
Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

author:A mystery within a mystery of history

The scholar Yu Qiuyu once wrote an article called "Holding Shame on Shanxi", which told him that he used to think that barrenness was synonymous with Shanxi, until he went to the Three Jins to investigate the land and then compared it with the history books, and he was surprised to find that this statement was poor. For nearly a hundred years from the beginning of the last century, wealthy merchants abounded in Shanxi.

In addition to the economy, in terms of personality, there are also people who do not know much about Shanxi. Speaking of modern Shanxi, people may immediately meet Yan Xishan, speaking of this person of the character of the Earth Emperor, who divides the land, dominates one side, and even the railroad tracks are a little narrower than other provinces. In fact, it is a misunderstanding to define Shanxi in terms of Yan Xishan.

It is precisely in this way that the emergence of Xu Fanting has made many people understand Shanxi, and the prestige of his personality has a different significance not only for Shanxi, but even for the whole of China.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Continuation Fan Ting

Xu Fanting was a native of Chengxian County, Shanxi, which is now Yuanping, and was born on November 27, 1893. Although the family was not wealthy, his father paid for the tuition fees and sent him to the town's primary school. In 1909, Xu Fanting was admitted to the Taiyuan Army Primary School, and he became a classmate of Fu Zuoyi, who would become a famous person.

That is, in this year, Xu Fanting joined the League, and after the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Xu Fanting and his classmates responded one after another, and more than 2,000 people were recruited in the local area in the past ten days. He became a captain of dozens of men at the age of 18.

In the early days of the Republic of China, Xifeng's troops were disbanded by Yan Xishan, and Xifeng resigned his official position and returned home because he was not accustomed to Yan Xishan's personality, and Xu Fanting also returned to his hometown with his brother to run a primary school. In 1913, in order to continue his studies, He Fanting was admitted to the Baoding Military Academy, and during this time, Xu Fanting was highly used by Feng Yuxiang and Sun Yue and others, and also served as a brigade commander.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Xu Fanting is a person with an independent personality, because of the turmoil of the times, he found a reason to resign. Xu Fanting and Liu Yazi were well-known democrats in China at that time, and after Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup in 1927, the whole country was in a state of white terror. For the sake of the national interest, Xu Fanting stepped forward and personally went to Nanjing to meet Chiang Kai-shek and let Chiang Kai-shek restrain himself from the precipice, and Chiang Kai-shek naturally would not listen.

After the Japanese reactionary "918" incident, Xu Fan Ting, who had already returned to the countryside, came out of the mountains again, and he called on people with lofty ideals throughout the country to gather to resist Japan. However, Xu Fanting could not get the support of Chiang Kai-shek at all, so he pulled his own team and formed a newly organized First Army, which was the integrity of Xu Fanting. If we continue to develop according to this trend, there must be endless high-ranking officials and riches.

Soon, however, Chiang Kai-shek was dissatisfied and dismissed Xu Fanting from his post as chief of staff, which made Xu Fanting very angry. In 1935, the Kuomintang held its Fifth National Congress, for which Xu Fanting had high expectations, and he hoped to give a unique speech at this meeting, but it backfired.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Nanjing Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

After arriving in Nanjing, Nanjing was full of songs, officials and officials protected each other, chasing fame and profit, out of the winter of the nature and instinct of a reader, the strength of the personality in the bones of Xu Fanting who insisted on justice was always greater than the gains and losses of personal interests, and that dissatisfaction with reality and dissatisfaction with the corruption of the Kuomintang made him the only way to warn everyone with the posture of "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood." He said indignantly: "The eldest husband shed blood without tears, and only with hot blood can these scum be rushed out of the ranks of human beings." ”

In the winter of 1935, on a cold and cold morning, Xu Fanting wore a formal dress and traveled thousands of miles to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, in front of the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Xu Fanting screamed at the sky, and he silently muttered: "Gurudwara I am sad, weeping I have no tears." Pay homage to the Prime Minister's Mausoleum, and every inch of liver and intestines are broken. It is a shameful crime not to be a general to die in battle. Shy of the enemy, Waquan is safe and expensive? This ancient precept of preferring jade to crush rather than be completed was deeply implanted in the personality of Xu Fanting, and when he reached the last step, he knelt down to the tomb of Sun Yat-sen, looked up at the sky and sighed, drew his sword and cut himself, and thanked the world for his death.

