
The beauty of the spring: When the spring is dusty, the ice and snow are full of clarity and loneliness

The beauty of the spring: When the spring is dusty, the ice and snow are full of clarity and loneliness

The benevolent leshan, the wise enjoy the water. Most of the ancient literati and scholars, qing confucians, liked to send love between the mountains and rivers to express their pursuits and yearnings, and the clear spring water has always been loved by poets. From the Tang Dynasty man Chu Guangxi's "Idyllic no one sees, the old age is self-purifying", to Bai Juyi's "Why rush down the mountain, add more waves to the world", and then to the Yuanren Zhao Mengfu's "When the spring is dusty, the ice and snow are full of purity and loneliness", the Yongquan poems that have been passed down through the ages are like an endless stream of clear springs flowing to this day, nourishing our hearts.

The beauty of the spring, the beauty of the rushing stream, only those who have been purified by the world can read her rhyme. Speaking of Yongquan poems, the most widely known is Su Shi's "Huanxi Sha YouShui Qingquan Temple", after being degraded to Huangzhou because of the "Wutai Poetry Case", in the face of the magnificent landscape of the springs converging into a stream, Su Shi wrote lyrically and with Quan Mingzhi, he issued "Who knows that there is no less life?" The water in front of the door is still possible! Hugh sings yellow chicken with white hair" and sighs in life, reflecting his optimistic and positive personality, which makes people feel high-spirited.

Different from Su Shi's generosity, Wang Weishitu, known as the "Poetry Buddha", retreated to Zhongnan Mountain after being frustrated, and gradually understood the true meaning of life in the life of listening to the spring and appreciating the moon, a poem "Mountain Residence Autumn Breeze" is full of Zen, of which "Bright Moon Pine Illumination, Qingquan Stone Upstream" is a famous sentence of Yongquan, and the spring water and green pine are noble imagery, pinning Wang Wei's reluctance to merge with the world. The same situation, a completely different mentality, blends the different shades of life, vividly interpreting the principle of "the situation is created by the heart".

The beauty of the spring is even more beautiful in the quiet and deep, and the spring water hides many life "codes" in the ding-dong. Among the many Works of Yongquan, Zhang Shanheng of the Qing Dynasty left several Yongquan poems, which can be described as unique: "All things are profitable and lost, and Erquan is self-vigilant." If you don't see people who learn the Tao, you will be short all the time", this poem "Full Well Spring" tells the truth of "full and full", exhorting the people of the world to be modest and cautious in everything, and not to be proud and complacent; "The surplus is impermanent, and it is self-stop." Andrew an inch of heart, turned into worry-free water", this song "No Worries Spring" reveals the attitude of "gaining and losing and forgetting", telling the world that the realm of the wise man only needs a calm and calm heart. The Si people have gone, but Zhang Shanheng borrowed Quan Mingli's poems, shining with philosophical light, and still gives people thoughts and inspiration.

The beauty of the spring is the most beautiful in the clear and clear. Incorruptibility has always been the quality of "good officials" that we respect. Zhang Haoning of the Ming Dynasty has a poem "Lian Quan": "There are strange springs on the fragrant flower pier, and when you drink a headache, you feel greedy." Win the great water of the Yangtze River, and get the source of the Lianquan Spring! "Legend has it that there is a strange spring in the Fragrant Flower Pier of the Bao Zheng Reading Office, qingguan drinking spring water can feel the sweet spring water, and corrupt officials drinking spring water will have a headache, the poet hopes that if the water of the Yellow River of the Yangtze River is obtained from the Lianquan here, how good it should be, then the world is clean, this desire for the world's integrity is both unique and touching.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Wu Yinzhi once wrote a poem "Drinking Greedy Springs": "The ancients clouded this water, and cherished thousands of gold." Try to make Yi Qi drink, and in the end it will not be easy. "When Emperor An of Jin, Wu Yinzhi went to Guangzhou to serve as an assassin, passing by the Shimen "Greedy Spring", the local legend is that even if a clean person drinks this water, he will become a greedy person, Wu Yinzhi does not believe, drinks the spring water and improvises this poem, with the sentiment of Boyi Shuqi not greedy for money to express his ambition to be a clean official, as long as he is clean, greedy spring and clean spring are not afraid.

In the splendid ancient poems, Yongquan poetry is like a bright and dazzling pearl, or laughing at the ups and downs, or clearly reasoning, and its different charm has become a touching cultural "clear spring", which has continued to live for thousands of years.

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