
Is honey lotus cake good? How about honey lotus cake?

author:Field bee honey science

  Is honey lotus cake good? How about honey lotus cake?

  Lotus cake is a kind of flavor cake snack, the texture is delicate and sweet, the use of heat to reduce fire, honey is also often used in the production of pastries, added to the lotus cake is also very suitable, then honey lotus cake is not good?

Is honey lotus cake good? How about honey lotus cake?

  The honey lotus cake is very delicious, taste a soft and delicate bite, with the fragrance of lotus seeds and the sweetness of honey, it is a pastry that sweet lovers cannot miss! And honey not only taste sweet, but also contains more than 180 kinds of substances, is a high-level substitute for ordinary sugars, even if the high temperature destroys some of the active substances, the nutritional value is higher than the sugar substances commonly used in making cakes.

Is honey lotus cake good? How about honey lotus cake?

  The following field bees will introduce you to the specific methods. 6 fresh lotus puffs, 25 grams of unsalted butter, 10 grams of ordinary flour, water and water white honey to taste. First remove the lotus heart and coat, wash it with water, then pour the lotus seeds into a small pot, add a lot of water, before the lotus seeds boil, turn the water to a low heat, continue to boil for about 50 minutes, boil until the lotus seeds are soft and sticky, chopsticks can poke and crush the degree. If you feel that cooking is too slow, you can use a pressure cooker. Scoop out and drain the boiled lotus seeds, and with the help of a strainer and a small spoon, press the cooked lotus seeds out of the mesh to obtain a delicate and smooth lotus paste.

Is honey lotus cake good? How about honey lotus cake?

  This step requires a certain amount of patience, if you feel troublesome, you can also directly beat the cooked lotus seeds delicately. Next, the pot is turned on a low heat, add unsalted butter, if there is no butter, you can also use the vegetable oil with a lighter taste to replace, after the butter melts, add flour, stir-fry for about 3 minutes, add water white honey, and then add lotus paste together over low heat and stir-fry, fry until the lotus paste has less moisture, clumps and non-stick pan. The filling is slightly cooled into small pieces, and the mold is pressed out to make the shape.

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