
Jiang Ying: Married to gan brother Qian Xuesen, the achievement of student Li Shuangjiang, how she lived into a generation of legends!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

Behind a successful man there is a great woman, what we want to introduce today is a great woman who stands behind four successful men, her father is Jiang Baili, her husband is Qian Xuesen, her cousin is Xu Zhimo, her cousin is Jin Yong, her life is destined to be extraordinary, she is Jiang Ying.

Jiang Ying was born in 1919, she is a native of Haining, Zhejiang, and her father is the famous military figure Jiang Baili. The Jiang family and the Qian family are family friends, Jiang Baili has five daughters, Qian Junfu only has one son, so the three-year-old Jiang Ying passed on to the Qian family and changed his name to "Qian Xueying", but it was not long before Jiang Baili and his wife began to miss their daughters, Jiang Ying and Qian Xuesen were 12 years old, and they felt very lonely and often cried when they could not play together, and finally Jiang Ying returned to his home, but Qian Xuesen's mother put forward a new request: "You old third, when you grow up, I am my daughter, and I will have to be my daughter-in-law in the future." ”

Jiang Ying: Married to gan brother Qian Xuesen, the achievement of student Li Shuangjiang, how she lived into a generation of legends!

Since then, Qian Xuesen has become Jiang Ying's "dry brother". After growing up, Qian Xuesen went to the United States to study, and Jiang Ying also went to study at the Berlin University of Music in Germany, and the two broke off contact. In 1946, Jiang Ying returned to his motherland after finishing his studies. On May 31, 1947, she held a solo concert at the Lyceum Theatre in Shanghai, which caused a sensation throughout Shanghai. It was also this year that Jiang Ying met Qian Xuesen, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States who also returned from school.

Jiang Ying: Married to gan brother Qian Xuesen, the achievement of student Li Shuangjiang, how she lived into a generation of legends!

Qian Xuesen always had affection for Jiang Ying, and Jiang Ying also refused the suitor, and finally Qian Xuesen confessed to her, and the two became acquainted. Soon after, the two married, and Jiang Ying pushed off the performance opportunity for her husband and went to the United States to settle down together. Qian Xuesen often joked to visiting friends: "Jiang Ying is my family's child daughter-in-law. ”

Jiang Ying: Married to gan brother Qian Xuesen, the achievement of student Li Shuangjiang, how she lived into a generation of legends!

Later, after the founding of New China, Qian Xuesen decided to return to China, and during the five years of being detained by the United States, the two suffered together, Qian Xuesen played the bamboo flute, Jiang Ying played the guitar, and the two used music together to relieve their inner loneliness and boredom.

Jiang Ying: Married to gan brother Qian Xuesen, the achievement of student Li Shuangjiang, how she lived into a generation of legends!

After returning to China after many twists and turns, the two gathered less and more, Jiang Ying was assigned to the Central Experimental Opera House as a soloist and vocal music instructor, and Qian Xuesen's work was also carried out in secret. Her husband was busy with work, Jiang Ying slowly gave up performing on stage, while taking care of the family while cultivating the next generation of singers, Zhang Aaron, Zhu Ailan, Jiang Yong, Li Shuangjiang, etc. are her proud protégés.

Jiang Ying: Married to gan brother Qian Xuesen, the achievement of student Li Shuangjiang, how she lived into a generation of legends!

On February 5, 2012, Jiang Ying died of illness at the age of 92.

Such a legendary woman did not hide her light by birth, and her career love was successful. Most people may not be able to live as legends, but at the very least, we can live as ourselves.

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