
Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

author:Only food for you

Not only will I make hot pot, I will also make a lot, hello everyone, I am the only food you.

These days have been talking about some Chongqing dishes, I found that many friends are actually very interested in these Chongqing jianghu dishes, in fact, to be honest, some dishes I will not, I learn in Chongqing is Chongqing hot pot, beautiful frog fish head, Wushan paper wrapped fish, Chongqing special snacks, dry pot hot pot, crayfish, etc., some dishes I also ask now to learn, for example, we want to talk about today - postal pavilion crucian carp.

Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

In The town of Youting in Dazu County, the birthplace of the postal pavilion crucian carp, the "postal pavilion crucian carp" has developed rapidly, and many diners from other places have come to taste the authentic postal pavilion crucian carp. Tourists who come to Dazu, after feasting on the baoding and Beishan stone carvings, then feast on a street in the postal pavilion. In the postal pavilion crucian carp street, the most famous signs are "Liu Sanjie crucian carp", "Yangmen authentic crucian carp", "Postal Pavilion Chen crucian carp". Among them, the brand of "Postal Pavilion Chen Crucian Carp" has applied for registration with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. It has also made the "postal pavilion crucian carp" gradually form a specialty dish that is famous in Bashu and famous in the southwest of Manchuria.

Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

The method of this dish is actually not complicated, it is also fried and then stewed, below, we will talk about the specific method of crucian carp in this postal booth:

First of all, we prepare the ingredients we need: 3 crucian carp, 300 grams of celery, 50 grams of pickled pepper, 50 grams of red pepper, 30 grams of pickled radish, 5 grams of peppercorns, 15 grams of squeezed vegetables, 10 grams of chili noodles, 30 grams of ground peanuts, 20 grams of garlic, 20 grams of ginger, 20 grams of green onion, 20 grams of cooking wine, and 5 grams of seasoning powder.

Once we have the ingredients we need, let's start today's preparation:

Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

First we will buy the crucian carp scales off the gills, remove the internal organs, rinse well.

Then cut the fish body with a flower knife, one finger wide, add cooking wine, ginger slices, green onion, salt and set aside.

Celery cut into sections

Heat the marinated crucian carp at 60% of the oil temperature, fry until tightly skinned, light yellow on both sides, remove the oil and set aside.

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, heat the oil under the onion, ginger and garlic stir-fry, then add the pickled pepper, pepper, pepper, stir-fry the aroma and add the appropriate amount of broth, pickled radish, cooking wine, boil out the aroma.

Season under fried crucian carp, celery, seasoning powder.

Put the whole crucian carp into the fish dish with chopsticks, sprinkle with crushed rice peanuts, crushed rice squeezed vegetables, green onions, and spoon in a scoop of marinade, and serve.

Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

Here, this delicious post booth crucian carp is ready, what needs to be explained is not to hang paste when frying fish, it will affect the taste of crucian carp, the oil temperature can not be too high when frying, because the paste is not hung, when frying, we must pay attention to the integrity of the fish and fish skin, otherwise it will affect the taste and appearance, when fried to the tight skin, light yellow can be, do not fry old.

Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

The pickled pepper ingredients shown in the text, the seasoning powder is homemade by our store, interested friends can click on the above link: authentic Chongqing hot pot base and pot bottom production details. There is a detailed tutorial of the whole set of franchise stores with pickled pepper and seasoning powder, welcome to watch.

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Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp - Another masterpiece of cooking fish in Chongqing, selling hundreds of pounds of signature dishes a day

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