
How countries quickly recovered their populations after World War II, Germany was strange, the Soviet Union was direct, and Japan was brutal!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

The war of the Second World War ranged from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific, and 61 countries and regions and more than 2 billion people were involved in the war, and the military and civilian casualties in the war were more than 90 million people, which was the largest world war in human history. After the end of World War II, all countries in the world began post-war reconstruction work and economic development, and the most crucial thing is to restore the population first, because population is the primary productive force. Although countries face the same problems, the approaches taken vary.

How countries quickly recovered their populations after World War II, Germany was strange, the Soviet Union was direct, and Japan was brutal!

According to statistics, a total of 26.6 million people died in the Soviet Union during World War II, most of them were men, and the population decreased from 180 million before World War II to 153 million. In order to restore the population as soon as possible, the Soviet Union tacitly agreed that 16-year-old Soviet girls could legally marry. To this end, a series of welfare benefits have been developed, everyone can apply for a job, and there is free medical treatment when sick. The Heroic Mother Medal is awarded to women who have more than 10 children. Women received both material and spiritual support, and in just 10 years the Soviet population returned to normal levels.

How countries quickly recovered their populations after World War II, Germany was strange, the Soviet Union was direct, and Japan was brutal!

Germany lost 7 million adult men in World War II, and it can be said that the entire German male labor force was almost lost, and German women could not find a partner if they wanted to get married. After the war, Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany, and East Germany recovered its population in the same way as in the Soviet Union. West Germany was more bizarre, with a new policy: a man could take two wives. Later, laborers were recruited from Italy, Greece, Turkey and other places to make up for the lack of a male population in Germany. Among them, many single working people marry German women.

How countries quickly recovered their populations after World War II, Germany was strange, the Soviet Union was direct, and Japan was brutal!

After World War II, according to Japan's own statistics, the number of Japanese casualties plus civilian deaths due to two atomic bombs totaled 2.7 million. In order to quickly restore the domestic population to pre-war levels, the Japanese government began to encourage women to marry early and have children early, stipulating that women should get married and have children at the age of 13, and after pregnancy, they must go to the government to register, can not miscarry, and women are completely reduced to reproductive tools. The Japanese government also encourages every couple to have more than five children. After the end of World War II, the U.S. military sent troops to Japan, and the Japanese government also provided nearly 70,000 comfort women for the U.S. military in Japan, which also led to a rapid increase in Japan's population during that period, with 60% of mixed-race people.

The rest of the major participating countries, Britain, the United States, France, Italy and other countries have lost an average of less than 500,000 people in population, accounting for a small proportion of the total population, and there is no need to adopt a policy of restoring the population.

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