
Night reading 丨 Calm down to be a person, sink your heart and do things

Text/As light as the wind

Only by calming down and doing things with a deep heart can we "respond to changes with no change", and in the rush and busyness, we can firmly hold on to everything we have and move forward better.

If you want to stand firmly, you must be calm and be a person

The splendor of the cicadas in summer is the dormancy of several degrees of spring and autumn; the beauty of the short-lived is the waiting of countless days and nights.

Only by holding your breath can you keep the flowers blooming.

I watched a short film called "Frog in a Bottle".

Two frogs preyed on the edge of the pond, the old frog sat still, the young frog was soon attracted by a flying fly, followed all the way, the fly burrowed into the discarded glass bottle, the frog did not hesitate to drill in, the fly felt the danger, found the bottle mouth and flew away, and the frog could not come out again.

The old frog was still lying motionless, watching the changes. After a long time, the old frog suddenly opened its mouth to catch a wandering fly. Although this method has been around for a long time, it has been tried and tested.

Many people are like the little frogs in the short film, they can't hold their breath, a little temptation or a little thing to start "big moves", do not consider planning and foresight, only care about willfulness, the result is to fall into the abyss, before it really starts, it has been eliminated.

There are no shortcuts in all walks of life, and while we are digging our minds to find shortcuts, others have already taken a long step and gone. Many things do not exist overnight, only by silently cultivating, you can see the brilliance of flowers.

Three feet of ice is not the cold of a day; it is the work of a day for the mountain nine. Accumulating thick hair and calming down the heart is the wisdom of life.

The best way to eliminate pretentiousness is to do things with a calm heart

All the anxiety, panic and confusion in life stem from a strong dissatisfaction with one's own incompetence. After thinking about it, I found that all this was inextricably linked to my weakness, cowardice and laziness.

If you want to change the status quo, you must face up to your own problems and correct your own problems.

When Zeng Guofan was young, he had a lofty goal and aspired to be a saint. Most people have also set great ambitions in their youth, but their actions are difficult to keep up. After Zeng Guofan made up his mind, he began to make rules for himself, reflecting on himself every day, and insisting on reading and writing every day.

Sinking your heart to do things seems simple, but it is not easy. He insisted on the matter of diary self-examination all his life, and it was also such a stupid kung fu that was honed over and over again, which made Zeng Guofan more and more persistent in doing things.

In his later years, Zeng Guofan summed up his life experience and said that a person's life is like a process of fruit ripening, and it cannot be rushed or slackened. Human efforts and acquired cultivation will make a tree grow tall quietly, and it will also allow a person to slowly mature.

Clumsiness can be better than cleverness, and the road is step by step. Sinking down to do things, like "grinding needles with an iron pestle", dismantling tasks that seem insurmountable in the eyes of others, dismantling them little by little, and turning them into reality step by step.

Sinking down to do things requires a high degree of self-discipline, when there is no one to supervise, become your own mentor, complete the set tasks every day, and constantly summarize and analyze in order to make a little progress every day.

There is no road in life, every step counts. Don't worry about tomorrow, try to live in the present, in every period of time, sink your heart and walk calmly, arrange your life, and move forward down-to-earth.

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