
He is the Sun clan of Jiangdong, known as "Little Sun Ce", and the cause of death is strange, only in folk tales

He is the Sun clan of Jiangdong, known as "Little Sun Ce", and the cause of death is strange, only in folk tales

Portrait of Sun Huan

He is Sun Quan's favorite nephew, known as "Little Sun Ce", but the cause of death is strange, what is going on?

Sun Huan (孙桓), also known as Shu Wu (叔武), the third son of Sun He , was well-mannered, intelligent , erudite and strong, able to argue and cope , and Sun Quan was often referred to as ' 'Zongmu Yanyuan' and promoted to Lieutenant of Wu Wei.

Although Sun Huan was a member of the Eastern Wu Sect, he still came to the front line in person.

At the age of twenty, he followed Lü Meng to participate in the Battle of Jingzhou, and performed well, personally leading thousands of elite troops to cut off the reinforcements of the Shu Han West Road, and beheading three Shu generals in front of the battle.

After the end of this battle, Lü Meng praised Sun Huan greatly, saying that he had the style of his uncle Sun Ce, so he was called "Little Sun Ce".

Sun Quan was also particularly fond of this nephew and often followed him around.

During Guan Yu's Northern Expedition, Lü Meng led his troops to sneak attack and capture Jingzhou.

Liu Bei heard the news that Guan Yu had been killed and lost Jingzhou, and despite the opposition of Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, and other courtiers, he mobilized tens of thousands of Shu troops to conquer Wu.

He is the Sun clan of Jiangdong, known as "Little Sun Ce", and the cause of death is strange, only in folk tales

Liu Bei stills

Sun Huan followed Lu Xun to fight against Liu Bei.

At this time, Jiang Biao's Twelve Tiger Ministers were half deceased, and Liu Bei also seized this opportunity to lead a large number of elite troops to march, the army was very strong, and the mountains were full of Shu troops.

Sun Huan divided his troops to Yidao to attack Liu Bei's forward, but was unexpectedly surrounded by the Shu Han army, Sun Huan led his troops to fight with them, beheading two of them with the front, but the Shu army was numerous, sun Huan had to ask Lu Xun for help.

At this time, Lu Xun's subordinates asked for Sun Huan's rescue, and Lu Xun said, "You can't go to the rescue." ”

The generals said, "General Sun is a prince, and it is already very difficult to be surrounded, so why not save him?" ”

He is the Sun clan of Jiangdong, known as "Little Sun Ce", and the cause of death is strange, only in folk tales

Lu Xun stills

Lu Xun said: "General Sun is very popular among the soldiers, and the city is strong, the grain and grass are plentiful, there is nothing to worry about. When my plan is implemented, even if I don't save him, he will naturally break the siege. ”

Emissaries were then sent to explain the matter to Sun Huan.

After Sun Huan listened, he felt that Lu Xun was an extraordinary person, and after weighing the pros and cons, Chen Bing insisted and personally went to the city to supervise the battle, and Liu Bei could not break through for a while.

As for the TV series, Sun Huan led 50,000 elite soldiers to stick to Zigui, and was attacked by Zhang Bao in half a day, which is pure fiction.

In real history, when Sun Huan held the city and finally burned the Yiling Tomb, Sun Huan never lost the city wall.

He is the Sun clan of Jiangdong, known as "Little Sun Ce", and the cause of death is strange, only in folk tales

After the Battle of Lu Xun Yiling was burned, Sun Huanbu, who was guarding the Imperial Yi Dao, also took the initiative to attack and enter the battle.

The Wu army soon broke through more than forty Shu camps and villages, and the water army cut off the connection between the two banks of the Yangtze River of the Shu army.

Zhang Nan, the commander of the Shu army, was in the midst of the rebellion, thus encircling the Shu generals Du Lu and Liu Ning, causing them to surrender.

At this time, Lu Xun concentrated his forces, besieged on all sides, and annihilated nearly 10,000 Shu troops...

At this point, the Shu army collapsed, most of them were killed, wounded and scattered, and had to take advantage of the night breakthrough to escape.

On the way to Shimen Mountain, he was chased by Sun Huan's troops, and the rearguard general Fu Wei was killed, and Liu Bei was almost captured.

Later, relying on the station personnel to burn the equipment abandoned by the defeated soldiers to block the mountain road, it was able to get rid of the pursuing soldiers and flee into Yong'an City.

Later, Sun Huan attacked Yong'an City again, but fortunately Zhao Yun came to meet him, and Sun Huan knew that he was invincible before he was able to retreat.

Liu Bei sighed bitterly, "When I went to Eastern Wu, Sun Huan was still a child, and now he has forced me to this point!" ”

After that, Liu Beiyi fell ill.

After the war, Sun Quan personally visited Sun Huan, who paid tribute to the general Jianwu and was a marquis of Dantu.

He was sent to build Hengjiang Dock and died young at the age of twenty-six.

He is the Sun clan of Jiangdong, known as "Little Sun Ce", and the cause of death is strange, only in folk tales

Sun Quan stills

Sun Quan was particularly sad when he found out, and lamented that the Clan Room had no nameless general since then.

The cause of Sun Huan's death, so far, has not been recorded in the historical data.

The cause of Sun Huan's death is only found in local folk tales:

It is said that Sun Huan encountered a water monster when he built the Hengjiang Dock, and Sun Huan led the elite soldiers to recruit and finally died under the claws of the water monster;

It is also said that Sun Huan died of the epidemic.

Whatever the reason, Sun Heng can be described as the leader of the third generation of the Sun clan in Jiangdong.

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