
During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status


Chairman Mao spent his whole life fighting horses and exerting great efforts to govern with great efforts, and can be described as a great historical man who has broken new ground in the world. In his lifetime, he had three mottos that spurred himself on all the time, one of which was known as "Don't talk about family chores, don't talk about money, don't talk about women." The first half of the sentence is "Why do you have to go up five times and sleep three more", and the second half of the sentence is "the most useless is only afraid of exposing ten days of cold in one day". These two sentences are chairman Mao's motto when he was a young student,

The third motto is a poem written for him by the elder xu fanting of the Xinhai revolution during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and Xu Fanting himself is also a famous patriotic general who is fierce and admired by the world.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

1. Young officers

"Juvenile Zhi, then Guozhi" refers to the continuation of Fan Ting.

When he was a young man, this enthusiastic young man with strong patriotism hated the corrupt and incompetent Qing government very much, and was determined to save the country from water and fire and the people from water and fire.

Young and intelligent, at the age of sixteen, he was admitted to the Taiyuan Army Elementary School and was educated according to the educational model of the Japanese military school, accompanied by Fu Zuoyi and other classmates.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

In the same year, the people's anti-Qing enthusiasm was high, and Xu Fanting, a hot-blooded young man, was of course one of them. Under the influence of the anti-Qing revolution, he secretly joined the League organized by Sun Yat-sen and others, and served as the chief guard of Sun Yat-sen. In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out, and his brother Xu Xifeng instigated the new army uprising in Taiyuan and Yuanping, and Xu Fanting, who was worried about serving the country and had no way out, rushed to hear and actively participate, at this time he was only eighteen years old.

Young officers, live up to their mission.

Xu Fanting was appointed "Captain of Zhenyuan" and led a battalion of troops as the vanguard of the troops, the wind and snow were mixed, the weather was like war, the drums of war were urgent, and the wind and snow were flying badly.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

Xu Fanting led the troops to an unstoppable expedition of five hundred miles, straight into Datong, and then the Qing army counterattacked, the war intensified, on this battalion's military strength, with a tenacious will beyond the strongman, held out in Datong City for forty days, as an eighteen-year-old young officer, obtained a beautiful battle achievement, and became famous in Shanxi, a household name. The Tao is different in the end. After the founding of the Republic of China and The control of the government by Yan Xishan, Xu Fanting was dissatisfied with Yan Xishan and Yuan Shikai because of the problem of style, so he resigned and returned to his hometown to set up a primary school. Later, he followed his brother Xu Xifeng to Huashan, Shaanxi, where he became acquainted with like-minded anti-Yuan Yishi in the northwest and got in touch with Sun Wen.

At the end of 1915, Cai Yi, who was also dissatisfied with Yuan Shikai, raised an army in Yunnan, and at the same time, this group of anti-Yuan Yishi formed the "Northwest Protectorate Army" to march to Shanxi, and soon after, Yuan Shikai died of illness.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

Second, special poets

Speaking of military poets, Gu Youhao gave up his illness, the heroism of "eight hundred miles under the command" was him, and the fresh lyricism of "the teenager did not know the taste of sorrow" was also him. And now, there is also a continuation of fanting.

He was a military man, a politician, and a poet of a special status.

In this war era, which was different from the peaceful and prosperous times, he used poetry as a gun, attacked those reactionary and conservative forces from the perspective of the soldiers, boldly and fiercely, and penetrated the back of the paper. In this stage of the Chinese proletarian revolution, in addition to the iron bones of the daily knife and gun, there is also the tenderness of dancing and ink. The Huai'an Poetry Society, a classical poetry society, has become a sustenance for them to express their emotions, and a total of more than fifty people in the circle, large and small, are scattered all over the world, and people respect it as "Huai'an Elders", including Lin Boqu, Xie Jueya, Xu Teli, Wu Yuzhang, Xu Fanting and others.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

They used poetry to express their aspirations, lyrically with poetry, passing on to each other, singing harmony with each other, and singing songs to Wing Chi, known as "Huai'an Poetry Copy".

Among them, Xu Fanting once wrote a poem for his old friend Du Zhong: "The Heart of a Thousand Autumn Martyrs" and made "Gift to Mao Zedong" for Chairman Mao to show admiration.

