
Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles have many unique features in technology and use. In the process of popularization in recent years, the "unadaptability" of traditional car insurance to new energy vehicles is becoming more and more apparent. Therefore, the call for creating a more suitable exclusive car insurance for new energy vehicles is also getting higher and higher. Nowadays, exclusive car insurance has officially launched, and the rise in premiums has triggered a wave of hot discussions, but this is also the only way for the popularization of new energy vehicles. Many times, "growth" is accompanied by new "troubles".

Wen 丨 wisdom driving network Jinshan

Tesla premiums nearly doubled?

In recent days, the premium has risen, in fact, more than tesla. On December 27, the Shanghai Insurance Exchange officially implemented the "new energy vehicle captive insurance", and many consumers purchased insurance for new energy vehicles rose by about 20%-80%.

Among them, the premium increase of Tesla models is more obvious, reaching nearly double. According to some sources, Tesla officials also confirmed that the reason for the increase in premiums is due to the increase in the car damage insurance in the New Deal vehicle commercial insurance.

Taking tesla model Y as an example, the official price of new car insurance was more than 8,000 yuan before December 27, and after the implementation of "new energy vehicle exclusive insurance", the premium increased to more than 14,000 yuan.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

The root cause of this premium increase is that on December 14, the China Insurance Industry Association officially issued the "Exclusive Clauses for Commercial Insurance for New Energy Vehicles (Trial)". The Exclusive Clause contains two clauses, namely the Model Clauses for Commercial Insurance for New Energy Vehicles (Trial) and the Model Clauses for Accident Injury Insurance for Drivers and Occupants of New Energy Vehicles (Trial).

In terms of insurance liability, the "Exclusive Clause" also includes the losses caused by vehicle fire and combustion, as well as hardware facilities such as motors, batteries, electronic control of the "three electric systems" and factory equipment, covering all the use scenarios of new energy vehicles driving, parking, charging and operation.

This means that new energy vehicles have exclusive car insurance that adapts to their technical characteristics, and the rights and interests of new energy vehicle consumers are more protected.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

After that, once there is an accident in the new energy vehicle, the accident identification of the insurance company and the user side will be more clear, the relevant responsibilities will be clearer, and the follow-up processing of the accident will be smoother.

In the Model Clauses, the definition of new energy vehicles is also clarified again, including: pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid (including range extender) vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles.

It is worth noting that there are two new items in the exclusion of the Model Clauses, which provide for battery attenuation and external grid failures. Among them, the battery attenuation is treated according to the normal equipment depreciation and is not covered; the loss caused by the external grid failure during charging is not within the scope of the main insurance liability and will be supplemented by additional insurance.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

So, how will the losses caused by infrastructure failures such as charging piles and external power grids be settled?

The Model Clauses are supplemented with "customized clauses" that consumers can resolve by taking out additional external grid fault loss insurance. For spontaneous combustion during the charging process, resulting in the loss of charging piles and surrounding vehicles, it can also be solved by attaching self-use charging pile loss insurance and additional self-use charging pile liability insurance.

At the same time as the release of the Model Clauses, the China Association of Actuaries also issued the "New Energy Vehicle Commercial Insurance Benchmark Pure Risk Premium Table (Trial)", which shows that the benchmark premium of new energy vehicles will decline slightly. The benchmark premiums of the tripartite insurance and vehicle damage insurance, which are mainly derived from new energy vehicles, have decreased compared with the current traditional car insurance as a whole, with a decrease of about 0.8%.

Among them, the benchmark premium of the three insurances fell by 0.1%, and the benchmark premium of the automobile damage insurance fell by 1.2%.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

According to the "Explanation for the Adjustment of the Pure Risk Premium Table of the Benchmark Pure Risk Premium Table for Commercial Insurance Exclusive Products of New Energy Vehicles" previously issued by the China Association of Actuaries, the new energy vehicles insured with a price of less than 250,000 yuan do not increase the premium, and narrow the limit on the increase and decrease of the rate.

It is reported that models of more than 250,000 yuan will partially increase the premium, but the overall will remain within a controllable range.

This is consistent with the situation mentioned above, the premium increase of Tesla models is more than 80%, and the premium increase of Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng and other models is between 16% and 50%.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

At the same time, there are also media reports that insurance practitioners have clearly stated that even if the premium rises, insurance companies are not willing to provide insurance services for new energy vehicles, because in their internal statistics, the frequency of insurance for new energy vehicles is higher than that of fuel vehicles, and the insurance company has a high cost of claims.

This situation has adversely affected the new energy vehicle market: the price of the car, the consumer's desire to buy will be reduced; the insurance company's enthusiasm for new energy vehicle underwriting is not high, and some consumers will continue to maintain a "wait-and-see" attitude.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

In this regard, some new energy vehicle companies have given official explanations, and some have also announced coping strategies.

Xiaopeng Automobile said that according to the national premium feedback from various insurance companies on the 28th, the average increase of Xiaopeng Automobile's full range of models ranged from 2.9% to 18.2%, and the specific amount was subject to the quotation of the local insurance division. Among them, Xiaopeng's commercial auto insurance premium increased the most was Xiaopeng P7, which rose from an average quotation of 5600 yuan to 6622 yuan, an increase of 18.2%.

On December 29, WEIO issued the following statement in the official APP for new energy vehicle captive insurance:

1. The pricing of the new purchase service worry-free package remains unchanged, and it also includes the corresponding protection content of the three additional insurances (external power grid fault loss insurance, self-use charging pile loss insurance and self-use charging pile liability insurance) added to the new terms.

2. Users who are still in the service period of the 2021 version of The Service Worry-free do not need to purchase three additional insurances under the new terms, and the current Service Worry-free will include the corresponding protection content.

3. The pricing of insurance worry-free is still the insurance fee + 1680 yuan WEILAI exclusive service, of which 1680 yuan Weilai exclusive service remains unchanged, and the overall premium change is related to the user's region, illegal records, past insurance situations and other factors. At present, the situation is different in different places, and the premium adjustment of NIO models is not large overall, and we will continue to pay attention to the subsequent price changes.

4. For users who are still in the service period of the 2021 version of Insurance Worry-free, the rights and experience of accident claims are no different from the main insurance of the new terms.

5. You can choose service-free or insurance-free products according to your own car situation.

It is reported that Weilai Automobile is studying the "Service Worry-free 2022 Edition", which is scheduled to be launched in March 2022.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

At present, new energy vehicles are still in the growth stage, and product technology, infrastructure, use specifications and safety awareness need to be further improved. In recent years, accidents related to new energy vehicles have occurred frequently, and the incompatibility with traditional car insurance has begun to appear in large quantities.

New energy vehicles need car insurance that fits their own characteristics, which is already the consensus of the industry, and the way to improve is to increase the coverage that traditional car insurance does not have.

Then, since the coverage of new car insurance has been expanded, it is reasonable that the traditional car insurance with a relatively high loss rate will rise in premiums after becoming a new energy exclusive car insurance.

Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

The rise in premiums seems to make consumers pay more for the cost of using the car, but the "value" of the resulting rights protection is much higher than the "cost". From this point of view, consumers do not suffer.

After all, the fundamental purpose of auto insurance is to make consumers worry-free with their cars, and the rise in new energy vehicle premiums is not a bad news, but a sign of the maturity of China's new energy vehicle market.

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Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles
Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles
Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles
Premiums skyrocket: Electric vehicles suffer from new troubles

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