
Classic poetry | The Sun of the North

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Classic poetry | The Sun of the North

The sun in the north

Text/Yang Lian

Copper sun

Each leaf is a forest of green bells

Line up in this little courtyard

Qin Shi Mingyue Han Shi Guan, the white bone wrapped around the grass roots

They all shattered into bricks and stones

The lonely palace maid who fell flowers sat alone at dusk

Still waiting for that delayed return to Yan

Fresh and burning like a drop of copper juice

Your light, through the dusty years, is knocked

Here, all who have passed the death are coming

The sound of springs and pine waves came from the ancient temple in the deep mountains

At dawn, humming a wisp of smoke at the mouth of the village

The aroma of the earth, twenty-four hyacinths

With the smallest of that seed

—Simple people everywhere—

A mouth clock stands under the blue sky

Heart, waving a long silent sharp edge

It's not an old story that can't be told in another chapter

The world of bells rings through the transparent language of the soul

A quiet movement that follows the earth

Five thousand years of wisdom unfolded towards the child in an instant

The bigger it is cast, the more exquisite it is carved

The bloodiness of the ancestors, the heavy fate

The crystallization of discordant harmony

In the tiny courtyard, the copper sun

Like a star

Outside the walls, the golden fields of March in the north

Like a dream

Yang Lian, born in Bern, Switzerland in 1955, returned to Beijing at the age of 6, a contemporary poet, [1] one of the representatives of obscure poetry, now settled in London, continuing to engage in literary creation. After graduating from high school in 1974, he joined the team in Beijing's Changping County, after which he began to write poetry and became one of the main authors of Today magazine. In 1983, Yang Lian became famous for his long poem "Norilang", and in 1988, he was selected by Chinese mainland readers as one of the "Top Ten Poets", and in the same year, he founded the "Survivor Poetry Club" in Beijing with Munk and Duoduo.

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