
Liu Bei's "Five Tiger Generals" and Cao Cao's "Five Sons and Good Generals", who is more powerful?

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms lists five outstanding generals emerging from the Shu Han camp during the Three Kingdoms period, namely Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, and Zhao Yun, and other five people in a biography, and later generations call them the "Five Tiger Generals". The Five Tiger Generals are brave and good at fighting, and their reputation can be heard on the ground.

Similarly, in the Cao Wei camp, there are also "five sons and good generals". In the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Yu Ban, Zhang Gao, and Xu Huang are listed side by side, and commented: "The good general of the time, the five sons first." Therefore, later generations called it "five sons and good generals".

Although the "Five Tiger Generals" can fight one by one, and the "Five Sons and Good Generals" everyone dares to fight, but the ten fingers are stretched out, there are lengths and shorts, in the end, who is more powerful, the "Five Tiger Generals" and the "Five Sons and Good Generals"?

Liu Bei's "Five Tiger Generals" and Cao Cao's "Five Sons and Good Generals", who is more powerful?

Let's make a physical comparison of the real Five Tiger Generals and the Five Sons of Liang generals in history, according to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Among the five tiger generals, Guan Gongyun was praised as "loyal and righteous" and "one person in ancient times". When it comes to Guan Yu, Wenjiu chopping Huaxiong, chopping yanliang and wen ugly, and slashing six generals after five levels are all classic achievements. But in history, Hua Xiong and Wen Ugly were not killed by Guan Yu, and the slashing of the six generals was even more illusory.

Despite this, Guan Yu in the history books still has the outstanding performance of "seeing the good cover, guiding the spurs to be good among the people, and beheading them". In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), guan Yu captured Yu Ban and beheaded Pound when he attacked Jingzhou, which temporarily threatened Huaxia. Cheng Yu, a strategist of the State of Wei, and others once praised Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: "Yu and Fei are also the enemies of the ten thousand people." It can be seen that Guan Yu's strength is superior, and he, like Zhang Fei, is also a temporary haojie.

In the history books, Zhang Fei's most courageous performance was the Battle of Nagasakapo. At that time, Liu Beicang fled, and Zhang Fei broke off. He "according to the water broken bridge, the blind spear said: 'As Zhang Yideye, you can come and die together!'" 'No one dares to come near, so he is spared.' ”

Ma Chao's performance in the main history seems to be inferior. He once tried to sneak up on Cao Cao with his strength, but xu Chu did not dare to come forward when he was stared at. However, Ma Chao also used his prestige to scare Liu Zhangzhen into surrender.

Although Huang Zhong was old, he made a miraculous contribution in the Battle of Dingjun Mountain, "pushing the front to advance, persuading the soldiers, the golden drum vibrating the heavens, the sound of joy moving the valley, and the battle of the first battle".

Liu Bei's "Five Tiger Generals" and Cao Cao's "Five Sons and Good Generals", who is more powerful?

As for the famous general Zhao Yun, the history books record that he once performed brilliantly when he was in Changsakapo, "holding a weak son, that is, the queen lord, protecting Lady Gan, that is, the queen master mother, all of whom were spared". After that, history doesn't remember much of his name.

The Three Kingdoms era, in a sense, is actually an arena in which various heroes compete. The strength of the five tiger generals is still quite good.

Looking at the five sons of liangjun, the first is the recognized first Zhang Liao of the five.

Zhang Liao's most classic example of war is the Hefei Guard Battle. In the twelfth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan led an army of 100,000 to attack Hefei. Zhang Liao's available soldiers were only 7,000 men. Hard fight, no possibility. Sit and wait, can only be wrapped in dumplings. What to do? According to Cao Cao's secret letter, Zhang Liao selected eight hundred elite soldiers at night. The next day, taking advantage of the twilight, Zhang Liao led the crowd to hold the armor and rush into the enemy position. Sun Quan was caught off guard, killing two generals and dozens of soldiers. While rushing to kill, he shouted his name and directly killed Sun Quan's side. Sun Quan had almost no strength to fight back, and retreated to the high platform to defend himself. At noon, Sun Quan's morale was beaten down. Retreated more than ten days after the siege. Zhang Liao defeated Wu Jun's vigor and his voice was greatly enhanced, and the people of Jiangdong sighed endlessly, and if the children cried, they would not cry as soon as they heard Zhang Liao's name.

Lejin's life experience is relatively uneventful, and there are almost no classic wars. During the Battle of Guandu, he "beheaded the general Chun Yu Qiong"; when attacking Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, he "beheaded his general Yan Jing", although there was no impressive record, he was always able to complete the task.

In the early years of Yu Ban, he followed Cao Cao in his crusade against the Yellow Turban thieves Liu Pei and Huang Shao, "Shao and others attacked the Taizu camp at night, and the forbidden marshals broke it, beheaded Shao, and so on, and surrendered to the multitude." After that, he attacked QiaoRui and "beheaded rui and other four generals." Yu Ban's talents were more reflected in the training of soldiers, the rectification of military discipline and the improvement of morale, and he strictly governed the army and won the respect of the soldiers.

Liu Bei's "Five Tiger Generals" and Cao Cao's "Five Sons and Good Generals", who is more powerful?

Zhang Gao successively served under Han Fu, Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao, and he was praised by the history books as "aware of variables, good at handling Chen, anticipating the terrain of the battle, and being afraid of Zhuge Liang." Perhaps because he was a demoted general, Zhang Gao entered the early days of Cao Ying and continued to fight as a deputy general, until after the death of Xiahou Yuan in the Battle of Hanzhong, people elected him as the new commander. However, Zhang Gao was no longer young, and his strength value naturally declined, so he was eventually shot in the knee and died.

The last one is Xu Huang, who is praised as "the wind of Zhou Yafu". Cao Cao praised him for "the more than thirty years I have used soldiers, and the people who have heard of the good use of soldiers in ancient times, those who have not driven into the enemy's siege for a long time... The merits of the general, more than Sun Wu and Yong Tho. ”

Judging from the pen and ink used in the history books, the personal strength of the Five Tiger Generals is better than that of the Five Sons. Although this comparison is very far-fetched, it is in line with people's emotional inertia.

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