
4S shops would rather not charge interest, but also to persuade you to take out a loan to buy a car, the reason behind it surprises you

As people's incomes rise and their savings increase over a certain period of time, many people have the ability to buy a car. Nowadays, people want to add something big to their homes after their incomes are high. Is it time to buy a house or a car. In today's high housing prices, most people choose the top 5 to 6 figures in their lives to spend money is to buy a car. In short, it is convenient to move on your own.

4S shops would rather not charge interest, but also to persuade you to take out a loan to buy a car, the reason behind it surprises you

Buying a car, in general, to buy a car is ordered at a 4S store or several auto shows. Many times, buying a car is a man's pursuit, so many car fans are also studying which brand of car is good while making money. Now many technologies are very perfect, there are many brands of cars, and many people choose to buy a car after a long period of screening. After seeing your favorite car, the next step is to place your order. A car is really cheaper than buying a house. It can even be said that the down payment of a house in some areas is a luxury car. So most 4S shops have customers coming to buy a car every day. Now the mainstream consumption has the option of a loan, plus when buying a car, you can also take a loan to buy a car.

4S shops would rather not charge interest, but also to persuade you to take out a loan to buy a car, the reason behind it surprises you

Loan to buy a car, since the purchase of a car to buy a loan to buy, will inevitably involve interest. Otherwise, the difference between buying in full is very small. However, 4S stores have always had the phenomenon that salespeople recommend buying cars in installments. Why is that? There are three main reasons. The first is the question of interest. Buying a car in installments means paying more. That will make 4S stores make more money. Conversely, salespeople who sell cars also have higher commissions. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a car in installments may be because of the self-interest of the salesman. Because, his job is a bit expensive. It doesn't look good and will make the guest pay a lot of money, but it's essentially a sign of the salesperson's hard work.

4S shops would rather not charge interest, but also to persuade you to take out a loan to buy a car, the reason behind it surprises you

The second reason is the reason for the 4S store itself, as a point of sale, making money is the primary purpose, the loan still has to find a bank and related lending institutions, so when the customer buys a car in installments, the 4S store comes to do business, the lending institution can also share dividends, the loan buys interest, and the third reason is the customer's economic strength. In general, it is difficult for most customers to buy a car in full. Hundreds of thousands of vehicles are also paid in installments. This is also taking into account the thinking of most customers, many of whom do need to have a loan to buy a car. Otherwise, it will take a long time to buy a car.

4S shops would rather not charge interest, but also to persuade you to take out a loan to buy a car, the reason behind it surprises you

Buy a car in full, however, some local tycoons can't stand the idea of wanting to buy a car in full. In this regard, a real incident occurred, that is, someone waited in the 4S shop for a new car all night. This is because I want to get the first sale of this car. The next day, when the car was newly listed, the customer chose to buy it in full, and was directly rejected by the 4S store. Then it was bought by people who came slowly, and the opportunity to buy was missed. This incident is of course the fault of the 4S store, which raises salaries in order to make money, rejects all the behavior of buying a car in full, and only accepts installment loans. The way customers spend is free. 4S Stores may not refuse to sell for any form of reason. Well, such a 4S store looks a little dark in order to sell cars, but buying a car is originally a business to make money, but the 4S store wants to make more money and let people borrow money to buy a car in installments. So, if you want to save money, I think the best way to buy a car is to buy a car in full.

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