
The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

King glory S26 new season is coming, in addition to a variety of new skins online, everyone is most looking forward to the debut of the new hero "暃", after all, it has been almost two months since the last hero "Golden Cicada" was on the shelves, the arrival of "暃" can bring freshness, he is not only the 108th hero of the King's Canyon, but also the opening hero of the cloud race year!

The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

The new hero "暃" will descend to the canyon as soon as next week, so the official announced the model and the original painting in advance, you can see the poster of the "暃" holding the jade leaning on the platform, there are wine and fruits around, it seems that the life of the Grand Prince of Yucheng looks very comfortable, in fact, through the background story of the official trailer, the undercurrent of the Jade City is surging!

The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

The entry animation of "暃" actually echoes the in-game skill actions of "暃", such as the turning knife with general attack, the 2 skill leaping over the wall, and the large move release of the second stage of the knife into the sheath action, the whole set of actions in one go highlights the mobility of "暃" as an assassin. At the same time, the character setting of the Prince of the Western Regions has given the canyon another male hero with high appearance.

The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

Through the latest official announcement of the new hero revelations learned that the "暃" positioning assassin / warrior (experience suit is only an assassin), you can choose to take the wild road and the confrontation road, just by virtue of the "暃" cornice to walk the wall of the way to play, Xiaobian feels that he is the most suitable for dividing the road only to play the wild road, relying on super strong running map ability and breakthrough, 暃 can quickly gank anti-wild, help teammates open the rhythm.

The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

It is worth mentioning that the "暃" in the early stage of the game damage gua sha, the main output means is 1/3 skill, in order to avoid the player to start the game to miss the 2 skills, level 1 out of the door can only upgrade 1 skill. Although the full skill of "暃" can be released in multiple sections, but the gameplay is not as complicated as everyone thinks, basically 2 skills on the wall to chase or rush to the right position, followed by 1 skill displacement, 1 skill second stage release needs to have enemy heroes nearby, can cause the target to fly and shield itself, and then take the big move flat A, if the target health is not much left, then release the big move two paragraphs, you can kill it, that is, 22211AA3AAA3 combo moves. Of course, the specific actual combat combo must also be decided according to the surrounding environment, for example, you can consume 1 skill in the grass first, and then take away 211A3A3. (PS: 1 skill enhancement after the wall can return blood, and the second slash of the big move can also return blood, which is the main endurance means of "暃")

The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

It should be noted that after the experience suit has been weakened many times, the 2 skills of "暃" have been unable to climb over all the walls, such as the two walls of the middle road river, or the walls on the left and right sides of the middle road tower, so the follow-up official service is launched, and everyone first goes to the training camp to familiarize themselves with which walls can be directly leaped. Since it is an assassin, "暃" can choose to wear a hidden universal inscription, dress with reference to yunyi, choose red knives, CD shoes, shadow tomahawks, ice marks, broken army and witch half-meat suits, you can also replace witches and ice marks with pure output packages of broken star hammers and famous knives, but the latter is easy to be seconds into the group, so Xiaobian recommends that you use half meat.

The new hero "暃" original painting model is officially announced, the gameplay is explained in detail, and the early entry is quickly scored

Conclusion: The son of Yucheng - "暃" will appear simultaneously with the update of the S26 season (or January 6th), everyone prepares hero fragments or gold coins to exchange, in terms of gameplay is very novel, and the equipment is formed after gank efficiency is high, it is expected to become a high-heat T1 assassin, it is worth everyone practicing, so how do you think of "暃"? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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