
The Japanese army once really hurt Chinese girls and forced them to be "four-legged cows", what is a four-legged cow?

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

Nowadays, our country is very strong, the economic development is also good, now we are very prosperous and prosperous, our life has become colorful, people's lives have become better, many young people in their leisure time will choose to travel, sometimes travel abroad, sometimes go to Japan, the country, people's lives are getting better and better.

The Japanese army once really hurt Chinese girls and forced them to be "four-legged cows", what is a four-legged cow?

However, in the case of better and better days, we must not forget that today's happy life is exchanged for the lives of many anti-Japanese fighters, without the existence of these fighters, perhaps the current China will not develop to this point today, may be thesis of many developed countries colonies, but we have won, today's China also has a pivotal position in the world.

However, with the passage of time, many people have forgotten the history, and these revolutionary fighters who once resisted Japan have now become veterans, and many of these veterans have begun to slowly leave us, and at that time, the Japanese people on our territory can be said to be very inhumane, so although we are living happily now, we still don't want to forget the humiliation we suffered before, and it is precisely because of this that we will be in the future time. So as not to be so easily bullied by other countries.

The Japanese army once really hurt Chinese girls and forced them to be "four-legged cows", what is a four-legged cow?

At that time, when the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out in full swing, the Japanese also knew very well that it was not an easy task to completely occupy China. In order to solve their physiological needs and stabilize the military's morale, these Japanese soldiers could not go home for many years, so they established comfort women's shelters where the Japanese army was located. And these comfort women are innocent young girls in our country, these people are not very old, some even some little girls, according to the women who survived at that time, the Japanese soldiers at that time also forced them to be four-legged cattle, so what is this four-legged cow?

An old man who survived at that time revealed to us that many women at that time were reluctant to do such a thing, but if they did not do it, they would be beaten by them, so in order to make them not resist, let these women put their hands on the ground, put a knife under the body, when these women resisted, they would fall down, the knife would go directly through the women's bodies, and there was not much possibility of surviving.

The Japanese army once really hurt Chinese girls and forced them to be "four-legged cows", what is a four-legged cow?

The old man who gave us the news said that she had been injured by a knife at that time, but fortunately the wound was not very large, and she survived until the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and these women in the comfort women's shelter were released. Every time the old man mentioned this matter, his eyes were full of tears, and we listened very sadly, so even in this era without war, we must not forget a wound we have received in history, which we need to remember all the time.

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