
He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of New China in 1959, a very famous anti-Japanese color film feature film "Muslim Detachment" was grandly released throughout the country, causing a sensation.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

After dinner on this day, in the production team of The GuoJiawu Farm in Yonghe Village (formerly known as Fengyu Township, Beisheng District) in Yong'an Town, Liuyang, Hunan Province, it was even more crowded, and it was crowded by the masses who came to see the movie.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

This is based on the real events that occurred in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in North China, and successfully reproduced the image of the Hui hero Commander Ma Benzhai on the screen. In 1938, when the Japanese and Kosovars ravaged the land of China and the Jizhong Plain was full of smoke, Ma Benzhai, who had been the commander of the Northeast Army, resolutely raised the banner of anti-Japanese resistance and led the villagers to establish the Huimin Anti-Japanese Volunteer Brigade.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

However, in a vicious battle with the elite troops of the Japanese army, due to tactical misconduct, the Huimin Anti-Japanese Volunteer Brigade suffered heavy losses, at this time, it encountered the strong support of Guo Lushun, the commander of the Eighth Route Army, and finally turned defeat into victory. Later, the commander of this Regiment was sent by his superiors to serve as the political commissar of the Huimin detachment, and he went all out to re-elect this contingent, conducted arduous and systematic military training for the contingent, greatly improved the military quality of the commanders and fighters, and became a main anti-Japanese field unit on the Central Hebei Plain under the leadership of the party.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

Through his personality and charm, Guo Lushun's words and deeds have deeply influenced commander Ma Benzhai, and gradually grew into an excellent commander of the Eighth Route Army and gloriously joined the party, he led the Huimin detachment to grow into a revolutionary army in the middle of the mighty Earthquake and Jizhong Plains in the battle, with the reputation of "an iron army that is invincible, indestructible, invincible, and dragged out".

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

In April 1942, Guo Lushun and Ma Benzai moved with the headquarters to the Jiaohe area, and the Japanese army gathered 50,000 heavy troops and carried out an unprecedented "sweep" of Jizhong under the personal command of the enemy chieftain Okamura Ningji. At this time, the Japanese puppet army had gathered thousands of enemies at various major points and lines to attack Chen Zhuang, and Guo Lushun decided to personally go to Chen Zhuang to direct the battle. Commander Ma Benzhai advised him not to go, and Guo Lushun smiled and said, "These devils have good weapons, and the fat meat sent to the door cannot be let him run away." ”

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

After Arriving at Chen Zhuang, Commissar Guo Lushun learned the details, he rushed to the back of a mound in the front and used a telescope to observe the enemy's situation. At that time, the gunfire was rushing, and the guards and commissioners, considering his safety, urged him to hurry down. Guo Lushun said solemnly: "Anti-Japanese resistance is the first, personal safety is the second!" As soon as the words fell out, a bullet hit him in the head.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

When Ma Benzhai learned the news, he quickly rushed to see that the political commissar who lived and died with him was dying, and then he was honorably sacrificed, and this man who never shed tears actually cried bitterly: "Comrade Lu Shun is our good political commissar, and he has made great contributions to the Huimin detachment!" He is the man I respect the most! ”

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

When the film was placed here, the audience was moved to tears by the heroic deeds of the commissar Guo in the movie. At this time, an elderly man found out that the Commissar Guo in the movie was shunzi from his own family. Later, through the re-finding of Guo Lushun's wife Han Qimin's memoir "When He Was Young", I learned that Guo Lushun, the political commissar, was indeed Guo Lushun who came out of the village.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

In 1929, after Guo Lushun left his hometown to join the Red Army, he never returned to his hometown, because of the war, he was afraid that his family could not communicate, so his family did not know much about his situation in the revolutionary ranks. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some of the neighboring townships and towns joined the Red Army and became cadres who returned to their hometowns as high-ranking officials, and some of them returned to their hometowns one after another, but there was no news of their own Lushun, and their families have been looking for them. Through the movie, it is known that Guo Lushun had already died in the 1942 War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and at this moment, he had left the hot land of his hometown for 30 years.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

