
Mr. Yang Dai's 17 classic quotations, with applicable themes, quickly accumulate them and use them in the composition!

Hello everyone, I am your pen god.

Teacher Yang Dai, as a famous contemporary writer, has left a lot of classic works, and there are many classic sentences in the works that can be quoted into our works, and today we will walk into the world of Teacher Yang Dai with the pen god!

About the Author

Yang Dai, real name Yang Jikang, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, is a writer and translator, mrs. Qian Zhongshu.

Yang Is fluent in English, French and Spanish, and her translation of Don Quixote is considered to be the best translation.

At the age of 93, Yang Dai published an essay "The Two of Us", which was popular at home and abroad.

Her prose is plain, calm and meaningful, like an old man telling the story of smoke and dust, which is worrying.

Classic good sentences

Applicable topics: indifferent, impetuous and down-to-earth

I don't argue with anyone, and I don't care about anyone.

Applicable topic: Reading and thinking

Young people, your problem is mainly reading too much and thinking too much.

Applicable topics: setbacks, adversity, strength

At first, I pretended to be strong, and then I was really strong.

Applicable topics: goals and directions, choice

Take the path of good choice, don't choose the path of good walking, you can have your true self.

Applicable topics: cherishing, friendship, family affection

The good things in the world are not firm, and the clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is brittle.

Applicable topics: annoyance and sorrow, open-mindedness and calmness

There is no simple happiness in the world, and happiness is always mixed with troubles and worries.

Mr. Yang Dai's 17 classic quotations, with applicable themes, quickly accumulate them and use them in the composition!

Applicable topics: civilized etiquette, moral cultivation

Everyone has a spiritual conscience, and to often restrain oneself by virtue of a spiritual conscience is to cultivate.

Applicable topic: reading and life

Use the feelings of life to read, and use the income from reading to live.

Applicable topics: adversity, setbacks

After different degrees of exercise, a person will obtain different degrees of cultivation and different degrees of benefits, just like spices, the more crushed they are, the finer they are ground, and the more intense the incense.

Mr. Yang Dai's 17 classic quotations, with applicable themes, quickly accumulate them and use them in the composition!

Applicable topic: Be yourself

We have been so eager for outside recognition that in the end we know that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others.

Applicable topics: indifferent, poetic life

We once longed so much for the waves of fate, and in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calm and calm in the heart.

Applicable topic: Facing adversity

God does not allow all happiness to be concentrated on someone, and having money does not necessarily lead to happiness; having happiness does not necessarily lead to health; having health does not necessarily make everything come true.

Maintaining a contented and happy mindset is the best way to refine the mind and purify the mind.

All the enjoyment of pleasure belongs to the spirit, and this happiness turns the endurance into enjoyment, the victory of the spirit over matter, which is the philosophy of life.

Applicable topics: cherish time, dare to create

Life geometry, how much fine gold can be refined by stubborn iron? But different degrees of exercise must have different degrees of achievements; different degrees of indulgence and wantonness will accumulate different degrees of stubbornness.

Mr. Yang Dai's 17 classic quotations, with applicable themes, quickly accumulate them and use them in the composition!

Applicable topic: industrious, diligent

Laziness is also innate, diligence requires their own efforts, and once relaxed, you are lazy.

Applicable topic: The importance of learning

Although people are small and their lives are short, they can learn, they can cultivate themselves, and they can improve themselves. The value of man lies in man himself.

Applicable topic: optimistic, positive

Maintaining a contented and happy mindset is the best way to refine the mind and purify the mind. All the enjoyment of pleasure belongs to the spirit, and this happiness turns endurance into enjoyment, the spirit to the material.

Applicable topic: Thin fame and fortune

On the road of life, if you are bent on chasing fame and fortune, you have no time to take care of others.

What is your favorite sentence? Hurry up and share it in the comments section!

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