
9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

By september, you even feel hard to sleep and rest, the bulkiness of your body makes you tired, and the flexible and slender you seem to be a long time ago, making you miss. But as soon as you think of the cute little life in your belly, your body is full of energy again!

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Congratulations to expectant mothers entering the ninth month of pregnancy (33-36 weeks), this month the metabolism of pregnant women is at its peak, so pregnant women's

Nutritional supplementation is essential, and only balanced, comprehensive nutritional supplementation can make pregnant women and babies healthier.


Remember not to drink too much water at once, because the stomach is squeezed and becomes smaller, drinking too much water will affect the diet. Also do not blindly lose weight, in order to lose weight without eating, harmful and useless. It is recommended to consult a doctor to develop a recipe, which is the most scientific method.

This month focuses on nutrients

1. Dietary fiber

Daily Intake: The recommended amount is 20-30 grams. Moms who are overweight and constipated can increase their intake by 30-35 grams per day to relieve symptoms

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Food sources: Oats, lentils, broad beans, fruits, and raw or lightly cooked vegetables.

Dietary fiber has a detoxifying effect, can also improve cholesterol excretion, reduce the absorption rate of sugar.

2. Vitamin B2

Daily intake: 1.5 mg

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Food sources: animal liver, eggs, milk, beans, rape, spinach, garlic, etc.

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is helpful for the development of your baby's nervous system. If the mother-to-be lacks vitamin B2, the body will reduce the absorption, storage and operation of iron, which may cause iron deficiency anemia, which will affect the growth and development of the fetus.

3. Iron

Now, your baby's liver stores 5 milligrams of iron per day, and the final storage amount will reach 240 milligrams. If the intake of iron is insufficient, the baby is prone to iron deficiency anemia and insufficient weight after birth.

Iron deficiency in pregnant women can also lead to fatigue, loss of appetite, and bloating and diarrhea. At this time, near the delivery period, expectant mothers must have a healthy physique and a good mental state to face childbirth.

4. Calcium

Daily intake: 1000 mg

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Food sources: shrimp, shrimp skin, soybeans and their products, kelp, seaweed, black fungus.

If the intake of calcium is insufficient at the 9th month, the fetus is at risk of developing hypochondriasis after birth.

5. Vitamin K

Food sources: cereals, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, purple cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, cheese, liver, etc.

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Vitamin K has an important impact on bone and kidney tissue formation, it is involved in the synthesis of some coagulation factors, so it has the effect of preventing bleeding, so vitamin K is also called "hemostasis hero".

If pregnant women lack vitamin K, it will lead to a decrease in prothrombin in the blood, which will easily cause coagulation disorders and hemorrhage. Expectant mothers have low thrombin in their bodies, bleed more when giving birth to children, and fetal babies are also prone to bleeding problems.

Expectant mothers should focus on vitamin K supplementation in the first 1 month of the expected date, and usually eat some foods rich in vitamin K. If necessary, pregnant women can take vitamin K daily under the guidance of a doctor to increase the amount of vitamin K in breast milk and prevent postpartum haemorrhage.

What should I not eat?

1. Do not eat smoked food

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Smoked foods contain nitrosamine compounds, benzopyrene, nitrosamine compounds are strong carcinogens. So for health reasons, these foods should not be touched by pregnant women.

2, should not eat irregular

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Pay attention to the principle of diet, hunger and full meal is an unhealthy eating habit, which will lead to excess calories being converted into fat storage. Pregnant women should pay attention not to be too hungry or overly full.

3. Eat less potato chips

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

Potato chips have a lot of oil and sugar, pregnant women who often eat potato chips, will cause obesity, but also induce pregnancy hypertension and other diseases, increase the risk of pregnancy, so pregnant women should control their mouths, potato chips and other similar snacks, try to eat less or not.

4, should not drink yogurt on an empty stomach

9th month of pregnancy, these 4 this diet is risky! There are also changes in the focus of supplementing nutrition!

When drinking yogurt on an empty stomach, stomach acid will destroy lactic acid bacteria, and its nutritional value will be greatly weakened. In general, drinking yogurt between 30 minutes and 2 hours after a meal works best.

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Sisters will surely harvest happy and healthy babies, come on!

Beauty and happiness come to you!

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