
Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

Wilde said: "If a man's love is not single-minded, then he will feel happy with any woman." ”

It is true that men are not satisfied with love, and when they see a woman who is impressed, they can't help but want to stir.

The same is true of middle-aged men, who are passionate about love no matter what time they are. When they meet a woman they like, they don't think about it too much and are bent on having it.

At this time, they will find ways to seduce women in order to satisfy their inner desires.

However, men at this age will not be blind to love, but more rational, and they will only be impressed with the woman they want.

If they don't have feelings for a woman, even if the other person is beautiful, they will not rush to pursue.

After all, middle-aged men have too much experience and have seen too many women, and they know very well what kind of women they want.

Therefore, middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

First, a woman with a simple mind

When middle-aged men seduce women, they will first see if women are simple-minded, because they don't want to spend too much time and energy to pursue.

They pluck this kind of woman, do not have to spend any time, may not have to spend too much money, can save a lot of costs.

In fact, middle-aged men are very realistic, if the pursuit of a woman to pay too much, they may not be impressed.

When young, men can spend a lot of time chasing women, or they can pay for women at any cost.

However, after men reach middle age, they will not do this, they will consider the cost of everything, and they are not willing to go around women all day.

If a woman is hard to chase, even more shrewd than they are, they basically won't have a lot of interest.

On the contrary, a woman with a simple mind, without much thought, they are particularly interested, because they can control women and easily get love.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

In the end, the simpler the expectations of middle-aged men for love, the better, after all, they can't afford to spend too much time.

Most importantly, most of them have feelings, have a stable life, and don't want to make any more messes.

If they make their lives bad and even pay a heavy price for pursuing women, they won't be in a relationship.

Men know very well in their hearts that if they pick up a woman who is too shrewd, it is basically difficult to get out, which is what they are most worried about.

The state of love they most desire is that they can enjoy the romance in love, and once there is a risk, they can also retreat.

Middle-aged men seduce women, pay more attention to safety, and if the pursuit of women makes them feel insecure, they will not take action.

Therefore, in the eyes of middle-aged men, they most hope to find a woman with a simple mind to be their lover, so that they can be more at ease.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

Second, a woman with a ladylike temperament

Tennyson said: "The eyes of a lady are the brilliant stars of love." ”

Indeed, when men see a lady, they will basically be moved, and they will be captured by this kind of woman in an instant.

In their opinion, the lady is not only gentle, but also particularly beautiful, and her heart is particularly eager to be their lover.

No matter what kind of man, when he meets a woman with a ladylike temperament, he will not be able to take a step, and it is easy to immerse himself in their warmth.

They are dignified, elegant, gentle, lovely, and are the perfect object in men's hearts, and if they can have this kind of woman, they are willing to pay a lot of money.

For middle-aged men, they are more in love with such a lady, as long as they encounter it, they will spend their minds to stir.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

Moreover, most of the women with ladylike temperament have connotations, they are independent in their thinking, and they exude a charming atmosphere.

Men in front of them, often do not give up, the most likely to fall into the reverie of love.

In life, many men can't stand the temptation of such women, and no matter how good their economic conditions are, they will especially favor them.

Of course, successful men are more likely to attract the attention of ladies, after all, such men are also excellent and have a certain degree of inner cultivation.

However, ordinary men are not unable to seduce this kind of woman, as long as they maintain their own dignity, do not frivolous, and impress each other with sincerity, they can also attract their attention.

No matter what kind of man, almost all of them are particularly fond of ladies, and such women are the most ideal lovers in their hearts.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

Third, a woman with a generous personality

In life, there is also a kind of woman, which can make middle-aged men more moved, they are generous women.

Such a woman, informal, lives a very real life, and is also very bold in interacting with the opposite sex, especially interesting men.

Men like women to bring them freshness, and women with generous personalities can often create many surprises in life, which makes men very moved.

Moreover, when flirting with women, middle-aged men will also consider the degree of difficulty of pursuing, and they have little patience for women who are difficult to chase.

In fact, an introverted woman is usually not easy to chase, this kind of woman is usually a slow heat type, which takes a lot of time to pry, and men will not try easily.

And a woman with a generous personality can often instantly mingle with men and easily open each other's hearts.

Men will show great interest when they meet this kind of woman, after all, it does not take too much time, which is what they are looking forward to.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

Therefore, men are more willing to seduce women with generous personalities, even if they are not good enough, not beautiful enough, they can accept it.

In men's hearts, a woman can bring them interest, is the most important, such a woman to get along with is very fresh, can make life full of passion.

After all, middle-aged men have experienced too many hardships in life, and they need to adjust their mood.

At this time, if they have provoked a woman with a generous personality, life will definitely be very interesting, and it can dispel all the bitterness in their hearts.

In short, middle-aged men will basically choose this kind of woman as their lover, so as to make life full of fun and more comfortable.

Middle-aged men generally only choose three kinds of women as their lovers

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

To sum up, most middle-aged men like to seduce three kinds of women, thinking that they are very suitable to be lovers.

Women with simple minds, women with ladylike temperament, and women with generous personalities are the easiest to make middle-aged men move, and they are also the most suitable lovers in their hearts.

If you get along with such a woman, men will enjoy it in their hearts and have more fun in life.

However, it is necessary to remind middle-aged men that the pursuit of the love they want also has to be measured, if you already have a family, it is best not to easily provoke women.

Living your own life, cherishing the feelings around you, and managing your own happiness are the most important things at any time, don't worry about one or the other.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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