
Survey | Longxi fish, small Luo brine goose, postal crucian carp... Millions a year! What does the highway bring fire to food, rely on to conquer passers-by?

author:Upstream News

"Since the G42 Hurong Expressway was completed and opened to traffic in 2003, almost every time I encounter a meal point passing by the Yunlong toll station, I will eat Longxi fish on the next road." Citizen He Yang said that Longxi fish is tender and smooth to eat, and the spicy is full of mellow and fresh fragrance, and the aftertaste is endless.

In fact, there are currently 40 kinds of food in Chongqing that are on fire because of the highway. According to data from Chongqing Expressway Group, by the end of 2020, the total mileage of expressways in the city will reach 3400 kilometers, bringing greater economic benefits to the districts and counties along the way, and food is one of them. So, on the highway, how to "fry" this plate of food will be more fragrant? The reporter recently continued a week-long field interview and investigation to review the food and commercial map of Chongqing that is on fire because of the road.


Selling fish sells for tens of thousands of yuan every day

He Yang, 41, a native of Liangping District, currently works for a state-owned enterprise in the main urban area.

"When I was in college, Liangping did not have a highway to Chongqing, and could only take the national highway, from Liangping, Pingjin, Huilong to Matjiang, and then from Matjiang to Longevity, and in Longevity to Chongqing on the highway." He Yang said that at that time, he had not heard of Liang Pingyun Dragon Creek Fish. In 2003, after the G42 Hurong Expressway was completed and opened to traffic, the bus changed to the Hurong Expressway, and he heard from the driver's mouth that Longxi fish was delicious.

After the highway was opened, with the increase of vehicles and the word of mouth of the driver, the Longxi fish became more and more popular.

Survey | Longxi fish, small Luo brine goose, postal crucian carp... Millions a year! What does the highway bring fire to food, rely on to conquer passers-by?

Dragon Creek Fish

When it comes to Yunlong Longxi fish, it is necessary to mention Liu's Longxi fish. The founder of Liu's Longxi Fish is Liu Zhijun, a native of Yunlong Community (formerly Yunlong Village) in Yunlong Town, and the fresh and fat wild fish in the Longxi River have inspired Liu Zhijun. By chance, Liu Zhijun cooked fresh eel and wild fish in the Longxi River in the form of hot pot, and found that the taste was very delicious, and Liu Zhijun began to carefully ponder the ingredients and cooking methods of Longxi fish. After continuous improvement and trial, in 1989 the authentic Dragon Creek Fish was introduced.

Liu Zhijun told reporters that before the highway was not opened, the people who ate fish were all people around or drivers passing by, and the amount was not large, selling more than 1,000 yuan per day.

"What really makes Longxi fish famous is that after the highway was opened, more and more people came to see it, and most of them came by car to eat." He has expanded the area of the hotel many times, and now there are 30 tables, often full at noon, and more than ten employees are busy, with an average daily sales of tens of thousands of yuan.

The head of the government of Yunlong Town, Liangping District, told reporters that with the opportunity of the highway, the lower crossing of the Yunlong Toll Station became a food area, in addition to Liu's Longxi fish, there were also a number of Longxi fish restaurants around. "A fish has driven many people to get rich, and it has also driven local related industries."

Postal pavilion crucian carp has formed an industrial chain

Survey | Longxi fish, small Luo brine goose, postal crucian carp... Millions a year! What does the highway bring fire to food, rely on to conquer passers-by?

Post kiosk crucian carp

The fish that "swim" on the highway are not only Longxi fish, but also postal crucian carp.

Luo Xilin, who lives in the Ziducheng community of Longhu, told reporters that he and his wife drove more than 90 kilometers to the Dazu Postal Pavilion last week to eat crucian carp.

"During this time, my wife was pregnant, and last Saturday she suddenly wanted to eat crucian carp, and she only wanted to eat crucian carp, and she said that the crucian carp there was the most authentic." Luo Xilin said that in order to fulfill his wife's wishes, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at the Dazu Post Kiosk from the North Ring Road at about 5:30 p.m., ate crucian carp, and returned home at more than 10 p.m.

At noon on May 17, the reporter came to the crucian carp shop in the post kiosk of the Dazu Postal Pavilion, and the front of the store was full of vehicles coming to eat crucian carp. In the hall, crucian carp is lit at every table.

"We went from Chengdu to Chongqing to do business, and when we arrived in Dazu, we must eat crucian carp in the postal booth, otherwise we will waste this opportunity." Huang Yajun, a citizen of Chengdu, said that it may be a psychological effect, and Chengdu also has crucian carp in the postal pavilion, but he always feels that this is authentic.

According to legend, an old man surnamed Xiang invented the postal pavilion crucian carp. By 1999, some counties and cities in Chengdu, Chongqing and the Sichuan-Chongqing region blew a "postal pavilion crucian carp" wind.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Dazu Commerce Commission, the golden period of the development of the postal pavilion crucian carp is still after the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, due to the speed and efficiency of traffic, the postal pavilion crucian carp has developed rapidly.

The reporter learned from the Dazu District Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Development Center that crucian carp in the postal pavilion has become a local industrial chain. At present, the farming area of crucian carp in the postal pavilion reaches more than 2,000 mu. The aquaculture area of Dazu District is 80,000 mu, the total aquatic products are 30,000 tons, and the total fishery output value is 600 million yuan.

The reporter learned from the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology that Dazu Postal Pavilion crucian carp was listed as one of the 50 brands of Chongqing's gourmet industrialization products.

