
In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

Maternal love is the greatest blood kinship in the world and an eternal theme of human praise. But in the years of the revolutionary war, many soldiers had to give up their descendants for the sake of revolution, and the touching stories of those who gave up their small homes for everyone were staged almost every day.

Wu Hao (former deputy secretary of the Henan Provincial CPC Committee and deputy director of the Fifth Machine Department) and Zhang Ming (female Red Army, retired cadre of the Fifth Machine Department) and his wife were both from Anhui, who joined the revolution in their early years and had been doing local work in the Dabie Mountains. During the 1946 Central Plains Breakout, they had no choice but to foster their two-year-old daughter in the home of a guerrilla leader, but they did not expect that this difference would be 40 years.

In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

01 Central Plains Breakout Pain Loves Daughter

On June 19, 1946, the Kuomintang reactionaries brazenly tore up the armistice agreement, and 300,000 troops surrounded our Central Plains Military Region in a vain attempt to completely annihilate the Central Plains troops. Chairman Mao of the CPC Central Committee instructed that the three units of the Central Plains troops, Li Xiannian and Zheng Wei, should immediately organize a breakthrough with the basic action goal of "survival first and victory first."

On June 25, the Fifth Division (the number of the Central Plains Force) and 30,000 local organs broke through westward from Xinyang, Luoshan, Guangshan, and Xinxian in two routes.

The Central Plains Breakthrough was the first major battle of the Liberation War, which was related to the survival of the Central Plains troops. In order to ensure the smooth breakthrough of the main force, all non-combat personnel (wounded and sick, women and children) were immediately evacuated and hidden.

The military orders are like mountains, and the evacuation is proceeding quietly and quickly. Wu Hao, then secretary of the prefectural party committee, immediately decided with his wife Zhang Ming on the arrangement of 3 children:

The 7-year-old eldest daughter was sent to Anhui for foster care, the son went with her parents, and the 2-year-old daughter was fostered in the home of Ju Zongcai, a guerrilla leader in Jingfu County (present-day Xinxian County, Henan).

On this day, Zhang Minggang sent away his eldest daughter and hurried to pack his younger daughter. The little daughter who had just been able to speak smiled innocently and said, "Wear a flower dress, it's the New Year." ”

Zhang Ming's tears poured out at once, and the poor child knew that she was leaving her parents! Zhang Ming loves his well-behaved little daughter the most, and people say that the two women look the most alike, the child is too young, and it is not necessary to suffer much grievance without leaving the parents, but in order to ensure the breakthrough of the main force of the troops, it is necessary to do so.

Wu Hao handed a letter to the guard, Lin Yuhai, and told him to give the letter and the child to the guerrilla leader Ju Zongcai. Lin Yuhai was about to leave with the child on his back, and Zhang Mingyi grasped his daughter's small hand: "Ermaoni, good child, when the new year comes to pick you up, obedient..."

Wu Hao kissed his daughter's face and told Xiaolin to hurry up after dark. Mr. and Mrs. Wu Hao have been watching their daughter disappear into the dark mountain forest.

On the way to the march, Wu Hao comforted his wife and took his daughter back as soon as the situation improved. Who knew that when the Central Plains broke through, it became Yong Ti, and Wu Hao never saw his daughter Ermaoni again.

In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

02 Three times looking for a woman found nothing

According to the statistics of the civil affairs department, there were 100 children under the age of 10 at the time of the Central Plains breakthrough. After liberation, some were taken home by their parents, some died of illness in the local area, and some are still missing.

The smoke of war dissipated in the clarion call of victory. After the founding of New China, Wu Hao served as the secretary of the Xinyang Prefectural Party Committee, and the couple took the eldest daughter from Anhui and went to Xinxian to find the younger daughter.

In 1950 and 1951, they went to the local area three times to look for their young daughter, but they could not find it: the messenger, adopter and all the informants could not be found, and the only thing they heard was the news that Ermaoni had died of illness before he was 3 years old.

Zhang Ming did not want to believe that her little daughter was gone, she was in pain, and she always felt that Ermaoni was still alive in the world, and maybe one day she would reappear in front of her.

Wu Hao and his wife searched for their own daughter to no avail, but there was an unexpected gain: they found a son left by a comrade-in-arms, and the comrade-in-arms and his wife had died. Since then, the Wu family has had another son, and Mr. and Mrs. Wu Hao treat him like their own sons, providing him with school until he graduated from college.

Mr. and Mrs. Wu Hao love their children very much, and whenever there is a New Year, there is always an extra pair of dishes and chopsticks on the table, and the parents tell the children that there is a sister who was lost in the war, and this pair of dishes and chopsticks is left for her.

The younger child just nodded and listened, and only the eldest daughter and eldest son vaguely remembered Ermaoni's appearance.

In September 1974, before Wu Hao died of illness in Beijing, he said to his wife: "Zhang Ming, I have always thought of Ermaoni, the poor child is our own flesh and blood, find a way to find it again..." Wu Hao passed away with lifelong regrets.

In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

03 Unswerving, finally fulfill your wish

With the sound of swallows, winter has gone for another year. Dabie Mountain is full of rhododendrons every year, and every year they do not see their relatives return.

In 1984, the elderly Zhang Ming, who was more than a year old, once again came to Xinxian County, Henan Province, and found Comrade Liu Mingbang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, who had persisted in the revolutionary struggle in Dabie Mountain, and explained his wish.