Guo Lushun, whose maiden name was Shunzi, was born in 1914 to a poor peasant family in Guojiawuchang, Beisheng District, Liuyang County, Hunan Province. He was the youngest of the 6 brothers. At the age of 13, he joined the local peasant association organization, later joined the party, and served as the secretary of the 20th District of Liuyang County, and then joined the Xiang'egan Red Army detachment and was incorporated into the Red Fifth Army, and later into the Red Sixth Army. In the Red Army, he successively served as a division commander, a communication number, a squad leader, a platoon leader, a company instructor, and a battalion political commissar, and then moved to the revolutionary base areas of Xiang'egan, Xiang'exi, and Xiang'echuanqian.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

After the victory of the Long March, Chinese people began an all-out war of resistance, the Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, and Guo Lushun's Second Front Army was reorganized into the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army. After the team headed to Jizhong, the Jizhong Plain is located in the lower reaches of the three major river systems in Hebei, surrounded by large and medium-sized cities such as Ping, Tianjin, Bao, and Shi, and four major railways such as Jinpu and Pinghan, and the strategic position is very important.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

At that time, the national hero Ma Benzhai raised the banner of anti-Japanese resistance and pulled up a Huimin anti-Japanese armed force, and the Central Military Commission decided to dispatch a group of old Red Army cadres to supplement the various combat units in Hebei as political commissars, and Guo Lushun was appointed as the political commissar of the Huimin detachment.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

The news that Guo Lushun had gone to the Muslim detachment as a political commissar was soon discovered by Yamamoto, the commander of the Japanese army in Hejian . Yamamoto held a meeting overnight to arrange the deployment of the attack on the Huimin detachment, with the purpose of borrowing Guo Lushun to arrive at the Huimin detachment, gaining an unstable foothold and giving him a dismount. Therefore, he sent Captain Harada to lead his men and horses and a puppet army to raid the Huimin detachment.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

At this time, Guo Lushun decided to ambush the enemy at the edge of the reed pond in LiCun through studying the battle plan, and when Harada led the men and horses into the ambush circle, the gunfire suddenly rang out, and the enemy drilled into the reed pond, but he did not expect that the gunfire in the reed pond was more urgent. Harada walked at the end of the line, heard the gunshots and turned around and ran to Li Village, but before he could enter the village, he was killed by the Huimin detachment. Yamamoto sent more than 100 people, some were killed, some were taken prisoner, Yamamoto planned to Give Guo Lushun a good chance to win. Ma Benzhai said, "Commissar Guo, how blessed are you!" Guo Lushun smiled and said, "I have to thank Yamamoto so much!" ”

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

Subsequently, under the leadership of Ma Benzhai, Guo Lushun, and other outstanding commanders, this contingent galloped on the North China Plain, fought ambushes, attacked strongholds, fought bravely and well, and repeatedly dealt heavy blows to the Japanese puppet army and shocked the enemy's guts. In the summer of 1941 alone, he besieged Jinghe, attacked Huaizhen, and attacked Dacheng, fighting 27 consecutive battles and annihilating more than 500 enemy troops. Yamamoto, the wing commander of the Japanese army stationed in the river, was confused for a moment, and had no choice but to order the strongholds to "not be allowed to leave the guard tower under a hundred people."

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

When encountering a fierce danger, the Huimin detachment fought with the enemy with wit and courage, and in the end it was always able to turn the danger into a disaster and turn the crisis into safety, and was praised as "an iron army that cannot be defeated, dragged on, and invincible", "a Huimin detachment that has won every battle and won every battle", "not only the banner of the party uniting the Huimin to resist Japan, but also the banner of huihan unity and resistance against Japan", and the team has grown to more than 2,000 people, becoming a famous anti-Japanese brigade in Jizhong.

He was a famous anti-Japanese hero, and his old family watched movies and realized that the political commissar of this anti-Japanese brigade was his own family

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to commemorate the heroes of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the North China Military Region established a martyrs' cemetery in Shijiazhuang, where the martyr Guo Lushun was buried and buried in the cangsong cypress together with his close comrade-in-arms, ma Benzhai, who later died of illness.

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