
What did Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light, do when he grew up? No wonder the teacher won't tell you


Chinese pays attention to "farming and reading, poetry and etiquette", so it attaches great importance to the education of future generations. And for some celebrity allusions that can urge people to forge ahead and attract people to learn, they will also be compiled into books, so that the past is used for the present. Among the countless celebrity allusions, the story of Kuang Heng chiseling the wall and stealing the light can be described as well-known.

Liu Xin of the Han Dynasty recorded this in his collection of historical notes, The Miscellaneous Records of Xijing: "Kuang Heng zi zhi Gui, diligent and without candles, neighbors have candles but do not catch." Heng Nai leads its light through the wall, and reads it with the light of the book. "

At the right time, the young Kuang Heng was very diligent and studious, but the family was poor and could not afford to read, and he could not light the lamp in the evening when he had leisure after borrowing books, and he had no choice but to cleverly come up with such a clever plan - to chisel the wall and steal the light. It is also through the light of the neighbor's house that Kuang Heng worked hard to study and eventually became a generation of Confucians.

What did Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light, do when he grew up? No wonder the teacher won't tell you

As a celebrity allusion to hard work, the story of Kuang Heng chiseling the wall and stealing the light has been praised for thousands of years, and even now it has been selected into our textbooks, which is used by our descendants to urge and educate children to be able to concentrate on learning.

However, what did Kuang Heng, as the protagonist of the story, do when he grew up? It seems that the teachers have "unanimously" chosen to avoid talking about it. So what did Kuang Heng Mingda do after that, so that the teachers did not want to mention it?

Read hard, and finally understand

Kuang Heng was born in the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, and the date of his birth and death is unknown in history.

The family background of generations of farmers also made his starting point extremely low in that era of paying attention to mendi. However, this does not prevent Kuang Heng from being eager to learn. In order to be able to gain knowledge, in addition to helping his parents work, he overheard his husband's lectures and earned money for others.

If you get the opportunity to read, you have the allusion to chiseling the wall and stealing the light.

After that, although he had a very deep understanding of the "Book of Poetry" in the "Six Classics" and was widely praised by the times, Kuang Heng's career was not smooth, and after passing nine examinations, he barely managed to pass the C subject. From the tiangan count of A and B, we can know that the rank of the Propylene is low, and Kuang Heng only gets such a minor position as Taiyuan County Literature. Fortunately, for such a scholar who was full of learning at that time, there was no shortage of recommenders, and many later scholars were also very willing to follow him to learn, and under the fame, there was a recommendation from the crown prince Fu Xiaowang, which also made Kuang Heng gradually have popularity.

What did Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light, do when he grew up? No wonder the teacher won't tell you

After the death of Emperor Xuan of Han and the ascension of Emperor Yuan of Han to the throne, Kuang Heng finally ushered in an opportunity. At that time, Xiao Wangzhi was an imperial master and made many contributions in the selection of talents; while his foreign relative Shi Gao stood side by side with him in the court, but did not achieve anything in recommending talents.

As a result, Under the persuasion of the shogunate Yang Xing, Shi Gao promoted Kuang Heng to the position of Cao Shi, and Emperor Wen of Han, who had great hopes for Confucianism, promoted Kuang Heng one after another.

Soon, Kuang Heng was on his own. From Lang Zhong, Doctor, and Zhi Shizhong, to Guanglu Doctor, Prince Shaofu, to the six hundred households of Xiang Xiang and Le'an Hou. The limelight can be described as indistinguishable for a while, but the role model among the people who studied hard when he was young still fell into the fame and fortune of the officialdom.

The temptation of fame and fortune is actually difficult to match under the fame

It's hard to believe that a young and energetic teenager ended up in the fly camp after a powerful day, but this is the case. In the great history of Qing, Kuang Heng, a very popular minister, has hardly left a glorious mark; if there is, the letter in the face of the earthquake is more like a "face-punching work" for what he has done.

In the early years of the Han Yuan Emperor, an earthquake occurred in Chang'an, and Kuang Heng wrote to the Han Yuan Emperor to "reduce the degree of the palace room, the decoration of the province, the examination system, the repair of the inside and outside, the near loyalty, the far qiaoyou".

What did Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light, do when he grew up? No wonder the teacher won't tell you

But such a "Wei Guangzheng" remark is only a ladder for his advancement in the end. After Kuang Heng Xianda, Shi Xian, a eunuch favored by emperor Yuan of Han, used his power to put Xiao Wang's place to death. In this political turmoil, Kuang Heng, who was supposed to stop Shi Xian's evil deeds, became Shi Xian's help.

The Book of Han records this: "In the beginning, the Gurudwara of the Zhongshu made Shi Xiangui fortunate, and his dictatorship was adulterous. Xiang Kuangheng and Imperial Master Zhang Tan were all afraid of the matter and did not dare to speak. ”

In order not to lose power in the court, a generation of confucians and ministers became a villain who shook his head and flattered him. Moreover, this was far from the whole of his evil deeds, and in order to exclude dissidents, Chen Tang, who had made great contributions to attacking the Xiongnu, was also extremely slanderous.

What did Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light, do when he grew up? No wonder the teacher won't tell you

Of course, in the eyes of some people, later after the death of Emperor Yuan of Han and the ascension of Emperor Cheng of Han to the throne, when Shi Xian fell out of favor, it was Kuang Heng who put Shi Xian's crimes on the table one by one, so that Shi Xian's party was eradicated. However, it is difficult to make people believe that Kuang Heng's impeachment is not selfish.

And just when Kuang Heng thought that he could continue to maintain his wealth forever by raising Shi Xian, he did not expect that what awaited him was also a bad consequence.

Soon, Kuang Heng was reported for embezzling money, but according to the records, he was still insatiable, and on the basis of the 310,000 mu of land that the Han Yuan Emperor had sealed him, he illegally embezzled more than 40,000 mu of land. As a result, this powerful minister was thus accused of "stealing the land exclusively" and returned to the starting point and was relegated to a commoner.

brief summary

From the studious who "chiseled the wall to steal the light" praised by everyone; to the adulterer who was recorded in the "Biography of Kuang Zhang Kongma" in the Book of Han, he ended up with a "holding the throne of Lu and being ridiculed by Ah Chen." He saw the rope with the traces of the ancients, and wu could do it! It is difficult to say that this is not Kuang Heng's fault.

Some people may say that this is not because Kuang Heng's origin is too low, he wants to get out of class too much. But what we have to say is that everyone is always responsible for what they do, let alone historical figures.

Of course, on the other hand, even today, the story of Kuang Heng chiseling the wall and stealing the light is still worth learning, after all, it is a brick that makes you rise.

References: Book of Han, Miscellaneous Records of Xijing, etc

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