
When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

On January 1, 1912, the Republic of China was established in Nanjing, and in February of the same year, the Xuantong Emperor Puyi officially abdicated, at which time the qing dynasty, The last feudal dynasty in China, was declared extinct.

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful


All the founders of feudal dynasties did not want their countries to last for generations, including the Qin and Sui dynasties that died in the second dynasty, and the monarchs believed in the fatalism of "imperial power and heavenly authorization", of which Dorgon once asked a Taoist priest to calculate such a trigram.

At that time, when the Qing army entered the customs, the world had been pocketed by the Qing army, and the establishment of the dynasty was also a matter of pushing the boat along the water, and the founding hero Dolgun was naturally triumphant and overjoyed.

By chance, when Dorgon was out, he saw a Taoist monk who was counting the fortunes, and on the stall was written a couplet, Yun: "Blind can see the past and the present, and the hands are broken and the foolish men and women are broken." ”

Dorgon was very interested, curiously stepped forward and asked: "The Qing army entered the customs, do you think they can sit in the world?" ”

The blind Daoist priest replied, "I can sit in the world." ”

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

Dorgon was overjoyed, and then asked, "When will the Qing Dynasty fall?" ”

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Taoist priest's answer surprised him: "Gain from the regent, lost to the regent, gained from orphans and widows, lost to orphans and widows." "Unfortunately, Dorgon is the regent.

The Qing army was able to enter the Central Plains, thanks to the hard work of the regent, is this not "obtained from the regent"? Today's former emperor has passed away, leaving behind Empress Xiaozhuang and the Shunzhi Emperor, is this not "orphan and widow"?

Looking back at the words of the blind Daoist today many years later, there seems to be a definite number in the darkness, the Qing Dynasty was not destroyed in the hands of Dolgun, but another regent, Ai Xin Jue luo Zaifeng.

This was the younger brother of the Guangxu Emperor and the father of the last emperor Xuantong Emperor, and the "orphan and widowed mother" referred to Empress Longyu and The Xuantong Emperor Puyi.

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

The establishment of the Qing Dynasty

The Qing Dynasty was founded by a Manchu-dominated political group whose ancestors lived in the northeast in their early years and changed their name to Jurchen during the Tang Dynasty.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens were divided into three types: the Jurchens of the East China Sea, the Jurchens of the West Sea, and the Jurchens of Jianzhou, until 1593, Nurhaci gradually unified the Jurchen tribes, and also established the Eight Flags system, which greatly enhanced the military strength of the Manchus.

In the fifteenth year of the Wanli Calendar, Nurhaci established the city of Hetuala on the banks of the Suzi River, officially on an equal footing with the Ming Dynasty.

On the one hand, the powerful Manchu forces, on the other hand, the corrupt and turbulent Ming Dynasty, there is no need to say more about the outcome.

In the forty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar, Nurhaci established the Later Jin regime, Chongzhen eight years, Emperor Taiji changed the name of the country to Manchuria, later changed to "Great Qing", in 1644, the Shunzhi Emperor entered the Forbidden City, and unified the country in 1683.

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

Dorgon has always been an important figure in the Qing Dynasty, his father Qing Taizu was Nurhaci, he was made the Prince of Heshuorui during the Emperor Taiji period, and the regent during the Shunzhi period.

In 1629, Dolgun followed Emperor Taiji to attack the Ming border Hanerzhuang, the Ming defenders surrendered, in November of the same year, the Qing army arrived in beijing, Ningyuan Inspector Yuan Chonghuan, Jinzhou general Zu Dashou reinforcements were defeated by Emperor Taiji Dolgun, and was annihilated outside the Guangqu Gate.

For many years, Dorgon has been serving the Emperor Taiji around, and has personally conquered the battles of Dalinghe City, Chahar, and Shanhaiguan, which can be described as outstanding and brave.

In 1643, a year before the Qing army entered the customs, Emperor Taiji of the Qing Dynasty died violently, and Dorgon, as the regent of the battle and the younger brother of the Emperor Taiji, it was also a matter of course to inherit the throne, and nurhaci was more inclined to pass the throne to Dolgun, only because Dolgun was young and had no record.

In addition to Dorgon, Hauge was also a candidate to inherit the throne, and there was also a fierce debate within the party over the issue of candidates, in order to calm the criticism of all parties, Dorgon wisely took a compromise approach, establishing the 6-year-old son of emperor Taiji as emperor, that is, the later Shunzhi Emperor, and choosing to be a regent himself, which calmed the dispute.

The young son Fu Lin could not handle the major affairs of the state, Dorgon became the owner of the real imperial power, became the emperor of Taishang, Shunzhi for seven years, Dorgon fell off his horse and died when he went out hunting, at the age of 39, the later "pass" was ultimately less than the "work" of the early period.

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

Later, Qianlong also ordered people to renovate dorgon's cemetery, and restored the title of Prince of Tarui, and also entered the Taimiao Temple, allowing future generations to worship.

The fall of the Qing Dynasty

As a feudal dynasty, the Qing Dynasty inevitably ended in extinction, and by the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese bourgeoisie had also emerged.

Although the Qing Dynasty sought reform and emerged a Western-style faction advocating "mastering the art of mastering the yi to control the yi", the essence of its feudalism did not change in the slightest.

The Qing Dynasty, which has always prided itself on being a "heavenly kingdom", has always been conservative, and since the Opium War was forced to open the country's doors, it has begun a humiliating modern history.

After the signing of the Treaty of Maguan and other treaties that humiliated the country, the Qing government's treasury became more and more empty, and successive invasions by great powers had already exhausted the qi of the Qing Dynasty.

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

Not to mention diplomats such as Li Hongzhang, who fully trusted the British and gave the most-favored-nation treatment to the foreign powers, completely suppressing the development of the local commodity economy.

After the Sino-Japanese War and the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, the central power of the Qing government gradually became unpopular, and the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty was also the last method of the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing government sent a large number of international students to Japan, and the international students found that even in Japan, where democratization was weak, the people had basic voting rights and human rights.

The students brought advanced ideas, they were either conservative constitutional monarchists, or radical democratic revolutionaries, coupled with the later Qing government's advocacy of encouraging the development of industry and commerce, which gave rise to a number of bourgeoisie, who were dissatisfied with the harsh taxes and fees of the Qing government, and turned to the political system at that time.

Later, the local inspectors gradually lost control of the jurisdiction, so that when the Xinhai Revolution broke out, the Qing government was completely powerless to resist.

No matter how Dorgon calculated, the collapse of the Qing Dynasty could not jump out of the cycle of historical development, and no dynasty in Chinese history could jump out of this historical law.

When the Qing army entered the customs, Dolgun asked the soldiers: When will the Qing perish? The Taoist's words made him self-doubtful

The feudal dynasty emphasizes the centralization of power, emphasizing that "under the whole world, there is no royal land", as long as the emperor is alone, he can decide the life and death of others at will, which is obviously a drawback under the feudal system, and it is bound to be abandoned by the times.

Although it was against Dorgon's desire for the Qing Dynasty for generations to come, the demise of the Qing Dynasty was undoubtedly a good thing, and no country's people wanted to live in a country full of humiliation and invasion by great powers.

"How many things in ancient and modern times are in the midst of laughter and talk", today it has been more than a hundred years since the qing dynasty was destroyed, and the people of the country now will not miss the Great Qing, but will only remember the humiliating history, and the only people who really miss the Great Qing are those who are more powerful than the robbers.

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