Expand production capacity to sell 100,000 brine geese per year

In addition to fish, there are also geese and ducks on the "swimming" highway.

"The little Luo Halogen Goose was an old name in Rongchang, and at that time, this 'old' was only known to the people of Rongchang." Luo Jian, founder of Rongchang Xiaoluo Halogen Goose, told reporters that since 1994, he began to start a business, explored and improved from the ancestral formula, and integrated its original taste with Sichuan flavor, and finally formed a unique cuisine.

Survey | Longxi fish, small Luo brine goose, postal crucian carp... Millions a year! What does the highway bring fire to food, rely on to conquer passers-by?

Rongchang brine goose

The opportunity for Xiaoluo Halogen Goose began in 2014 when it entered the Rongchang Service Area of Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway. Luo Jian said that driven by the economic route of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, the sales of xiaoluo halogen goose continued to rise, and its popularity was greatly enhanced, which was recognized by passengers and drivers along the route.

With the increase in sales and brand awareness of Xiaoluo Halogen Goose, Luo Jian gradually realized the limitations of the workshop-style production model. Therefore, he built a standardized production plant with more than 2,000 square meters, more than 8 million yuan of standardized production lines and supporting facilities, recruited nearly 60 employees, and formed a Rongchang halogen goose production and sales enterprise with an annual production and sales of 100,000 brine geese.

Also on fire because of the road is Liang Pingzhang's duck. Wu Manjia, head of Liangping Zhang duck food company, said that with high-speed huge traffic and consumption capacity, from 2005, when Liangping Zhangya's subsidiary settled in Liangping service area, there was only one store at that time, and there were only 2 million sales a year. By the end of 2019, Liangping Zhang Duck sold Zhang Duck in more than 60 pairs of highway service areas, with an annual turnover of 87 million yuan.

Survey | Longxi fish, small Luo brine goose, postal crucian carp... Millions a year! What does the highway bring fire to food, rely on to conquer passers-by?

Wanzhou Gege

According to statistics, there are more than 40 kinds of delicacies that are on fire because of the highway, including Zhongxian Fragrant Mountain Honey Cake, Called Flower Fish, Wanzhou Gege, Wanzhou Grilled Fish, Kaizhou Xuebao Mountain Medicinal Chicken, Yunyang Sheep's Foot Hot Pot, Jiangjin Pepper Chicken, Lotus Blood Duck, etc.


Great food on the highway

In 2018, Chongqing held the first expressway food festival, Chongqing small noodles, nine-turn large intestine, Jiangjin pepper chicken, lotus blood duck... Gathered in the Yurong Expressway Weilong Service Area, more than 20 famous brand merchants in 7 provinces and cities across the country, and more than 70 kinds of national cuisines.

"The expressway holds a food festival, in addition to exploring the deep integration of the 'transportation +' industry, improving the service level and the image of the expressway, but also promoting the local economy." The head of the Chongqing Retailers Association said that as a special commodity, food is more dependent on consumers. When the dish is made, it must be eaten, and it cannot be waited for and kept like other goods. And highway passengers and drivers come and go, time is tight, and dishes can't wait, so they complement each other.

The person in charge said that the huge traffic and consumption capacity through the highway will play an important role in promoting the food industry chain, and the local direct economy and indirect economy will also be greatly improved.

Data show that every dollar invested in the Chongqing Expressway can bring direct economic benefits of 0.67 yuan to the areas along the route, counting the indirect effects brought to various industries, a total of more than 90 yuan.

According to data from the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway Company, the local economy along the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway has developed rapidly, taking the Rongchang District, the most remote area of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, as an example, from 2.062 billion yuan in 1995 to 70.98 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of nearly 34.4 times. Correspondingly, the northeastern and southeastern regions of Chongqing, where the expressway development is late, such as Wuxi County in the northeast of Chongqing and Pengshui County in the southeast of Chongqing, have a GDP of 11 billion yuan and 24.5 billion yuan respectively in 2020.

The relevant person in charge of The Chongqing Expressway Group said that the pull of the expressway on the economy of the areas along the route can be best expressed by GDP, and the food is also very obvious. For example, after the upgrading of the Wulong service area in 2017, the McDonald's restaurant that was stationed in the Wulong service area at that time, for example, achieved revenue of 1.29 million yuan in 20 days, an increase of 21% year-on-year. After the upgrading of the Wulong service area, nearly 110 new business formats have been added, more than 600 new jobs have been created, and the annual operating income can reach 180 million yuan, of which nearly 120 million yuan is catering and snacks, an increase of 10% to 20%. "The expressway's food-driven economic growth in the areas along the route is about 15%." The person in charge said that the pull on food is increasing with the increase in the mileage of highway traffic. In 2015, the total length of expressways in the city was about 2,500 kilometers, and by 2020, it will reach 3,400 kilometers, with an average daily traffic flow of 850,000 vehicles and an annual service of more than 400 million people.

Tang Qiyun, a professor at the Chongqing Institute of Industrial Economics, said that the economic pull of the expressway on the line is obvious, and there are many things that are on fire with the help of the expressway, such as caravan camps, self-driving tours, and food.

"Although food is a niche economic industry, it is a big industry for the local people to get rich." He said that in 2018, Chongqing held a food competition in the expressway service area, and in 2020, Jiangsu also held a food festival in the expressway service area, which shows that the gastronomic economy not only has a great help to the expressway to improve services, but also has a great indirect effect on driving the local food industry.

Upstream News • Chongqing Business Daily reporter Zheng Sanbo

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