Third, indignantly cut off the abdomen and resolutely resist Japan

In September 1931, the Japanese army carefully planned on the northeast border of China, blew up the railway, planted stolen goods in our country, and broke out the 918 Incident that shocked China and foreign countries. At such a critical juncture, when the country's territory was brutally invaded, more than 30 million fathers and fellow countrymen became slaves to the country, but the Nationalist government headed by Chiang Kai-shek adopted a "policy of non-resistance," treating the Japanese army passively and slackly, and making radical mistakes in dealing with the Communist Party at home, and put forward the policy of "foreign countries must first be safe inside."

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

Xu Fanting, who was sensitive to state affairs, saw that the country was in difficulty, and the eldest husband should have the responsibility to repay the country, and immediately went out of the mountain to call on the country to resist the war, but the government at that time did not pay attention. In December 1935, he attended the Fifth Congress of the Kuomintang as a representative of the Northwest Region and a member of the old Kuomintang.

He and many people present at the meeting called for an active war of resistance, but no one paid any attention to it, and the feedback they received was only the enjoyment of the situation and the corruption of pursuing fame and profit, which seemed to be a warm heart that had been poured cold water and infinite grief.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

His friend suggested going to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum to cry in front of the mausoleum, but The just and righteous Xu Fanting was so indignant: "The big husband bleeds without tears!" "。 In the early morning of December 26, 1935, he came to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum dressed neatly, and did not return in the afternoon, and his friends suddenly realized the meaning of his big husband bleeding and not shedding tears, and hurried to the front of the spiritual hall.

Sure enough, Xu Fanting had already committed suicide by dissecting himself, and the whole person was lying in a pool of blood, and there was a bloodstained desperate poem on his body.

The incident caused a sensation in the Nanjing government, which prohibited propaganda and reporting against the will of the government leaders. However, the emperor did not pay his heart, and a private newspaper in Shanghai violated the ban and published the news, which was able to rehabilitate the matter, and Xu Fanting was also rescued and escaped from danger.

During this period of recuperation, he seriously reflected on whether his approach could be truly effective, and read the anti-Japanese national salvation materials of Marx and the Communist Party, and suddenly realized that he decided to promote the cessation of the civil war to promote the anti-Japanese resistance.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

In 1937, when the All-out War of Resistance broke out, Yan Xishan appointed him as the chairman of the General Mobilization Committee of the Second Theater, and wanted to use his prestige to better recruit food for his own troops and make him the commander of the security. With the increasingly severe war situation, people like Yan Xishan, who were not determined to resist Japan, gave birth to the idea of compromise with the Japanese army, and even put forward the erroneous fallacy of "existence above all else"!

Xu Fanting seriously retorted: If you don't fight to the end, you can't talk about survival at all!

Yan Xishan did not listen at all, and even told his cronies that they were carrying coffins to resist the war, and we cannot do this.

In December of the same year, Yan Xishan attacked the Eighth Route Army and launched the Jinxi Incident, and Xu Fanting led his provisional first division together with the Eighth Route Army to block Yan Xishan and defend the base area in northwestern Jin.

After the incident, he served as the deputy commander of the Jinsui Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, and the Shanxi New Army began to be fully under the leadership of the Communist Party.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

Fourth, Yan'an recuperation

After continuing Fan Ting's abdomen, his physique has been very poor, not to mention years of fighting, and it is even more difficult to accumulate labor. In the summer of 1940, the Hundred Regiments War broke out, the Japanese army more crazy sweep, Xu Fanting led the army to fight in many places, and finally fell ill in bed. When the Central Committee of China learned of Xu Fanting's condition, it immediately took him to Yan'an for medical treatment.

It was found that most of his lungs had festered, and the tenacity of these years of strong tolerance and pain to command the battle could be imagined.

During his stay in Yan'an, Xu Fanting had a heart-to-heart conversation with Chairman Mao and conducted an in-depth discussion on the rectification of the party's work style, and Mao Zedong's admirable management ability and political ability made Xu Fanting deeply admire, and for him, it was suddenly enlightened, suddenly enlightened, and enlightened.

During the war years, he used poetry as a gun, once cut his abdomen to resist Japan, and was a poet with a special status

As a poet, he speaks poetically. "Leaders are not arrogant" and "quiet as a virgin and heroic" are high praises for Chairman Mao's outstanding achievements, and "Mr. Quality is incomprehensible" and "A feather in the clouds of eternity" are even more highly admired for Chairman Mao's charming personality and charm.

Xu Fanting's sincere and profound respect for Chairman Mao was about to come out, and Chairman Mao was always remembered as a motto.

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