Fortunately, this time, Fan Ting committed suicide without success, and was finally sent to the Central Hospital for rescue, and finally got out of danger of life. In the process of rescuing him, people found a desperate poem in his pocket: "Shirtless strips are left to stay, what does the husband ask for in the world?" Thieves are afraid that public opinion will be destroyed, and I am willing to exchange my body for freedom! ”

This can't help but remind people of Xiang Yu, who is also self-destructive, born as a master, and dead as a ghost male. At the cost of blood and even his head, he exchanged his faith for loyalty to the nation.

It is worth mentioning that in history, there are also many benevolent people who have rebelled against the rulers in the form of "death advice", and the reason why they can stay in the history of the qing dynasty is entirely because their minister status and status are linked, but Xu Fanting is not, he is just an intellectual, at best a Confucian general in the army, in the eyes of Chiang Kai-shek, it seems to be just a tool. Xu Fanting, who had "come back from the dead," suddenly woke up, and the next path he had to choose was to follow the Communist Party and follow Mao Zedong.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Since ancient times, we have a tradition of paying attention to integrity, and we have always regarded integrity as more precious than life, believing that life is short and integrity is eternal, preferring to cut off our heads rather than steal life. "Zhuangzi Qiushui" has clouds:

"The courage of the fisherman who does not avoid the dragon and the fisherman; the courage of the hunter who does not avoid the milk tiger; the courage of the hunter who gives the white blade to the front, who regards death as a living, the courage of the martyr; the one who knows the poor has a destiny, who knows the common, who is not afraid of great trouble, and the courage of the saints."

After Xu Fanting's integrity was learned by Mao Zedong, he was greatly sighed, and even a sense of admiration arose. In March 1939, Yan Xishan held a meeting of cadres in Qiulin Town, Shaanxi Province, and forcibly ordered the abolition of the "War Movement Association" and undermined the united front. Xu Fanting retorted: "If we do not resist the war to the end, we cannot talk about existence at all." Bo Yibo and others agreed with Xu Fanting's point of view, and the debate at the venue was very fierce, and Xu Fanting shouted loudly, wept bitterly, and made a generous statement, which made Yan Xishan ugly.

After the meeting, Xu Fanting went to Yan'an specifically, which was the first time that Xu Fanting met with Mao Zedong. At this meeting, Xu Fanting reported to Mao Zedong on the situation of the meeting, and Mao Zedong praised and understood it very much. In fact, among the democrats, Mao Zedong came into contact with many people, such as Liu Yazi and others, and he only admired Liu Yazi and others.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Mao Zedong in Yan'an

This time, when talking with Xu Fanting, Mao Zedong and Xu Fanting formed a deep friendship. Mao Zedong said: "I have heard of you very early, very remarkable. Xu Fanting was very low-key, he wanted to say things in the past and did not want to say, and finally in order to express his admiration for Mao Zedong, he improvised a poem:

The leader of the group is not tall, quiet as a virgin, heroic, mr. quality is difficult to describe, the ancient clouds are a feather.

When Mao Zedong received this poem, he was very moved and did not know how to reply to Xu Fanting, and finally Chairman Mao replied to Xu Fanting, saying that he regarded the three words of "not exalting himself" mentioned in his letter as his motto, and hoped that Mr. Fanting would cherish it.

After leaving Yan'an, Mao Zedong heard that Xu Fanting's health had been bad, so he went to many places to inquire about Xu Fanting's physical condition, and Mao Zedong wrote to Xu Fanting: If the environment is suitable, come to Yan'an for treatment.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

In 1940, the Japanese army began a sweep, and Continuing Fanting suffered from continuous marching, hard work, overwork, stomach and lung diseases. In 1941, after Xu Fanting came to Yan'an for medical treatment, Mao Zedong personally led the leaders to greet him.

This time when he met with Xu Fanting, Mao Zedong knew that Xu Fanting's condition was very serious, and there was a shortage of medical treatment and medicine everywhere, so Mao Zedong instructed Zhou Enlai to bring some medicine to Xu Fanting.

