
[Princess Ridge you don't know] Chen Yanshu, the fifth Zhixian of Huaide County

Now when Chen Duxiu and Zhang Zuolin are mentioned, not only do most people know about them, but even some people will casually say the last paragraph about the two people's palms. But if you mention The Fifth Zhixian Chen Yanshu of Huaide, there are very few people who know.

[Princess Ridge you don't know] Chen Yanshu, the fifth Zhixian of Huaide County

The county chronicle records the list of successive counties

Who is Chen Yanshu? Answer: Rich merchants, calligraphers, painters, and collectors with little fame in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. He was not only Chen Duxiu's uncle, but also his later adoptive father, and Zhang Zuolin's righteous father, Gan Laozi. In addition, he also has an unknown identity: that is, the fifth zhi county of Huaide County.

[Princess Ridge you don't know] Chen Yanshu, the fifth Zhixian of Huaide County

Portrait of Chen Yanshu

According to the "Wilder County Chronicle. Book IX Characters, p. 20:

"Chen Yanshu, the word Tin Fan." A native of Huaining County, Anqing Province, Anhui Province. Guangxu received the seal on the tenth day of the first month of August in the 23rd year of Guangxu. Since noon, the horse thief has seen squirming again. Gong Naizheng held a group training, ordered the merchants to raise funds, and set up a training camp. With Tang Yuhe as the commander- and stationed in four towns. The townships depend on the number of people in order to determine the number of people. The quota of thirty people in the large regiment and twenty people in the small regiment, all of whom had no salary and were equipped with their own ammunition. If there is something, it will gather, and if there is nothing, it will disperse, and the bandits in the boundary will be strictly investigated to eliminate the thief's eyeliner. In the event of thieves coming, the training camp invites them to attack, and the nearest regiments are supplemented. Before Gengzi, the territory relied on this to be safe. He stepped down on 24 October 2024. (Punctuation added by the author)

[Princess Ridge you don't know] Chen Yanshu, the fifth Zhixian of Huaide County

The county chronicle contains the deeds of Chen Yanshu

Check Baidu:

"Chen Yanshu (1851-1913), a Yanlu, a native of Huaining (present-day Anqing), Anhui, also known as Chen Shu, was named Shimen Yuyin and Shimen Husu, and the room name was Four Stone Shi Shi Zhai (because the calligraphy and painting were named after Deng Shiru, Liu Shi'an, Wang Shigu, and Shen Shitian). Guangxu raised people in the first year. Wealthy merchant, calligrapher, painter and collector of the late Qing Dynasty. Chen Duxiu's uncle, heir apparent. ”

How did Chen Duxiu become Chen Yanshu's heir? What is the relationship between the two of them?

When Chen Yanshu was young, he studied with his older brother Chen Yanzhong (Chen Duxiu's biological father). In the first year of Guangxu (1875), he was raised. He was initially elected as an alternate Zhi County, and later because of his meritorious efforts in harnessing the Yellow River, he was transferred to Shengjing, and after successively serving as the Zhi County of Huaide and Liuhe Counties, he was promoted to Liaoyang Hall and promoted to Phoenix Hall. In the last years of Guangxu, he resigned and returned to his hometown.

During chen Yanshu's tenure in Liaoyang and Xinmin, during the war between Japan and Russia, he used the jurisdiction to buy and sell horses and collect taxes, made a little war wealth, and purchased a number of land properties in Liaoning and his hometown.

Although Chen Yanshu was prosperous and prosperous, he had both fame and fortune, but he had regrets: he married his wife and had 3 rooms, and did not have a son. As a result, he succeeded his brother's son Chen Duxiu (1879-1942) as his heir. Chen Yanshu liked Chen Duxiu very much. When he took office in the northeast, he took him with him and personally taught him his studies.

Chen Duxiu has a strong personality since childhood. After joining the revolution, he never mentioned the stepfather of the official Yun Hengtong. Later, because he fell in love with his half-sister of his wife, he was driven out of the house by Chen Yanshu. Because Chen Duxiu threw himself into the revolution, his family was also implicated by him many times.

Around 1908, Chen Yanshu felt that the Qing Dynasty was somewhat unstable, so he resigned and returned to his hometown. After returning to his hometown, he was not willing to live a leisurely and comfortable life, so he founded a company and wanted to catch the last train of the Western Affairs Movement and make some foreign wealth. Unexpectedly, because of being fooled by others and not being good at business, he ended up ruining his family. In 1913, Chen Duxiu was wanted to raid his home for failing to oppose Yuan's "second revolution", and Chen Yanshu was dying of illness in his morgue home.

