
Hengyang ordinary highway service area has a new energy charging station

Hengyang ordinary highway service area has a new energy charging station

Charging piles in highway service areas can be seen everywhere, but have you ever seen charging piles in ordinary national and provincial highway service areas? On December 28, the author learned from the Zhuhui Branch Center of the Municipal Highway Construction and Maintenance Center that the new energy charging station in the Service Area of Dongyangdu Highway on National Highway G107 will soon be put into use, achieving a breakthrough in the "0" charging of new energy vehicles in the ordinary highway service area of Hengyang City.

Hengyang ordinary highway service area has a new energy charging station

With the gradual popularization of new energy vehicles, the public's demand for charging piles is increasing. In order to further improve the service level of ordinary national and provincial highway trunk highways and solve the "last kilometer" problem faced by the construction of charging infrastructure, the Zhuhui Branch Center of Municipal Highway cooperated with relevant enterprises to build 6 charging piles on a pilot basis in the Service Area of Dongyangdu Highway on National Highway G107 with large traffic. The charging pile fully complies with the latest standards in the "interconnection" industry, and the single gun supports 60-120KW fast charging, which can be perfectly matched with the vast majority of vehicles on the market. Users of new energy vehicles entering the service area can charge their cars by simply scanning the code.

The Dongyangdu Highway Service Area is also equipped with supporting facilities to provide free rest seats, WiFi, hot water and directions for drivers and passengers while charging and waiting. At present, 6 charging piles are under intense commissioning and are expected to be officially put into operation around New Year's Day.

【Source: Hengyang Municipal People's Government Portal_Hengyang News】

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