
Showing the creative perspective of four dimensions of time and space, Wu Xiaoyan's oil painting exhibition opened in Shenzhen

Showing the creative perspective of four dimensions of time and space, Wu Xiaoyan's oil painting exhibition opened in Shenzhen

On December 31, 2021, "Between Migration and Eternity - Wu Xiaoyan Oil Painting Exhibition" opened at Shenzhen Chao Art Museum, exhibiting 74 recent works created by Shenzhen painter Wu Xiaoyan, which is the return of Wu Xiaoyan's series of theme paintings "Migration and Eternity" after two years. The opening ceremony of the day was followed by a New Year's vintage music party. Cartoonist Zhen Qidong (alias Xiaowa) created comics on the spot, Yang Jian, a well-known musician in Shenzhen, founder of the "base area" brand and founder of the Shenzhen base area heavy locomotive club, and the artists of the club brought a wonderful New Year's Eve music performance, and rock music, Harley and art painting exhibitions stirred up wonderful sparks in the cross-Chinese New Year's Eve. Curated by scholar Han Wangxi and painter Wu Xiaoyan, with Yang Jian as the music curator, the exhibition will last until February 10, 2022.

The theme of this exhibition is "between square inches", including "between square inches", "square inches between two", "between square inches three", "Wizard of oz" and other group paintings, 32 large paintings, 42 small paintings, a total of 74 works, all of which are the latest works created by Wu Xiaoyan in the past year. The reporter saw at the scene that the three groups of works" of "One Between Square Inches", "Two Between Square Inches" and "Three Between Square Inches" are full of wonderful views of time and space, as well as the aesthetic interest of "you stand on the bridge to see the scenery, and watch the scenery people upstairs to see you". Especially when they are combined together and cover the entire wall, it is like seeing a person's life divided into fragments of time and space, which is a creative perspective in four dimensions of time and space.

Showing the creative perspective of four dimensions of time and space, Wu Xiaoyan's oil painting exhibition opened in Shenzhen

In addition to using painting to explore the sense of time and space, the narrative of Wu Xiaoyan's new works is also particularly prominent, and the works in this exhibition are full of stories and plots. Wu Xiaoyan's previous paintings have no figures, only horses, birds and plants, which is the motif of her creation. For the first time in this year's new work, there are characters, and almost all of them are backs, and they all look into the distance. "The back is a symbol of anticipation, prospect, longing, a symbol of looking back at the old days, this hazy, vague memory, everyone will have a familiar resonance." Wu Xiaoyan said that she has unconsciously entered a stage of life that looks back at her youth, and there are her memories in the paintings, and there are traces of her life.

In the view of curator Han Wangxi, compared with the 2019 "Migration and Eternity" exhibition, the 74 new works created by Wu Xiaoyan with the theme of "between square inches" this year have a stronger sense of space and narrative, and also present a transition from figurative to abstract expression style.

"What is eternity? Migration is eternal. When many people are still carefully imitating this earthly world, Xiao Yan recalls the brilliance of the quiet world in her heart with the unruly soul she has created. The painting in front of you is completely freehand and heart-written. Speaking of the main theme of the exhibition, Han Wangxi told reporters that he greatly appreciates Wu Xiaoyan's paintings, and there is a kind of power from the heart in the color and shape, "The colors of her paintings are like a torrent rushing from the heart, spewing out thin, and the voice outside the painting is like a stringless piano, like crying." Your soul must resonate with her in order to understand her every stroke and understand her every word she says. ”

(Xie Xiangnan)

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