
The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

With the popularity of new energy vehicles, this year's domestic new energy vehicle market once again ushered in explosive growth, from January to November this year, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reached 2.514 million units, a year-on-year increase of 178.3%, new energy vehicles have not been affected with the decline of subsidies. It is worth mentioning that the number of domestic new energy vehicles has already exceeded 7 million, which indicates that new energy vehicles have become more and more recognized by consumers.

The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

However, with the increase in the ownership of new energy vehicles, there are also a series of problems behind it, after all, new energy vehicles are still very different from fuel vehicles, and the "battery recycling" problem that has been discussed a lot before is only the tip of the iceberg. Today, what I want to talk about is the car insurance problem of new energy vehicles.

As we all know, when buying a car, you must buy compulsory insurance, if you do not buy compulsory insurance, you can not go on the road, while buying compulsory insurance, the vast majority of people will also buy commercial insurance. After all, commercial insurance is still very important for car owners, even if their driving skills are good, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents when using the car.

The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

However, the commercial insurance of new energy vehicles before is no different from that of fuel vehicles, and the situation faced by new energy vehicles is more complicated than that of fuel vehicles, such as spontaneous combustion, motors, batteries, electronic controls, charging piles and other issues that will not appear in fuel vehicles, and commercial insurance has not made clear terms in the face of these problems, and there will inevitably be some disputes when settling claims.

On December 14 last year, the China Insurance Industry Association officially announced the "Exclusive Clauses for Commercial Insurance for New Energy Vehicles (Trial)", which means that new energy vehicles now have special commercial insurance.

The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

Specifically, new energy vehicle insurance includes new energy vehicle loss insurance, new energy vehicle third-party liability insurance, new energy vehicle vehicle personnel liability insurance 3 main insurance and 13 additional insurance, basically taking into account the common risks of new energy vehicles.

Compared with traditional car insurance, new energy exclusive car insurance has added some protection content. For example, in addition to the body, the unique "three electric" systems (batteries and energy storage systems, motors and drive systems, and other control systems) and all other factory equipment are included in the insurance coverage. It is worth noting that the three main insurances all clearly state that the accident includes the fire and combustion of the vehicle, and the relevant insurance liability is covered. In addition, the use process of new energy vehicles has also been further clarified, and the use of the three main insurances fully covers the scenes of driving, parking, charging and operation.

The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

In addition, the Exclusive Clauses for Commercial Insurance for New Energy Vehicles (Trial Implementation) also include the loss of the charging pile equipment itself and the personal injury or property loss of third parties that may be caused. In general, the exclusive clause of new energy vehicle insurance not only provides customized insurance liability for new energy vehicles, covering diversified use scenarios, but also expands more humanized insurance protection, effectively and comprehensively dispersing the risk of new energy vehicle use.

After reading the insurance terms, the final premium is also a key issue for car owners. Some people are worried that there are more insurance items for new energy vehicles than for fuel vehicles, does this mean that the premium will also rise? In fact, some people have calculated that it is reported that the benchmark premiums of the three insurances and car damage insurance of new energy vehicles are about 0.8% lower than the current benchmark premiums of traditional car insurance. Among them, the benchmark premium of the three insurances fell by 0.1%, and the benchmark premium of the car damage insurance fell by 1.2%. It is estimated that nearly 80% of new energy vehicles use exclusive terms to insure car damage insurance and three insurances, and under the same conditions, the premium is flat or decreasing, which is tantamount to further facilitating the popularity of new energy vehicles.

Although the subsidies for new energy vehicles have been declining in the past two years, the infrastructure construction and commercial insurance behind new energy vehicles have also been continuously improved, dispelling consumers' concerns about purchasing new energy vehicles. From the current market environment, the sales of new energy vehicles will still increase significantly in the future, especially the plug-in hybrid models represented by BYD, which is bound to become the mainstream of the future automobile market.

The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

Why say so, if there is already a fuel car at home, want to buy another one, then pure electric vehicles are undoubtedly the best choice; and want to buy the first car in the buyer, the author personally does not recommend buying pure electric vehicles, after all, the problem of pure electric vehicle endurance and charging time still exists, daily use of the car will inevitably appear a lot of inconvenience, then plug-in hybrid is the best choice, neither the anxiety of endurance can also be on the green card, convenient when charging, inconvenient when refueling, Moreover, the fuel consumption of BYD DM-i models is much lower than that of traditional fuel vehicles even in the state of power loss.

The number of new energy vehicles is as high as 7 million, and the exclusive commercial insurance is on the line, have you lowered it?

Write at the end:

All in all, with the increase in the number of new energy vehicles, the future of new energy vehicles related to the supporting facilities and services will gradually improve, compared to five years ago, the current purchase of new energy vehicles concerns are much smaller, the future of our independent new energy vehicle companies are bound to be in the field of new energy worldwide reputation.

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