What is the relationship between Chen Yanshu and Zhang Zuolin?

Chen Yanshu was the righteous father of Zhang Zuolin (1875-1928), the king of the Northeast. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Zhang Zuolin joined the army as a soldier in Yingkou, and shortly after being promoted to the rank of commander, he absconded with weapons and joined the bandit gang in Quang Ninh as a leader.

At that time, Chen Yanshu was serving as the prefect of Xinminfu to suppress bandits, and he thought that Zhang Zuolin was a talent among the bandits, so he recruited him and let him help the patrol horse team of the Xinmin prefect, and became Chen Yanshu's personal bodyguard. Later, Chen Yanshu was promoted to the position of guardian of Taonan Town because of his meritorious efforts in suppressing bandits, and at this time, Zhang Zuolin also had the idea of worshiping Lord Chen as his righteous father.

One day, Zhang Zuolin returned from a visit with Chen Yanshu, and when he saw that as soon as Lord Chen entered the palace, he went to the study to personally teach his heir Chen Duxiu to read, and he was very envious in his heart, and he couldn't help but kneel down to the prefect, prostrate his head 3 times in a row, and sincerely pleaded: "The prefect is gracious, the little man lost his father at an early age, did not read any books, please accept the little man as a righteous son, teach the little man to read and learn gifts!"

Zhang Zuolin's move surprised Chen Yanshu very much, so he asked him to hurry up, Zhang Zuolin not only could not afford it, but then three more ringing heads, again pleading: "Please be gracious!" Chen Yanshu, who has read countless people in the official arena, thinks that although Zhang Zuolin has no culture, he is very clever, and he is brave and good at war, if he is accepted as a righteous son, wouldn't he be a more trustworthy personal bodyguard? So he hurriedly helped Zhang Zuolin up, readily agreed, and accepted him as a righteous son. In this way, Zhang Zuolin and Chen Duxiu became brothers and brothers.

Since then, whenever the prefect Chen Has finished his official business, he has asked Zhang Zuolin to read with Chen Duxiu, and sometimes taught him to write by hand. In this way, Zhang Zuolin and Chen Duxiu became classmates in the same window. Zhang Zuolin also cherished this rare opportunity to study, consciously worked hard, and after a few years, his studies also made great progress, laying the foundation for the later title of king of the northeast. This is a postscript.

[Princess Ridge you don't know] Chen Yanshu, the fifth Zhixian of Huaide County

Chen Yanshu's calligraphy works

Chen Yanshu likes to collect calligraphy and paintings, so he opened a "Chonggu Zhai" antique shop in The Liuli Factory in Beijing. The name of the plaque was personally inscribed by lu run-ku, a teacher of the Xuantong Emperor. In the early 1960s, the store was renamed "Chenggu Zhai" and the name of the plaque was inscribed by the famous calligrapher Mr. Li Keliang. Today, Chengguzhai is still a famous antique shop in Liulichang.

[Princess Ridge you don't know] Chen Yanshu, the fifth Zhixian of Huaide County

Chen Yanshu paintings

Checking the relevant literals of the "Records of Huaide County", Chen Yanshu served as the zhi county of Huaide County in the twenty-third year of Guangxu. So according to what labels Chen Yanshu as the fifth Zhi County?

The county chronicle contains: Zhang Yunxiang in Guangxu "In the summer of the eighth year, the card of the new appointment has been hung, and the people of the people have heard about it and gone to the province to call for it." Despite the rebuttal, the Shangxian still silently obeyed public opinion and did not remove him. It was the 18th of December of that year. He returned to office on March 27, 2009. The handover began on the eighth day of the first month of February in the eleventh year. He served for seven years, and the people and religions were at peace. ”

Zaicha County Zhizhi Official Volume: Zhang Fan, Guangxu eleven years as Huaidezhi County. Before that, after Zhang Yunxiang, there were Liu and Zhang Erming listed in the order of local officials, but there was no time to serve.

According to the above inference, Zhang Yunxiang Guangxu was handed over in February of the eleventh year, and Zhang Yu Guangxu was actually appointed in the eleventh year. The surname of Liu Zhang, listed in the local official order, did not actually arrive at the post. Removing Liu Zhang's second surname from the false list of two terms, Chen Yanshu was actually the fifth Zhi County of Huaide County.

Although Chen Yanshu only served in Huaide for one year and two months, he ruled in a chaotic world and achieved outstanding political achievements. The system of training regiments he founded during his term of office played a positive and effective role in maintaining local public order and stabilizing social and economic development in Huaide for a long time.

Author: Li Guowen

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