
Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

Abahai was a figure in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, she was born in the family of the leader of the Ural tribe, and was sent to marry Nurhaci, the chief of Jianzhou, at the age of 12.

After she married, she was loved by her husband with her beauty and talent, and bore him three sons

Finally, when Nurhaci was about to die, he also wanted to make Abahai's son the Great Khan, but Nurhaci's sudden death made this plan unfinished.

Abhay was asked to be martyred by other princes, and Abhay chose to commit suicide in desperation, so he was buried with Nurhaci.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

Abhay was posthumously honored as empress, but after Emperor Taiji ascended to the throne, he threw all her divine tablets out of him.

Later, although the Qianlong Emperor restored the reputation of Dolgun, he did not mention Abahai, who left few traces in history, but only victims of the struggle for imperial power.

1. Marry Nurhaci

In the north at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Jianzhou led by Nurhaci fought with several other tribes.

In the 21st year of the Wanli Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, nine tribes united to attack the Jianzhou led by Nurhaci, and the war between the two sides was fought for a long time, but Nurhaci finally turned the tide and successfully defeated the nine tribes.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

After the war, the armies of the nine tribes were severely damaged, and one of the leaders, Buzhantai, was captured, the uncle of the protagonist of this article, Abhay. whereas

Abhay's fate was in the hands of this uncle.

A few years later, Nurhaci launched an attack on the other tribes, and quickly destroyed another tribe, the Hada Tribe.

The Hada tribe and the Buzhantai tribe are very close, and the relationship between the two is mutual help, and after the destruction of the Hada tribe, the Tribe of The Buzhantai is also threatened.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

In order to protect the people of my own tribe, he decided to marry his niece Abahai to Nurhaci in exchange for peace between the two tribes.

As a result, Abhay took on the mission of peace between the two tribes and married Nurhaci.

Second, to obtain honor and favor

Abhay received a good education from an early age, and this person was quite beautiful and a very intelligent person, although she was only a concubine of Nurhaci, but this did not affect Nurhaci's love for her.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

With his mind and beauty,

Within a few years of his marriage to Nurhaci, Abhay bore him three sons, and her husband's affection for him grew.

The year after his marriage to Nurhaci, his eldest concubine, Yehenara, died of illness.

The position of grand concubine is vacant, and the concubines are all eyeing this position. After Nurhaci's concubine, she was much more senior than Abhay, who had only been here for two years and had not given birth to nurhaci at that time.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

In the eyes of anyone, she was not eligible to be promoted to the position of Grand Concubine. But Abahai was a very powerful person, and he had ascended to the position of grand concubine by virtue of his own skills. Something that seemed impossible to anyone, but she did it.

Her Ula tribe and the Jianzhou tribe also got better and better in the world, and the two tribes did not smoke again for a long time.

However, Abhay's position in the palace was not static, and there was still a gap between Abhay and Nurhaci.

After marrying Nurhaci, although Abahai had long been favored by him, he was also pushed down from the position of grand concubine because of his poor work.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

Abhay had secretly given money to the wives and daughters of officials, and he had secretly involved Daishan and Huang Taiji, which was known to the other concubines, and then complained to the Great Khan.

Nurhaci, enraged, abolished Abhay's position as concubine, but fortunately, he remembered Abhay's old feelings and returned to her position a year later.

Third, the dispute over the position of Khan

When Nurhaci got older, his sons also had a crush on Han Wei. Abbahai's three sons were all military leaders, especially Dorgon.

At that time, Dorgon's biggest rival was Emperor Taiji, and although the two were equal in status, under the influence of Abhay, Nurhaci showed that he preferred Dolgun.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

Moreover, Dorgon's mother, Abahai, also strongly supported him in seizing the crown prince's throne.

The struggle between the two sides lasted for many years, but the position of crown prince was firmly guarded by Emperor Taiji, who was the son of Nurhaci's wife.

Previously, Abahai was expelled from the position of grand concubine by Nurhaci for various reasons such as privately sending official property, and the emperor Taiji at that time thought that this would clear the obstacle for himself, who knew that his father was obsessed with Abahai and quickly restored her position.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

The struggle between Huang Taiji and Abhay became more and more intense, and both sides tried their best to find each other. In Nurhaci's later years, he fell seriously ill and went to a warm place to recuperate. Knowing that time was running out, he prepared to plan for the future.

On his deathbed, he summoned Abhay and died of illness before he could announce a successor.

In fact, at this time, many people speculated that he was going to pass the throne to Abahai's son Dolgun, but Abhay's wish was not fulfilled, and in the end, her opponent Huang Taiji succeeded.

Abhay had no one to rely on, and soon she became the target of Emperor Taiji's attack.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

The next day, Emperor Taiji joined forces with the other princes to pass on the will and demand that the grand concubine Abahai be buried. In fact, Abhay did not meet the martyrdom requirements of the Great Khan.

At that time, there were two requirements for the concubines who were martyred, the first of which was that there were no children and no worries. The second was that she had to be a concubine whom the Great Khan liked before he died, otherwise she would not be eligible for martyrdom.

Although Abhay was favored by Nurhaci during her lifetime, she had three sons. Of her three sons, only the eldest, Azig, was an adult, and the other two were still early in their adult life. Nurhaci's favorite Dolgun was only 15 years old, and his youngest son, Dorgon, was 13 years old.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

Abahai wanted to use this as an excuse to refuse to be buried, but few people were willing to save her at that time, and her repeated pushbacks caused dissatisfaction among others, and in desperation, she chose to commit suicide.

4. Summary

Abhay was a concubine whom Nurhaci was very fond of, but she was used all her life, although her life was relatively smooth, but after the death of her husband, she immediately became a victim of human flesh, which was really stifling.

She married Nurhaci for tribal peace, and after Abhay married, the two tribes were good neighbors and friendly, and there was no dispute for a long time.

Dorgon's birth mother was pampered by her husband all her life, but why did she end up with a funeral?

However, Abhay's uncle Dozhantai was bitter about himself, because of a dispute, he pointed an arrow at his wife, who was Nurhaci's daughter, which made Nurhaci furious and ordered the destruction of the Ula tribe.

Despite the destruction of his own family, Abhay's greater position in Nurhaci's heart was not shaken.

This beautiful and moving woman survived the struggle of her life, but in the end she was forced to be martyred, and she pleaded for everything but no one helped, which was really regrettable.

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