
Which country lost the worst in World War II? Not Japan, where men died in battle and women were all over the streets

War has always been a cruel thing, and under normal circumstances, no country is willing to start a war lightly. But there are always some extremists who, for personal gain, drag the country into the quagmire of war. And in human history, the largest battle was the Second World War. During World War II, not only did the number of participants refresh their previous achievements, but the United States also developed a weapon of great lethality - nuclear weapons.

Which country lost the worst in World War II? Not Japan, where men died in battle and women were all over the streets

So which country lost the most during World War II? Many people think that stealing chicken is not a Japanese rice. First, it ate two American atomic bombs during World War II, and after the defeat, it became the target of public criticism, and the island was also supervised by the United States. But compared to Japan, its ally Germany seems to be more miserable. As we all know, the Russians are known as the fighting people, but the Germans in Germany are also extremely strong. They participated in two world wars, each time being the initiator of the war.

Which country lost the worst in World War II? Not Japan, where men died in battle and women were all over the streets

After World War I, France suppressed Germany strongly, but Germany rose strongly under this pressure. Before World War II, after two four-year plans, Germany's rapid development, the economy basically recovered, the agricultural sector developed rapidly, the manufacturing output ranked first in Europe, and the military production increased by as much as 7 times compared with before. However, due to the impact of the economic crisis, Germany has experienced a decline in all aspects. In this case, Hitler and his Nazi Party came to power.

Which country lost the worst in World War II? Not Japan, where men died in battle and women were all over the streets

In order to pass on the adverse effects of the economic crisis, they called on the German people to go to war, in an attempt to divert the internal crisis through external contradictions. The patriotic fervor of the German people was ignited, and 13 million people were mobilized to join the army. Hitler tried to achieve short-term military success through blitzkrieg, but the effect was not obvious. Later, the countries of the world formed anti-fascist alliances, and Germany began to retreat. When Hitler realized that the war might be lost, he desperatedly formulated a "scorched earth policy".

Which country lost the worst in World War II? Not Japan, where men died in battle and women were all over the streets

Therefore, after the defeat of Germany, not only was the homeland in ruins, but all walks of life were fragmented. Since most of the young and middle-aged men died on the battlefield, the proportion of men and women in Germany is seriously imbalanced. In the broken streets, all you can see is the figure of a woman. In this case, German women took on the burden of society and began to rebuild their homes. So at that time, there were women in all walks of life.

Which country lost the worst in World War II? Not Japan, where men died in battle and women were all over the streets

But the tenacious Germans survived the most difficult moments, and later, with the help of the Marshall Plan, Germany once again recovered economically and became a developed country in Europe. However, what worries the German government is that after entering the 21st century, the birth rate of the German population has continued to decline, and the aging of the population has continued to increase. This should also be a negative impact of World War II!

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