At this time, Zhou Enlai was far away in Hong Kong, and Mao Zedong wrote in a telegram to Zhou Enlai: We must do everything possible to buy medicine. "Fan Ting stomach disease is very serious, like stomach ulcer, to delay treatment, slightly improved, please buy medicine Nu food Ding 20 boxes quickly sent for hope."

After the medicine was bought, Mao Zedong personally wrote to Xu Fanting:

The medicine bought in Chongqing has arrived in two boxes, sent to the application, I don't know if it is the kind of error you are talking about? Everyone rejoiced when they heard that there was progress in his body. I have some discomfort, it has been slightly better recently, don't think about it.

This year, the first meeting of the second session of the Senate of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region was held in Yan'an, and at this meeting, Mao Zedong deliberately asked Xu Fanting to speak on the stage, and Xu Fanting was deeply moved by this, and he said on the stage:

I have been running for the Chinese revolution for decades, and today I have witnessed the broad masses of the people in the border areas taking charge of their own affairs and have seen the bright future of New China with integrity. Because of the leadership of the Communist Party and the guarantees of the Working Masses and advanced personalities in China, the Chinese revolution will certainly be victorious. We should thank the Communist Party and Chairman Mao.

It can be seen that in Xu Fanting's heart, he sincerely admired Chairman Mao and the Communist Party, and every word he said was a heartfelt word. In the future, whenever there was a need to write an article, Chairman Mao's first thought was to continue Fanting.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Continued Fan Ting anti-Japanese resistance

In the summer of 1944, after Chinese and foreign journalists visited Yan'an, Mao Zedong saw the relevant reports and specially asked Xu Fanting to write an article, which showed the depth of their friendship. Xu Fanting wrote in the article at that time: "Although I am not a communist, I am very sympathetic to and support the Communist Party's methods, because they have truly practiced the Three People's Principles, and I only oppose you, because you have betrayed the Three People's Principles, become the emperor of Shanxi, colluded with the Japanese, betrayed the country, and oppressed the people of Shanxi." ”

When Chairman Mao saw this article, he could be said to be greatly shocked, and he immediately told his secretary to disseminate the article through the newspaper, and at that time, this article by Xu Fanting caused great repercussions in society.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Mao Zedong replied to Xu Fanting with as many as 14 letters Mao Zedong replied to Xu Fanting

Since then, Xu Fanting's image as a literati has written to Chairman Mao many times, and it is said that Xu Fanting is the one who has written the most letters to Chairman Mao personally. Xu Fanting and Chairman Mao were born a year ago, and Xu Fanting was a month older than Chairman Mao, so Chairman Mao called him "Brother Fanting" in his letter, and as a literati, he naturally wanted to sing and sing, just like Liu Yazi.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | This is a poem written by Xu Fanting to He Long

In 1945, Mao Zedong went to Chongqing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek, during which he sang and wrote poems with Liu Yazi, when Liu Yazi gave one of his own words to Chairman Mao, in order to express his heart, Chairman Mao also took out a word that he had treasured for many years and gave it to Liu Yazi.

Since Chairman Mao's return from Chongqing, Xu Fanting has been in frequent contact with Chairman Mao, and this poem is even more out of the highest praise, Xu Fanting said that he had written a poem praising Chairman Mao and hoped that it could be published. But Chairman Mao did not think that was good. To borrow a speech from Chairman Mao at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art: "I am a person from a student background, and I have developed a habit in school to do a little labor in front of a large group of students who cannot pick their hands on their shoulders, such as picking their own luggage. At that time, I felt that the only clean people in the world were intellectuals, and the workers and peasants were always relatively dirty. The clothes of intellectuals, which I can wear of others, think are clean; the clothes of the workers and peasants, I do not want to wear them, I think they are dirty. ”

Unexpectedly, in the past two years, Xu Fanting's condition has gotten better and better, even to the extent that his condition has deteriorated. When civil war broke out in 1946, in March 1937, Hu Zongnan launched a major attack on Yan'an, and Continued Fanting went to the northwest to recuperate, when Chairman Mao also evacuated Yan'an, but despite this, Chairman Mao was still worried about his illness.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Continued Fan Ting in Yan'an

In August of that year, Xu Fanting's condition deteriorated, and at 11 o'clock on September 12, Xu Fanting passed away at the age of 54. The great patriotic general closed his eyes forever.

