
At home to cook jianghu cuisine, post booth crucian carp, taste bud bomber

author:Yu forages fast

Postal crucian carp is a famous jianghu dish in Chongqing. It is another masterpiece of cooking fish. The "postal pavilion" in "Postal Pavilion Crucian Carp" is a place name in Chongqing, The Town of Postal Pavilion in Dazu County, Chongqing. At the end of the 1990s, a whirlwind of postal pavilion crucian carp blew up, and its strength exceeded that of the previous roast chicken, Qianjiang chicken offal, and other jianghu dishes. This dark horse once made the price of crucian carp continue to rise, and even the fish-shaped plate was sold out in the tableware market, and the popularity can be imagined... Above (even this plate can be sold out of stock because of this dish)

At home to cook jianghu cuisine, post booth crucian carp, taste bud bomber

The finished product is like an overnight postal pavilion wind, thousands of shops eat crucian carp

At home to cook jianghu cuisine, post booth crucian carp, taste bud bomber

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Time consuming: 12 minutes, Difficulty: Easy, Craft: frying, cooking


Crucian carp (crucian carp native to natural waters) 1000 g, cut and washed, add ginger, green onion, salt, pepper, cooking wine yard flavor.

At home to cook jianghu cuisine, post booth crucian carp, taste bud bomber

200 g mixed oil, (vegetable oil, lard 1/2 halves)

Pixian bean paste 150 grams chopped

Peppercorns (30 grains)

Peppercorn noodles (3 g)

100 g pickled pepper chopped, (soaked red two wattles)

50 g of pickled ginger chopped

50 g chopped radish,

10 g garlic diced

Beer 150 g

Pepper 3 g

A pinch of sugar (freshened to taste)

Celery 500 g cut into sections,

MSG 3 g,

Chicken essence 3 g,

25 grams of chili noodles (do not eat spicy can not be put)


20 g of puff pastry soybeans

10 g chopped sprouts

2 g of tempeh chopped

Crushed rice peanuts 10 g

Crushed rice squeezed vegetables 10 g

10 g chopped green onion

Coriander cut knots

At home to cook jianghu cuisine, post booth crucian carp, taste bud bomber

The raw materials are ready to start igniting on the stove

Heat the pan and add the oil mixture to 60% heat (about 180 degrees). Yards of delicious fish. Fry slightly (effectively remove fishy) and set aside.

When the oil temperature rises to 50% heat again (about 150 degrees), the peppercorns are fried, and the watercress, pickled red pepper, and pickled ginger and garlic are stir-fried. Sauté the carrot chili noodles in red oil, pour in 750 grams of broth (estimated to be better than crucian carp), 150 grams of beer, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of chicken essence, 3 grams of pepper, a little sugar, season, cook for two minutes to taste. Add the fried fish, cook (about 3 minutes) down to the celery section, turn off the heat and pour into a large dish. Sprinkle with a little chili noodles, pepper noodles, garlic foam, green onion, heat the oil in a pot until 60% hot and pour into the fish dish, sprinkle with coriander and serve. It's on the table

When eating, put the whole crucian carp into your own fish dish, sprinkle with 20 grams of crispy soybeans, 2 grams of tempeh, 10 grams of sprouts, 10 grams of crushed rice peanuts, 10 grams of crushed rice squeezed vegetables, green onions, coriander and then scoop into a scoop of original soup.

At home to cook jianghu cuisine, post booth crucian carp, taste bud bomber

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