
Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

"Kill all the million soldiers in Jiangnan, and the sword in your waist is bloody!"

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was born in the grass, stood out in the chaotic world, and calmed the world. Equally well-known for his exploits is his penchant for killing, "Killing millions of soldiers in Jiangnan, the sword around his waist is bloody!" "Zhu Yuanzhang did not have many poems in his life, but most of them were full of murderous spirit, and they were for a generation of tyrants.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, in order to consolidate his rule, he carried out a lot of torture, some normal, and some extremely cruel, such as "killing corpses", "peeling solid grass", "shackles" and so on. In addition to these tortures, his brutality was more reflected in his killing, and even more, there were many nine ethnic groups in Zhulian, and the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty were almost all slaughtered by him. And it was such a brutal emperor who killed all the founding heroes, but he turned a blind eye to a death row prisoner and pardoned him, pardoning him five times!

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

On the one hand, Fan Wencong was granted pardon for his "surname"

Fan Wencong, an inspector of imperial history during Zhu Yuanzhang's reign, is recorded in many books related to the Ming Dynasty. The official position of supervising Yushi was in charge of supervising hundreds of officials, inspecting counties and counties, correcting prisons, and rectifying the imperial ceremonies, and this position required that the incumbents be upright and upright, while Fan Wencong himself had a straight personality, dared to give direct advice, and would not be restrained because of the majesty of the king, so he offended Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Yuanzhang, in a fit of rage, ordered people to arrest him in a big prison and choose a time to be beheaded.

As an emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang had a lot of things to deal with every day, and he quickly forgot Fan Wen from this matter. It was not until the archives of the list of prisoners to be beheaded by the Punishment Department were handed over to Zhu Yuanzhang for approval that Zhu Yuanzhang remembered this figure again. He looked at Fan Wencong's surname, saw Fan Wencong's place of origin, and suddenly remembered the Song Dynasty name Fan Zhongyun, Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself: Is there any relationship between them?

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately ordered someone to call Fan Wencong and asked If Fan Wencong had anything to do with Fan Zhongyan. This question, sure enough, Fan Wen said bluntly: "I am the 12th generation of Fan Zhongyan's descendants. Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely happy after hearing this, because Fan Zhongyan was a figure that Zhu Yuanzhang greatly admired, and he could see the descendants of the people he admired, and Fan Wencong's little sin was not worth mentioning.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang pardoned Fan Wencong's capital crimes on the spot, and also gave him five gold medals for death, which could be used to exempt himself and his descendants from five capital crimes. Because of a surname, because of the reputation of the ancestors, it has been blessed by the ancestors and exempted from the death penalty, which has to be said to be a fortunate thing. Then, why did Zhu Yuanzhang admire Fan Zhongyun so much, so as to directly protect his descendants?

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

Return to the emperor and restore the surname, and buy a righteous field

Fan Zhongyan lost his father at an early age, and his mother remarried to the Changshan Zhu clan, so he changed his name to Zhu Said. Until the hard reading and the first, the official Wen Linlang and Ren Jiqingjun Jiedu pushed the official, he asked the imperial court for permission to restore Fan Zhongyan's name. However, because he and his mother were cared for by the Zhu family in their early years, Fan Zhongyan has always taken good care of the Zhu family. The surname Zhu is also Zhu Yuanzhang's surname, so Zhu Yuanzhang believes that he and Fan Zhongyan are both "Zhu family", which is one.

Fan Zhong, who was in a high position, was very rich and accumulated a large amount of family property, but he himself was very thrifty and thrifty. It is clearly written in the Book of Yitian that he "gave well in his life, chose his relatives and was poor, neglected and sage, and salty charity." At the same time, Fan Zhongyan knew that he was very concerned about the family ancestral hall, so he set up a righteous field.

