
Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

Today, I will continue to talk about vitamin supplements.

vitamin k

Keywords: cardiovascular health, anti-cancer

Vitamin K is a class of fat-soluble vitamins, which are very important for the calcification of bones, while also preventing the deposition of calcium salts in other tissues and organs, which has a positive effect on preventing and reducing cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

In addition, studies have shown that vitamin K may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. In some cancer studies, vitamin K has certain benefits for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

Vitamin K-rich ingredients include beans, wheat bran, green vegetables, animal liver, and fish. Among the common leafy green vegetables, kale and spinach have the highest vitamin K content.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

It is recommended that you eat 500g of raw vegetables every day, about 200-300g per meal, of which half of the leafy greens are guaranteed. Fish eating 40-75g a day works best.

vitamin C

Keywords: antioxidant, promote metabolism, prevent chronic diseases

The role of vitamin C, which is more familiar to everyone is to promote collagen synthesis, which has the effect of antioxidant scavenging free radicals.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

In addition, it can also combine with heavy metal ions into a complex to excrete the body, allowing the body to avoid poisoning; it can also promote metabolic conversion, such as promoting the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, reducing cholesterol in the blood, and preventing atherosclerosis.

Vitamin C also aids in the absorption and utilization of iron, calcium and folic acid.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

Many studies have shown that vitamin C plays an important role in preventing chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Vegetables rich in vitamin C are: peppers, tomatoes, rape, cabbage, mustard greens. It is recommended to reduce the loss of vitamin C by stir-frying, or adding vinegar, or using starch to reduce the loss of vitamin C.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

Fruits with a high content of vitamin C are: cherries, pomegranates, citrus, lemons, grapefruit and strawberries.

Fresh fruit is recommended to eat 200g-350g per day, and vegetable servings are about 500g per day.

B vitamins

Keywords: metabolism, nerves, skin health

Vitamin B1 is closely related to energy metabolism and it also plays an important role in our neural tissues.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

People who are deficient in vitamin B1 can develop peripheral neuritis. Vitamin B1 also promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis and promotes the secretion of digestive juices.

Foods rich in vitamin B1 include cereals (more coarse grains, less refined rice and white noodles), beans, animal offal, and lean meat.

There are also many members of B vitamins, which are related to the skin's ability to renew.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

For example, deficiencies in B2 and B6 can lead to seborrheic dermatitis and angular cheilitis, while biotin deficiency can lead to dryness around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Vitamin B2-rich ingredients include animal liver, eggs, and green vegetables; vitamin B6 is mainly found in white meat, animal liver, wheat, and egg yolks.

Vitamin B12 may not be familiar to you, but deficiency in this vitamin can cause megaloblastic anemia, atrophic glossitis, joint spinal degeneration, and is closely related to the cardiovascular, nervous, and skeletal systems. Vitamin B12-rich ingredients for meat, offal, fish, poultry and eggs.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

Folic acid plays an important role in cell division, tissue growth, and the function of preventing megaloblastic anemia and improving immunity. In addition, folic acid also has an important effect on promoting the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

Ingredients rich in folic acid are: liver, kidneys, eggs, pears, broad beans, celery, cauliflower, lettuce, citrus, bananas.

Serving size recommendations: Cereal ingredients are about 250-400g raw per day, animal liver is recommended to be about 25g 2-3 times a month, and lean meat is recommended to be 40-75g per day.

In the new year, make your food supplement list more perfect, and wish everyone a healthy and good body

Vitamin Encyclopedia, how should you eat supplements? (Part 2)

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