
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

author:Han tofu

When it comes to Cantonese cuisine, many people think of white cut chicken for the first time, thinking that Cantonese cuisine is a relatively light home-cooked dish, and thinking that Cantonese cuisine is not very cooked. In fact, Cantonese cuisine is far from being as simple as you think.

Cantonese cuisine is generally composed of Hakka cuisine, Cantonese cuisine and Chaoshan cuisine, which contains light dishes such as white cut chicken, white-seared shrimp, etc., and also contains more heavy flavor dishes, such as salt-baked chicken, salted fish eggplant pot and so on. To put it simply, Cantonese cuisine can be light and salty, and it is very complicated.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

I want to ask what is the lowest dish in Cantonese cuisine? Personally, I think it must be this salted fish eggplant stew.

Don't look at this home-cooked dish ordinary, it is really amazing to eat. The first time I ate this dish, I really felt so delicious, very delicious, and I ate 2-3 bowls of rice at that time, so I was very impressed.

Today, I will share this famous home-cooked dish in Guangdong to everyone, if you like it, you can collect it first, and you can try it when you have time.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

【Salted fish eggplant stew】

Ingredients: eggplant, salted fish, lean meat, green onion, garlic, ginger

Seasoning: sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, water starch

【Detailed method】

1. Prepare 2 eggplants, after cleaning, first cut the eggplant into segments and then cut into long strips, then put the cut eggplant into the water and soak it to prevent the eggplant from turning black. Prepare 3 small salted fish, wash them slightly, and then cut the salted fish into small pieces and set aside. Generally, if you do it at home, ordinary salted fish can be, and if it is made in a restaurant, it will be more fragrant with moldy salted fish.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

2. Prepare a small piece of lean pork, generally you can use the lean meat of the front leg of the pig, the lean meat of this part will be more slippery. Cut the lean meat into long strips, then cut into cubes and set aside. Now to mix the sauce, prepare a small half bowl of water, add a small spoonful of sugar, 2 spoonfuls of light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, stir them well and set aside (don't put salt). Heat the oil in the pan to 5-6% oil temperature, then pour the eggplant that has been drained in advance and fry it, be careful not to splash the oil.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

3. After the eggplant is poured in, turn on a low heat and fry, fry for about 10 minutes, fry the eggplant soft, and fish out the fried eggplant for later. Leave a little oil in the pan and pour the cut salted fish in and fry it slightly so that it will be flavored. About 30-40 seconds of low heat can be fried, be careful not to fry the paste, fried salted fish also fish out for later.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

4. Take a casserole, pour in a little peanut oil, turn on a low heat to put the onion, ginger and garlic into it and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the cut lean meat, stir-fry the pork until it changes color, and then pour the fried salted fish into it and continue to stir-fry for about 30 seconds. When the time is up, pour in the fried eggplant and then pour in the sauce.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

5. After pouring the sauce, gently flip it with chopsticks to facilitate the taste, then cover the pot, turn on the low heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes, the time is not too long, otherwise the pot may be pasted. When the time comes, open the lid, gently flip it with chopsticks, then pour a little water starch, and then sprinkle a little green onion, this delicious salted fish eggplant pot is ready. If you like it, give it a try.

Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious
Salted fish eggplant pot, Cantonese people love to eat the next meal, salty and delicious, every time it is made is delicious

I am tofu, specially to share with you detailed home-cooked recipes, Cantonese cuisine, home-cooked snacks, etc., there are deficiencies, welcome to give you more advice! If you like it, you may wish to pay attention to it.

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