
Retained for reference: FY2021

Retained for reference: FY2021

I. Literary Creation:

1. "New Year's Day" was published in the second edition of "Snow Field" of "Weekend" in Aba Daily on December 25, 2020.

2. "Aba Memory", which is composed of "Partridge Mountain", "Panlong River", "Strings" and "Tent", was published on March 16, 2021 by China Natural Resources Writers Network.

3. "Tibetan Customs", which is composed of Mount Everest, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Potala Palace, Namtso, Kailash, and Jokhang Temple, was published in Maple Leaf Poetry Journal, No. 0100, April 20, 2021.

4. "Tibetan Customs", which is composed of "Ethereal Spirit", "Strings", "Jokhang Temple" and "Doom", was published in the "Return Poems Journal" No. 43, June 6, 2021.

5. "Aba Memory", which is composed of "Partridge Mountain", "Panlong River", "Strings" and "Tent", was published in the second edition of "Snow Field" of "Weekend" on July 30, 2021 in Aba Daily.

6. "Everest" and "Tashilhunpo Monastery" were published in Beihai Literature No. 1, September 10, 2021.

7. "Tibetan Customs", composed of "Tallinn", "Chema", "Jinshajiang" and "Xueling", was published in Maple Leaf Poetry Journal, No. 0144, October 22, 2021.

8. The "Life Group Chapter" composed of "Feeling the Season", "Where to Go", and "Simple Reason" was published in the second edition of "Snow Field" of "Weekend" on October 22, 2021 in Aba Daily.

9. From February 23, 2021 to December 31, 2021, 223 poems were published on the "China Poetry Network".

Retained for reference: FY2021

2. Make-up lesson learning:

Yue Nan: "South Crossing and Returning to the North" (the first "Southern Crossing", the second "Northern Return", the third "Parting").

Chen Yinke: A Collection of Poems of Chen Yinke, with Tang Poems.

Wu Mi and Wang Fucheng translated: Literature and Life.

Chen Hand: "The People of the Homeland Have Thoughts" and "People Know If They Are Sick or Not".

Huacheng Publishing House: "Tang Poems", "Song Ci", "Flower and Bird Poems", "Landscape Poems".

Prose Poetry Magazine: Prose Poetry (2009.1-12, 2010.1-12).

Fang Fang: Fang Fang's Anthology.

Retained for reference: FY2021

III. Documentary:

Towards a Republic (68 episodes).

General History of China (100 episodes).

December 31, 2021

Retained for reference: FY2021

IV. Appendix: "Alive" (prose poem)

The living mountain is called Qingshan, the dead mountain is called barren mountain; the living water is called green water, and the dead water is called sewage.

alive...... Only when the sun has the opportunity to feed her milk can the moon have the conditions to heal her wounds.

Even in the center of the desert, as long as you live, the oasis will not be far away; even in the middle of the sewage, as long as you live, the lotus fairy will not be ethereal; even if it is at the peak of the snowy area, as long as you live, the fragrance will not be abandoned; even in the base of the bare rock, as long as you live, the scenery will not be picky.

The walking beast loses its gentle wings and gets a strong four hooves; the fir loses its competing flowers and gets a hardy fruit. But the only thing that cannot be lost is to be alive, and if it is lost, it will be nothing forever.

The essence of human life is to beautify the colorful world, and the essence of nature is to benefit mankind.

INTERVIEWER First draft: December 4, 1995

——Published in: China Forestry, No. 2, 1996, "Green Leaf Literature"

Retained for reference: FY2021

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