
Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

Recently, the new energy vehicle captive insurance was launched. According to the news: after the new deal, Tesla Model Y insurance costs soared from 8278 yuan to more than 14,000 yuan, an increase of 80%. Tesla said that Tesla's increase in the national average is about 10%, while the premium of the high-performance version of the model is within 20% on the national average.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

There is no doubt that capital is the most shrewd. Some people say that this is to turn on the "can't afford to lose" mode. So, what is the specific premium increase of new energy vehicles this time? What causes it?

First, let's take a look: how about the specific new energy vehicle premium increase?

According to the data: At present, the loss rate of new energy vehicle insurance is as high as 85%, far exceeding the loss rate of fuel vehicles. Think of pure electric vehicle batteries, accounting for about 40% of the cost of the vehicle, a bump requires high maintenance costs. In addition, in order to meet the intelligent experience of new energy vehicles, the investment in body design, radar, sensors and cameras far exceeds that of fuel vehicles, and the cost of major repairs is often tens of thousands of yuan.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

According to the newly released new energy exclusive insurance, driving, parking and three electricity are included in the insurance scope, including spontaneous combustion caused by charging. I checked the data on the increase in premiums: premiums below 250,000 remain unchanged, and premiums for brands above 250,000 have different increases.

According to the feedback of many netizens, different models, the increase varies between 20% and 80%. A few days ago, some netizens exposed that the same Tesla Model Y, the cost of insurance on the 23rd was 8278 yuan, and after the new deal on the 27th, the insurance cost soared to more than 14,000 yuan, an increase of up to 80%.

So, what is the specific price increase of new energy vehicle premiums? Here's what I know about it:

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

A. Take the model3 car owners around as an example, the original 4.7K is now 5.5K amplitude 18%, model3P original 9.5K is now 14K, an increase of 49%;

B. Taking the official notice of Xiaopeng Automobile on December 29 as an example, the average increase of all models ranges from 2.9% to 18.2%;

C. Taking the dictation of BYD's 4S sales staff as an example, the average increase of BYD's new energy models is more than 10%;

D. Compared with the oral description of BMW 4S sales staff, the ix3 new car insurance 1.4W price increase is 1.7W increase of 21%;

It can be said that the rise of different degrees, which is not a good news for users who are running to a lower cost of use, is equivalent to the oil money saved by hard work is basically handed over to the insurance company.

Second, let's talk about it: what is the cause? Because the payout rate is high

The premise of premium price increase: insurance companies are commercial enterprises, and business operations must have profits. In simple terms, the profit of the insurance company (car insurance only) = premium income + premium investment income - claims expense - operating costs.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

The exclusive clause of commercial insurance for new energy vehicles was officially implemented, and first of all, the insurance liability was added, that is, the scope of risks that insurance companies needed to bear was expanded, which inevitably led to an increase in premiums.

Recently, the "China Insurance Industry Association New Energy Vehicle Commercial Insurance Exclusive Clauses (Trial)" was officially launched, stipulating that all new energy vehicles must be insured with new energy vehicle insurance.

Normal calculation: claim expenditure = single claim amount * insurance rate. I take Tesla as an example, one is that maintenance is expensive (that is, the cost of a single maintenance (the amount of compensation) is much higher than that of traditional cars); the second is that the insurance rate is high. Claims expenses exceed premium income, insurance companies are in a state of loss, it is inevitable unsustainable, and price increases are inevitable.

To sum up, it is actually one sentence: because the loss rate is high.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

I don't have a Tesla, so let's tell a bydie story. As a BYD owner, when buying a car, I paid attention to a rather immoral policy, that is, if the battery shield has a scratch (network transmission 1-2MM), the battery will be released.

I said in the group that this policy is really funny, the battery guard plate is to protect the battery, and now you have to add another guard plate to protect the battery guard, and the result is that a bunch of water troops said in that "4S said, anyway insurance and warranty, can always go the same", "take the insurance to replace the battery" and so on.

I said at that time, who treats the insurance company as the wrongdoer, and in the end I am afraid that my own is the wronged head; there are so many actuaries in the insurance company, you can't play alone? No, the price will rise immediately after the calculation.

Third, the premium is only the first brick, and the intelligent era must realize the management of human behavior

Taking Tesla as an example, it can record all the illegal operations of the driver, which is a refined behavior monitoring. What the news sees is that the company is exempt from liability for the car accident, and the evidence proves that the driver's behavior is improper, but the meaning behind it is often ignored by everyone, that is, intelligent enterprises use high-tech to play with ordinary people, and they win 100%.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

I think it's naïve to see people say that premiums need to be widened and that law-abiding drivers may lower their premiums. When all your actions are recorded, no one can not violate the law, the difference is only the number of times. People who operate in violation of the law, the premium will definitely rise, which is equivalent to robbery in disguise, and those who violate the law will not give you a lower premium.

Accurately recording user behavior, the purpose is not only to avoid liability, but more importantly, to control, through the premium to exert pressure, forcing users to always remember the rules and regulations, do not dare to cross the thunder pool half a step. Some people think that traffic rules should be obeyed, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that traffic regulations are aimed at endangering the behavior of others, it is impossible to control every operation in your car, and the camera and traffic police cannot achieve monitoring without dead ends, then the intelligent enterprise will fully manage the behavior of people, from harming others to possible harm and attempting to harm, which is equivalent to infinitely expanding the boundaries of punishment.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

There is nothing wrong with this trend in itself, but beware of the capitalists setting the rules. We should realize mutual restraint between people, and all rewards and punishments should benefit everyone. That is to say, the highest principle of the intelligent era is to safeguard the public interest, not to promote the personal interests of capitalists.

Now that the insurance reform has begun, the new cars listed in 2022 will basically be equipped with EDR, and the full name of EDR is Event Data Recorder, which is the car event data recording system. Data can be covered before and after the accident, monitoring the entire driving status of the vehicle, including brakes, ABS, speed, seat belts and more. Your driving status and driving preference data speak and provide a basis for future premium calculations. At present, the premium is basically defensive, and with the sample and data calculation, I believe there is still room for optimization and adjustment.

Of course, the goal of this intelligent system is to promote the public interest, through the participation of all residents, the result is that everyone can benefit, everyone can share the dividends of development.

Tesla Model Y insurance soared 80%, how much is the increase in new energy vehicle premiums?

In short, now is the data age, insurance companies can calculate their own insurance income and claims expenditure on a certain model according to their own claim records, in the future does not rule out insurance companies according to the model to calculate insurance costs.

Although new energy vehicles are the trend now, but there are still many problems, insurance companies have a large number of actuaries, now raise the premium, this action still makes everyone cautious about new energy vehicles. And with the slow popularization of new energy, the things undertaken by the previous oil trucks will slowly be transferred to the tram, and slowly you will get used to it.

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