
The Soviet Union once built 800,000 beautiful female troops, which were not inferior to male soldiers, but after being captured, they suffered a miserable fate!

In June 1941, Germany launched the "Barbarossa" project, directly invading the Soviet Union, and the Soviet-German war broke out in an instant. At the beginning of the war, the German army used lightning tactics to drive straight into the territory of the Soviet Union, almost swept through most of the Eastern European plains, the unsuspecting Soviet army was defeated and retreated, only six months lost most of its troops, for a time the whole country was in a panic, and the atmosphere of terror of imminent subjugation shrouded the sky.

Defending the family and defending the country is everyone's responsibility

According to European tradition, women are generally not allowed to go to war, and even if they join the military, women are engaged in some civilian work. However, at this time and another time, the Soviet reserve was in large shortages, and the densely populated areas in the west were occupied by the German army, and it was impossible to recruit troops. In a hurry, Stalin issued a call to take off the "Braj" and put on the Red Army uniform, and ordered the conscription of female soldiers, taking up arms, and defending the country together.

The Soviet Union once built 800,000 beautiful female troops, which were not inferior to male soldiers, but after being captured, they suffered a miserable fate!

Thus, at the call of the state, a large number of Soviet girls began to actively sign up for the army, and because the regulations were that young people without children must participate in the war, they were all eighteen to twenty-five girls. Eventually, about half a million young and beautiful girls were incorporated into the ranks of the troops. Later, that number rose to eight hundred thousand.

Unlike other countries in the world, in addition to engaging in logistics such as medical care and communications, Soviet women soldiers also took on more dangerous tasks, many of whom were pilots, snipers, tankers or machine gunners, etc., after a short period of training, directly sent to the most fierce front line to participate in combat, which was unique in previous history, which shows the severity of the war situation at that time.

Of course, the performance of Soviet female fighters in the war was not inferior to that of men, and in many important battles, they made many achievements, such as the famous Stalin Defense War, the Battle of Berlin and so on. Her heroic and tenacious female image inspired the confidence of the Soviet people to resist the invaders, and a large number of brave and warlike female combat heroes emerged.

The Soviet Union once built 800,000 beautiful female troops, which were not inferior to male soldiers, but after being captured, they suffered a miserable fate!

For example, Zoya, who is more familiar to everyone, Lilia, the ace female pilot, Oktyabryskaya, who avenges her husband and destroys her family and wants to build tanks to participate in the war, and so on. One of the female combat heroes was based on the story of a female combat hero who was brought to the screen a few years earlier, and she was Lyudmila Parivchenko.

The most dangerous woman on earth

Born in southern Ukraine, Lyudmila was born in 1916 to a family of officers, the son of a school teacher and the son of a major officer in the Red Army. Perhaps inheriting her father's military genes, Lyudmila especially liked to participate in military-themed youth activities such as shooting and flying when she was young, and the experience accumulated invisibly, as well as her outstanding shooting talent, seemed to lay the foundation for her to become a sniper.

When Lyudmila signed up for the army, she refused to be assigned to logistics. With her skilled rifle skills, she won the trust of the recruiting officers and eventually became a female scout. Just two months after joining the army, in the Odessa region next to the Black Sea, Lyudmila took part in the battle on the front line for the first time and has been out of control ever since.

The Soviet Union once built 800,000 beautiful female troops, which were not inferior to male soldiers, but after being captured, they suffered a miserable fate!

In a battle in the village of Bayaevka, the fledgling Lyudmila was lying on the position, not wanting to pull the trigger, but seeing his comrades around him, he was hit by the enemy and fell to the ground. Finally enraged, she aimed at the Germans who were rushing in front and began to shoot, killing multiple enemies in succession and letting her superiors see her strength, and soon after, Lyudmila was officially promoted to a sniper.

With the accumulation of her own actual combat experience, Lyudmila began to be dissatisfied with only shooting enemy infantry, and slowly began to "take care" of enemy officers, or machine gunners, artillery observers, these high-value tactical targets. In the Odessa region alone, Lyudmila, with her superb shooting skills, killed a total of one hundred and eighty-seven German generals, including some German snipers who heard the daimyo and came to the front to challenge.

Despite the continuous bloody struggle, the Soviet Red Army at the beginning of the war was still unable to resist, and the troops could not be replenished by living forces. Lyudmila retreated with her troops to the fortress of Sevastopol, a barrier stronghold that was unusually fortified to withstand the attack of German armored groups and limit the enemy's equipment superiority.

The Soviet Union once built 800,000 beautiful female troops, which were not inferior to male soldiers, but after being captured, they suffered a miserable fate!

This brutal offensive and defensive battle lasted for eight months, and it was also the most glorious part of Lyudmila's career, shooting a staggering 309 German troops, including about 100 enemy snipers who came to challenge. Although the Germans have been clamoring: "Kill Lyudmila", they have failed.

A month before the Sevastopol Fortress Line was occupied by the Germans, Lyudmila was unfortunately attacked by German artillery fire during a battle, was seriously wounded, and finally withdrew from the front line. Because of the propaganda needs of the Soviet military, she was used as a heroine to resist aggression, to encourage more Soviet people to defend their homeland, and even issued stamps in her image, and Lyudmila never returned to the front.

In 1943, Lyudmila was awarded the highest honor of the former Soviet Union, the "Order of the Gold Star" and the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union", and later became a rear admiral of the Soviet Navy, until October 1974, when she died of illness, Lyudmila ended her legendary life.

The tragic fate of captured Soviet female soldiers

Usually, as long as you put on the uniform, your identity is a soldier, like Lyudmila, you can start and end well, which can be said to be extremely lucky. Because once captured by the enemy army, especially female soldiers, their fate is very tragic.

The Soviet Union once built 800,000 beautiful female troops, which were not inferior to male soldiers, but after being captured, they suffered a miserable fate!

According to statistics, during the Soviet-German war, Soviet women soldiers also suffered huge losses, about 400,000 people sacrificed for the country, and the death rate of those Soviet women who were captured by the German army reached 100%.

In prison, Soviet women soldiers became the target of the anger of German soldiers, and all kinds of torture methods were various, including rape, dunging, and other inhumane acts. If they are still alive after experiencing inhuman torture, the Germans will not release them, and finally drag them out to dig a pit and bury them alive.

Perhaps because the German army was too brutal to the Soviet women soldiers, in the later stages of the war, after the Soviet army captured Berlin, it is said that Stalin and other high-level officials did not stop it, the Soviet army also retaliated against the entire German women, it is said that the number of women who were hurt was as high as two million, it is really a heavenly reincarnation, a report and a report.

As the saying goes: "The skin does not exist, the hair is attached." The heroic deeds of the heroic Female Soldiers of the Soviet Union who did not let their eyebrows be shaved also inspired the fighting spirit and morale of the Soviet people in resisting the invaders, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they did not show any timidity, but on the contrary, they were more determined and brave to contribute their strength to the Great Patriotic War, and finally won the most brutal war in the world at the cost of blood and lives.

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