
To address carbon emissions at its roots, Baidu expects to reduce transportation carbon by 70 million tons by 2030

The U.S. Stock Research Agency learned that according to the news of titanium media App on December 29, at the "Green Double Carbon" forum of the 2021 Baidu AI Developer Conference, Baidu and IDC jointly launched the "Intelligent Carbon Reduction, Stimulating The Power of Green Transformation - 2021 Chinese Intelligent Help Achieve the "Double Carbon" Goal White Paper".

Baidu founder, chairman and CEO Robin Li said in the opening remarks that Baidu is using the advantages of AI technology to seek the optimal solution for carbon reduction of the whole chain of intelligent transportation system through the promotion of automatic driving and vehicle-road collaboration; in the future, together with ecological partners, it will firmly invest resources and use AI to help "zero carbon growth".

To address carbon emissions at its roots, Baidu expects to reduce transportation carbon by 70 million tons by 2030

Shang Guobin, vice president of Baidu and general manager of the intelligent transportation business unit, analyzed in the subsequent keynote speech that one of the key values of intelligent transportation lies in solving the carbon emission problem from the root through the overall solution of "car road travel", and it is expected that Baidu will promote urban transportation to reduce carbon emissions by 70 million tons by 2030. This volume is roughly equivalent to 8% of the country's overall carbon emissions in 2020.

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