
In the Qing Dynasty, there have always been people who want to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, why do few people in the Yuan Dynasty want to oppose the Yuan and restore the Song?

In Chinese history, there have been two dynasties ruled by a small number of regimes, that is, the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, although these two dynasties have not been favored by many Han Chinese, but the two dynasties also have extremely important historical positions.

Many people have learned through some works of art that there are often people who use the slogan of anti-Qing and restoration of the Qing Dynasty to rebel against the rule of the Qing Dynasty, and there is no anti-Yuan and Song dynasty. People are very confused why it feels that there have always been people in the Qing Dynasty who have been anti-Qing and restored the Ming, why are not many people in the Yuan Dynasty anti-Yuan and Song dynasties?

In the Qing Dynasty, there have always been people who want to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, why do few people in the Yuan Dynasty want to oppose the Yuan and restore the Song?

We must know that everything has a cause and effect, and such a situation must have a great relationship with the rule of the two dynasties, although the Yuan Dynasty was a foreign invasion at that time, using force to destroy the Song Dynasty to rule the Central Plains, and also looked down on the Han people like the Qing Dynasty, but the Yuan Dynasty did not suppress Han culture like the Qing Dynasty. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was also actively learning Han culture, and did not require Han and Southerners to shave their hair and change clothes, while the Qing Dynasty was different, since entering the customs, it has always wanted to suppress Han culture, and even wanted to change the whole Chinese into Manchu, and required everyone to shave their hair and change clothes. The ancient Han people have always had a body skin to be affected by their parents, and it is natural to be so disgusted with the Qing Dynasty, coupled with being used by people with hearts, resulting in a situation of anti-Qing and restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

Secondly, the Yuan Dynasty does not give people the feeling of reusing Han Chen, in fact, the Yuan Dynasty reused Han Chen, and many of the well-educated people in the Han Dynasty during the Yuan Dynasty entered the Yuan Dynasty as officials through the imperial examination, although the Han Chen between officials was lower than the Yuan Officials but not as obvious as the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty seemed to reuse Han Chen, but Han Chen was half a level lower than Manchu, and there was not a Single Han person holding positions such as Governor General at that time, and only Han People held such important positions in the late Qing Dynasty.

In the Qing Dynasty, there have always been people who want to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, why do few people in the Yuan Dynasty want to oppose the Yuan and restore the Song?

In addition, the Yuan Dynasty period is relatively relaxed system, the Han did not suffer from the Qing Dynasty because of saying a wrong sentence, the Qing Dynasty Daxing Text Prison tampered with some important historical allusions beyond recognition, and the Yuan Dynasty did not do this, and even during the Yuan Dynasty, many operas borrowed from ancient irony to the present were sung, the Yuan Dynasty did this to make the Han people have a little bit of peace of mind, and the Qing Dynasty let the Han people everyone endanger themselves, and under the self-danger, it will naturally make people rebel.

Although the Treatment of Han Chinese during the Yuan Dynasty was also unfair, and the Han people were regarded as inferior, some royal nobles were divided into various places during the Yuan Dynasty, so that people at that time did not feel that they were oppressed. The Qing Dynasty kept the Eight Banners and the imperial family in captivity in the imperial city, so that people at that time saw the gap between nobles and commoners, and felt that they had been nurturing the entire Qing court. Although the officials of the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty were corrupt, the Yuan Dynasty basically did not reach the level of the Qing Dynasty, as long as the common people did not let them live, they naturally would not have a rebellious heart, and the late Yuan Dynasty was also a rebel, and the Qing Dynasty was corrupt at the beginning, so it was inevitable that people would have an anti-Qing heart.

In the Qing Dynasty, there have always been people who want to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, why do few people in the Yuan Dynasty want to oppose the Yuan and restore the Song?

Then there is the credit of Zhu Yuanzhang, because the late Yuan Dynasty overwhelmed the people of the world, and peasant uprisings broke out in many places, and later Zhu Yuanzhang established daming from a low-level body. Among them, we are given two important messages, that is, in the chaotic world, we were born in a low place and had the opportunity to ascend to the position of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, so some people in the future who were not willing to be mediocre went to the road of learning from Zhu Yuanzhang. It is just that in the early period of the Qing Dynasty, it did not reach the situation that the people did not have a good life, and there was no situation of chaos in the world, these people were too anxious to launch the anti-Qing road, giving us the illusion that there were more people in the Qing Dynasty who opposed the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty, and fewer people in the Yuan Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

In the Qing Dynasty, there have always been people who want to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, why do few people in the Yuan Dynasty want to oppose the Yuan and restore the Song?

Finally, there is the reason for the work of art, the Yuan Dynasty is a dynasty that does not want to talk about, and the reason may be that everyone has a certain understanding, and some works of art should avoid such a situation. The Qing Dynasty is different, the Qing Dynasty itself is manchu and one of the 56 ethnic groups in China, naturally there is no need to worry about such a problem, that is to say, the story of the Qing Dynasty can be processed artistically, while the Yuan Dynasty cannot be processed into works of art because of many factors. In this way, through the interpretation and drama of the works of art, we are familiar with the anti-Qing and restoration of the Qing Dynasty, but we do not know much about the anti-Yuan and Song dynasties.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to see that in fact, as long as any dynasty in ancient times lost a little bit of popularity, it would be used by people with hearts to make chaotic moves. It also indirectly tells us a truth, the water can carry the boat can also overturn the boat, and those who win the hearts of the people have won the world since ancient times.

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