Fan Zhongyan purchased thousands of acres of good land and donated it to the Fan Clan Ancestral Hall, as long as it is a Fan Clan member, they can benefit from Yi tian, and the annual income of Yi Tian is enjoyed by the descendants of the Fan Clan. In order to make the implementation of Yitian better, Fan Zhongyan personally formulated the Yitian Norms, stipulating that anyone, including the person in charge of Yizhuang, should be "judged by the officials". The People of the Fan Clan strictly complied with Fan Zhongyan's requirements, and Yitian passed them down from generation to generation.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

And Zhu Yuanzhang was born in the grassroots, even if he later became the emperor of Pingding the world, he could not change his peasant origin, and he had the most simple feelings for the field. Perhaps compared with being an emperor, who had to deal with government affairs every day, Zhu Yuanzhang was more inclined to live between the fields, to be a simple farmer, and to live a life of sunrise and sunset. Therefore, for the Yitian set up by Fan Zhongyan, Zhu Yuanzhang had a natural good feeling. Perhaps he also thought about how much of a blessing there was such a "righteous field" after the chaotic world.

At the same time, Fan Zhongyan and Zhu Yuanzhang also have a very similar point, Fan Zhongyan set up Yitian, reflecting the importance he attaches to clan relatives. And Zhu Yuanzhang is also a person who attaches great importance to the feelings of his relatives, during his reign, his sons and nephews betrayed him, and Zhu Yuanzhang only imprisoned the sons and nephews. Treat the rest of the descendants with more care. Therefore, for Fan Wencong, who is Fan Zhongyun's descendant, he also has emotional preferential treatment, and it is not difficult to understand that he takes care of him, which is the second.

Stabilize national strength and leave no hidden dangers

As emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang pardoned Fan Wencong, as well as his political considerations. Fan Zhongyan was a well-known Confucian in later generations, very highly respected, he was a politician, military and literary scholar in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, with outstanding political achievements and outstanding literary achievements. "Before the world is worried and worried, after the world is happy and happy" shows Fan Zhongyan's benevolent thought, which is widely circulated and has a far-reaching impact on future generations.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times

At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the people's hearts were unstable, and if the world knew that Zhu Yuanzhang killed Fan Zhongyun's descendants, it would cause great hidden dangers of public opinion, and Zhu Yuanzhang would also face the pressure of public opinion from the common people, which was extremely unfavorable to the country ruled by Zhu Yuanzhang at that time. Although Zhu Yuanzhang killed many Wencheng martial generals, in the hearts of the common people at that time, especially in the hearts of the world's readers, the influence of these people was not as great as that of Fan Zhongyan's descendants.

Second, for Zhu Yuanzhang, those founding heroes, especially military generals, were a threat to Zhu Yuanzhang's rule. Fan Wencong, on the other hand, was a civil official, with a straight personality, no twists and turns, no city government, and no threat to Zhu Yuanzhang. Even if Zhu Yuanzhang was very angry because of Fan Wencong's confrontation at that time, it was only a momentary anger. Weighing the pros and cons, leaving Fan Wencong's life, giving his descendants a gold medal to avoid death, and leaving a good story, it is more conducive to Zhu Yuanzhang's unification of the people's hearts, the people's aspirations, and more conducive to his rule.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked "death row prisoner", what is your last name? After the death row prisoner answered, he was "spared death" 5 times


Zhu Yuanzhang pardoned Fan Wencong, tracing the cause, there are many accidents, but also a certain inevitability. In private, Zhu Yuanzhang has great affection, he admires Fan Zhongyun, he values the family ancestral hall, he is willing to empathize with Fan Wencong; Yu Gong, Zhu Yuanzhang, as an emperor, he needs to consolidate his rights, he cares about the people's will, pardon Fan Wencong, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, such a choice is not unexpected.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang killed, he ended the chaotic world, returned the peace of the world, and gave the people a stable life. During his reign, he severely punished corrupt officials and corrupt officials, vigorously promoted water conservancy, reduced taxes, and paid close attention to education, so that social production was gradually restored and developed, and social progress was promoted.

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