
The only country that refused Japan's surrender, 200,000 Japanese troops were strafed and 10,000 left, and Japan is still afraid

World War II was the largest war in human history, involving 61 countries and regions, ranging from Europe to Asia, the Atlantic To the Pacific, for which tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians died. Fortunately, the Allies worked together to finally defeat the fascist countries and usher in the victory of the war. As we all know, in the late period of World War II, only when Japan was stubbornly resisting and it was the two atomic bombs of the United States that forced it to surrender, ushered in a comprehensive victory in World War II.

The only country that refused Japan's surrender, 200,000 Japanese troops were strafed and 10,000 left, and Japan is still afraid

While everyone was crying with joy, one country stood up against Japan's surrender because it felt that the price Japan had paid was too small. The country is Australia. What are the holidays between Australia and Japan? He hated Japan so much that he would not even accept surrender.

The only country that refused Japan's surrender, 200,000 Japanese troops were strafed and 10,000 left, and Japan is still afraid

We know that Japan is only a small country, but its ambitions are not small. During World War II, war of aggression was waged not only against us, but also against the United States, Australia, North Korea and other countries. At the time of its invasion of Australia, countless Australian troops died tragically at its hands, so the Australian people were resentful and wanted to avenge the death of soldiers.

The only country that refused Japan's surrender, 200,000 Japanese troops were strafed and 10,000 left, and Japan is still afraid

Later, in the Battle of New Guinea, the Australian army cut off the logistical supplies of the Japanese army, trapped more than 200,000 Japanese troops on the island, and refused to surrender, trapping them alive. After the end of the war, almost all of the more than 200,000 Japanese troops were wiped out, leaving only more than 10,000 people. Not only that, after the end of World War II, Australia also filed a paper against the Japanese emperor in court martial arts, advocating the punishment of the Japanese emperor. This shows Australia's hatred of the Japanese army. That's why Australia refused Tony's surrender.

The only country that refused Japan's surrender, 200,000 Japanese troops were strafed and 10,000 left, and Japan is still afraid

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