
In the Vietnam War, 10 Vietnamese soldiers could only be exchanged for 1 American soldier, why did Vietnam say that it won

In the Vietnam War, 10 Vietnamese soldiers could only be exchanged for 1 American soldier, why did Vietnam dare to say that it won

The war between the United States and Vietnam has many names. When it comes to that conflict, most Americans tend to call it the Vietnam War, and another name is more common — the Vietnam Conflict.

In Vietnam, that war is sometimes seen as the Second Indian War. However, wars were so common in India that other names appeared, such as the saying that they could be translated as the War against The United States. In Vietnam, some people also call it the Vietnam War. How U.S. President Lyndon Johnson persuaded Congress to approve action against Vietnam is unknown. However, as more and more relevant information surfaces, it now seems more appropriate to define it as conflict.

In the Vietnam War, 10 Vietnamese soldiers could only be exchanged for 1 American soldier, why did Vietnam say that it won

The Vietnam War was an undeclared war. It takes the form of war and ends with both sides believing they have won. But it is not a war that begins with a formal declaration of war. To this day, there is still a debate over when it actually started.

The Vietnam War was fought on many levels, one of which was the confrontation between communism and American democracy. Vietnam was colonized for a century, during which time it experienced the brutal rule of Japan, and its independence was not easy to come by. After independence, Vietnam endured internal struggles between North and South Vietnam. Hanoi simply hoped that the United States would withdraw from South Vietnam to end South Vietnam's independence and bring it into the great cause of National Reunification of Vietnam. The approach taken in Hanoi is basically patience. All the North Vietnamese had to do was be patient until the United States gave up and made their way home.

In the Vietnam War, 10 Vietnamese soldiers could only be exchanged for 1 American soldier, why did Vietnam say that it won

The United States, on the other hand, believes that its superior military might will triumph. If the United States could create and sustain a 10:1 kill ratio, Sooner or later North Vietnam would run out of all resources. But this is still an impasse. Although the casualties of 10 Vietnamese soldiers can only be exchanged for 1 American soldier casualty, the leader of the Vietnamese People's Army, Wu Yuanjia, is very satisfied with this ratio. He believed that as the U.S. gained less and less from the war, it would eventually tire of it, and that the Americans would have to withdraw from Vietnam if the losses were too high. The Americans had hoped to destroy the Vietnamese fighting spirit, but they failed to achieve it.

The devastation caused by the war to the Vietnamese countryside is another story. The impact of widespread, long-term deforestation is troubling. The symbiotic system of nature is not only between the elements within nature, but also between man and nature. For example, some scholars have found a link between deforestation and poverty. Rural people can depend on the land for their livelihoods, but once forests are destroyed, the poor have no choice but to go to the cities. Without the skills, experience and knowledge needed to survive in cities, they become even poorer.

In the Vietnam War, 10 Vietnamese soldiers could only be exchanged for 1 American soldier, why did Vietnam say that it won

The situation in Vietnam is much worse. The destruction of forests is only one thing. Countless villages were bulldozed, 2 million people died, and tens of thousands of refugees fled by boat, about 400,000 of them. The United States and North Vietnam had their own businesses. The North Vietnamese only wanted to retake South Vietnam and build a strong communist state. The United States wanted to defeat the Vietnamese. The purpose of the War between the United States and north Vietnam can be said to be the opposite. Vietnam was fully unified in 1976 and it looks as if Hanoi has won the war. North Vietnam's purpose was also achieved. But some scholars claim that Vietnam did become a unified nation, but it took freedom from its people and imposed communism on the people.

Some argue that the United States was also a profiteer of the Vietnam War because the communist dream of a world occupation ultimately failed. The end of the Cold War can be seen as a triumph of American democracy. However, the anti-war movement in the United States also brought about a dramatic change in American culture.

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