Elder Liu understood Zhang Ming's mood very well, and called the old guerrillas and underground traffic officers to let them recall the situation and provide clues.

Kung Fu pays off. After many searches, I finally found out that someone had seen Ju Zongcai's adopted daughter in Suhe Township. Therefore, Zhang Ming and the comrades of the county civil affairs bureau rushed to Suhe Township together, who knew that the clue was broken again, decades have passed, and almost no one who knows about this matter is gone.

Elder Zhang Ming was desperate, sighed and said, "I have been looking for almost 40 years, and I have fulfilled my parents' wishes." ”

Just as Zhang Ming was preparing to get on the bus to return to the county town, a white-haired old lady hurried to come with a pair of small feet, and her dry hands took Zhang Ming's hand and repeatedly said in the local dialect: "Survival first..."

People didn't understand what she was talking about, Zhang Ming suddenly remembered that this was the code of the Central Plains breakthrough that year, and immediately picked it up: "Victory first." ”

The old lady said in a loud voice, "Comrade, I know, I know." Then he took Zhang Ming's hand and told her daughter's whereabouts.

In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

A few days later, at the Xinxian Guest House, Zhang Ming met a middle-aged peasant woman named Jin Weiying.

History often changes in a flash, and the sudden change of moments depicts the true story of this tragic and joyful clutch.

It turned out that in June 1946, during the Central Plains Breakthrough, Wu Hao and his wife fostered their 2-year-old young daughter Ermaoni in the family of Ju Zongcai, the guerrilla leader of the Kafang guerrilla, and his wife Chen Shi said that she was an adopted daughter.

After the main force left Dabie Mountain, Ju Zongcai rebelled and sold Chen and Ermaoni to a gentleman surnamed Jin in Suhe Town, and the Jin family named their adopted daughter Jin Weiying.

Jin Weiying's name is adopted daughter, but she is actually a servant, who washes and cooks at a young age, chops wood and grows vegetables, and is tortured to the end.

One day, Mr. Jin and Ju Zongcai were drinking in a small restaurant in Suhe Town and whispered in secret: "This adopted daughter is the root of the cadres of the Fifth Division of the Communist Party, and we must keep her, and when the Communist Party comes, it will be good for us, and when the Kuomintang comes... Never say it. ”

Who knows the secret conversation between the two, but it is all heard by the boss lady with a heart, the boss lady is the underground traffic officer left by the Central Plains breakthrough, and she has buried this secret in her heart. Whenever she saw Jin Weiying's thin figure, she always said "poor child", but did not dare to show a little wind.

It was not until 1984 that she saw Zhang Ming come to Suhe to find her daughter that she said everything about that year.

In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

04 The year of life Mother and daughter recognize each other

After the 2-year-old Ermaoni left her biological parents, she went through several tosses and turns in a harsh environment, suffered from fright, and almost died of illness. She was like a helpless little grass, blowing in the bitter wind and rain.

Since she was a child, she had been herding cattle and mowing grass by the graves of the Red Army in the mountains, but she did not know that she was also the root of the Red Army; she was grinding her face in the broken house where the slogan of the Red Army was left, but she did not know that this was the belief left by her father.

Weak children live in the remote mountain villages, marrying and having children. When people reach middle age, they are like local peasant women, and until they are 40 years old, they do not know that they are not the daughters of the Jin family.

Perhaps this reunion came too suddenly, but the mother and daughter's recognition after 38 years was not great joy and sorrow, and seemed as calm as when they were separated.

The mother looked up and down at Jin Weiying, who was only 1 meter 42 tall, for fear of admitting mistakes. Jin Weiying looked at the female chief who looked very similar to himself and did not know what to say.

After medical testing, the results proved that Jin Weiying was the biological daughter ermaoni of Wu Hao and his wife who were lost during the central plains breakthrough.

The mother and daughter had a long conversation for 3 days and 3 nights, crying for a while and talking for a while, until the 4th day, Jin Weiying timidly whispered "Mom". Zhang Ming dragged his daughter to the photo studio for a photo, which was the only group photo of the mother and daughter in this life.

Zhang Ming returned to Beijing full of joy in finding his daughter, rushed to the Babaoshan Martyrs' Cemetery, and comforted her husband under the Nine Springs: her own daughter had finally been found.

After that, Zhang Ming quietly made preparations to take Jin Weiying to Beijing and let his daughter, who grew up in suffering, feel more maternal love and affection.

Unexpectedly, a year later, 41-year-old Jin Weiying suddenly fell ill and died. Her tombstone is inscribed with two names: "Jin Weiying and Wu Zhangsheng".

Thousands of rivers enter the sea, thousands of waters return to the river, and Jin Weiying finally integrates into the warm embrace of his parents. Although the time she and her mother spent together was very short, fortunately, she was able to recognize her mother and daughter in her lifetime, and she did not leave too many regrets.

In the 1946 Central Plains Breakthrough, the old Red Army gave up its beloved daughter and finally got together after 40 years!

Zhang Ming and Jin Weiying mother and daughter group photo data map

Write at the end:

During the war years, there were many descendants of the Red Army who were scattered among the people like Jin Weiying, and they were scattered on the vast land like red seeds and grew up in the arms of the people.

Although the story of Wu Hao, Zhang Ming and their lost daughter has become history, each of us should not forget this history; when we look back at that time, our hearts are not only revered and moved, but also unswerving faith and immortal true feelings.

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