Before his death, Xu Fanting left a suicide note on his deathbed, in which he expressed one of his wishes to join the Communist Party. The next day, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent a telegram to posthumously recognize him as a full member of the Communist Party of China, fulfilling his last wish.

Full text of the suicide note:

Since Xinhai, Fan Ting has explored the truth of the liberation of the nation and the people, forged ahead courageously, and after several twists and turns, finally realized that only the revolutionary road under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the road to the complete liberation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people. After the July Seventh War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he gladly accepted the leadership and participated in the anti-Japanese democratic base area in northwestern Jinxi, hoping to better serve the people from now on and fulfill his long-cherished wish. When Fan Tingfang struggled to go, he actually contracted a serious illness and went to prolong his recuperation. In the past few years, the Mongolian Party has loved and loved in every way, and those who have been particularly fortunate have been able to listen to the teachings of Chairman Mao and the CPC Central Committee from time to time, and Fan Ting's struggle began today when he witnessed the real turnaround of the broad masses of the people in the Liberated Areas and truly saw the bright future of New China. He repeatedly wanted to join the party and become a pawn of the revolutionary army for more than a lifetime, but he had not proposed it for a long time. Now that Fan Ting is terminally ill, he hates not being able to witness the trial of the traitor Chiang Kai-shek clique, and it is a pity that the US imperialists will be completely liberated from the Chinese. Fan Ting has been ashamed of his contribution for several years, but his desire to pursue truth has not been a day or a slackening. On the occasion of this dying, I respectfully request to join the party with the sincerity of my life, and ask the CPC Central Committee to strictly examine whether my life's history is qualified, and if I accept to join the party, I will fulfill my great wish in life, and I would like to pay tribute to Bolsevik!

Chairman Mao was very sad to learn of the news of Xu Fanting's death, and he said in a loud voice: "Xu Fanting is a very backbone person, what a pity! What a shame! After saying these four words, the people around me fell into infinite pain. On September 18, a memorial service was held in Linxian County, and Xie Jueya drafted the alliance on behalf of Mao Zedong.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Xie Jueya

Xie Jueya's draft at that time was: for national liberation, for the class to turn over, the cause is coming to fruition, and the public beard is dying? The eyes are very bright, the bones are very hard, the typical sudden loss, the people are full of sorrow.

After Reading it, Chairman Mao changed the two sentences of the lower link, which can be described as the finishing touch:

For national liberation, for the class to turn over, the cause is coming to fruition, and the public is dying? There are clouds and waters, there is pine and cypress integrity, typical sudden loss, people are full of sorrow.

Mao Zedong sent someone to send it to the tomb, and because of the secrecy, Chairman Mao used the name Li Desheng.

In fact, the reason why Chairman Mao praised Xu Fanting in this way was mainly to praise xu Fanting's integrity. Looking back at the poems written by Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao has admired the traditional Chinese "pine bamboo plum" and the three friends of the cold year, such as the plum blossoms in "Bu Operator Yongmei", the bamboo in "Seven Laws and Answering Friends", and the pine trees in "Willows and Pine Trees", which is enough to show that Chairman Mao is a person who very much agrees with integrity and integrity.

Chairman Mao said four words of foreword sadly: Continuing Fanting committed suicide by caesarean section was unsuccessful, and Chairman Mao admired Himself with great admiration for Continuing Fanting

Figure | Statue of Continuing Fan Pavilion

For intellectuals, this point is even more important, And Xu Fanting can have the courage to uphold his own truth in such a huge anti-war environment in those years, not to choose to live secretly, so awe-inspiring righteousness, it is really worthy of the times, the people, and even more worthy of history. This is precisely what Chairman Mao praised.

Li Gongpu, Wen Yiduo, and Lu Xun, the free intellectuals who had drawn their swords and dissected themselves, did it, and Li Gongpu, Wen Yiduo, and Lu Xun, who had fallen into a pool of blood before his death, showed the heroism of our Chinese nation as an extraordinary intellectual with an independent personality. It is precisely because of this that they naturally received Chairman Mao's chant.

Today, although these people who have struggled for the new China and have a very high national integrity have left us forever, in such a beautiful and happy day, we have reason to remember them, and it is they who have sacrificed their lives for righteousness in exchange for our happiness and happiness today.