
Will the new Void Heroes appear? Extranet anchor breaking news: expected 12.11-12 version

In April's Blueprint for New Heroes, the designers revealed three new heroes who will appear next this year and a progress report on the redo to the old heroes.

(The following is the content of the breaking news, everything is subject to the official announcement!) )

As for the new Void Wild Hero who will appear next, I believe that many players have also seen the relevant breaking news content, and its image has been exposed, a manta ray hero with a monster appearance, and has two forms:

Will the new Void Heroes appear? Extranet anchor breaking news: expected 12.11-12 version

Unfortunately, so far, only the image of the new hero has been revealed. For its skills, it can only be guessed by the designer's description:

Surrender voluntarily, and you will join the Borderless Purple Sea and crush your enemy's defenses like waves crashing against the shore. Bow to the Queen and let her sip your essence to become part of the new evolution of this Rune Land. Another benefit of bending the knee to her is that she will show you true elegance, true beauty and the true face of emptiness.

In the new hero's breaking news video, you can also hear the voice of the new hero: every bite of this world will promote our transformation.

Will the new Void Heroes appear? Extranet anchor breaking news: expected 12.11-12 version

Many players also want to know when this new hero will appear. Originally, it was revealed that it appeared in the 12.8 or 12.9 version, but according to the extranet anchor Big Bad Bear, due to the balance problem, the appearance time was postponed, especially in the 12.10 version, there will be a big balance adjustment. It is expected to appear in version 12.11 or 12.12.

Will the new Void Heroes appear? Extranet anchor breaking news: expected 12.11-12 version

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