
The "Chinese passport" of the Qing Dynasty, although the country was weak at that time, the 27 characters on the passport were quite tough

A passport is a legal document issued by a citizen of a country to prove the nationality and identity of a citizen when entering or leaving its territory and traveling or staying abroad.

The "Chinese passport" of the Qing Dynasty, although the country was weak at that time, the 27 characters on the passport were quite tough

Nowadays, with the acceleration of the pace of cosmopolitanization, the phenomenon of people going abroad is not uncommon, people travel abroad, study abroad, these need passports, so passports are integrated into people's lives.

In China, passports have a long history, dating back to the Warring States period. During the Warring States period, the princes competed for hegemony, the country was numerous, the ancients relied on "road permits", "road guides" and other documents to enter and exit various countries, these "road permits", "road guides" and other documents are passports, which record the basic information of individuals.

The "Chinese passport" of the Qing Dynasty, although the country was weak at that time, the 27 characters on the passport were quite tough

The most famous "passport" in Chinese history is the Tang monk's customs clearance document, the Tang monk went to the Western Heavens to worship the Buddha to get the scriptures, Tang Taizong in order to provide convenience for the Tang monk, he gave him a customs clearance document.

The Tang Dynasty was a powerful country in the world at that time, and there were many vassal states, and many countries gave the Tang Dynasty a little brother. Therefore, the Tang monks took the Tang Dynasty's customs clearance documents, all the way was unimpeded, and the kings of various countries knew that the Tang monks came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and they were respectful and respectful to the Tang monks, and they had great respect for them.

Datang's passport protected the Tang monks all the way west, unimpeded. The ancients' limited understanding of the world, coupled with inconvenient transportation and other factors, so the ancients rarely moved around.

Those who go on foreign missions are generally appointed by the emperor, and ordinary people basically do not go out of China. The ancients closed themselves in a circle and did not communicate with the world, and as a result gradually fell behind the world.

The "Chinese passport" of the Qing Dynasty, although the country was weak at that time, the 27 characters on the passport were quite tough

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the Western countries were ahead of the Qing Dynasty, and they began to invade the Qing Dynasty, opening the door of the Qing Dynasty with artillery.

At that time, the ancient talents took the initiative to go abroad, learn cultural knowledge from the West, send overseas students to the West to study, and people with lofty ideals in China also went to the West to learn knowledge and culture, and came back to save the Qing Dynasty after completing their studies.

Qing Dynasty people walked through the country, went to the West, went to the East, must have a passport, so what did the Qing Dynasty's passport look like? The passports of the Qing Dynasty also wrote basic personal information, who went to what time and where, there are above.

The "Chinese passport" of the Qing Dynasty, although the country was weak at that time, the 27 characters on the passport were quite tough

However, in addition to the basic personal information on the Passport of the Qing Dynasty, there are 27 words: "When holding a passport in transit, please check and release it immediately, give protection according to the agreement, and do not be embarrassed to block it." ”

At that time, the national strength of the Qing Dynasty was weak, but the Qing Dynasty still took care of the people and gave the people as much protection as possible so that they would not be bullied. The passport is a symbol of a country's comprehensive strength, and only when the country is strong, the passport is valid.

The Qing Dynasty was not strong enough to be bullied, so the people at that time were also cold-eyed, and the passport did not give them more protection, and that period of history was really bitter.

The "Chinese passport" of the Qing Dynasty, although the country was weak at that time, the 27 characters on the passport were quite tough

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, History of history, etc

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