Japan, there is another country that will not die in destroying China

During the Soviet period, our country sent people to contact them many times, hoping to recover some land from them, but they never agreed. Later, the Soviet Union collapsed, China's relations with Russia, there were significant changes, after this, the state sent people to negotiate with the Russian side many times, painstakingly recovered some land from their hands, but there are still a large number of land, still in the hands of Russia, from the complete recovery, there is still a long time, I hope that the state will continue to work hard to recover all the land.

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