
Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

Speaking of Shanghai Beach, many people's first reaction is xu Wenqiang, who is in the film and television drama "Shanghai Beach". Of course, Xu Wenqiang is a fictional character after all, and if you want to talk about a famous character in Shanghai Beach, of course, you must mention Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

"Hidden, resourceful, brutal and domineering..." Du Yuesheng relied on these things, step by step from a stinking child to the seat of the Leader of the Green Gang. Of course, his origins are also inseparable from a noble man - Jin Rong. In 1902, the 14-year-old Du Yuesheng worshiped Chen Shichang as an old man, and a few years later, he entered the Golden Rong Mansion and was deeply appreciated by Golden Rong.

At that time, Jin Rong could be called the hero of Shanghai Beach, and as the inspector general of the Chinese detectives in the French Concession, his power was staggering. Under the promotion of Jin Jinrong, Du Yuesheng soon became his cronies, not only putting Du in charge of casino operations, but also cooperating to open Sanxin Company.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

Du Yuesheng also seized this opportunity very well, relying on the observation and flexibility of the early years of social learning, and mixed with the wind and water in Shanghai Beach, and was known as the "Three Tycoons of Shanghai" with Jin Jinrong and Zhang Xiaolin. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Du Yuesheng, as a member of the presidium of the Shanghai Support Association, repeatedly provided communications, medical equipment and equipment for the Eighth Route Army; not only that, he did charity, founded schools, and raised more than 1.5 million yuan for the War of Resistance. In 1942, the Chongqing Hospital founded by Du Yuesheng was the most advanced wartime rear hospital at that time, which was widely praised by public opinion.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

However, Du Yuesheng was the leader of the Green Gang after all, and there were many stains on his life: opening casinos, smuggling opium, and even conspiring with Chiang Kai-shek to seize power in a coup d'état, which eventually led to the murder of thousands of workers.

Because of this, after the founding of New China, Du Yuesheng took his family and boarded a Dutch steamer to Hong Kong one night to rent the ground floor of No. 18 Kennedy Platform. However, du Yuesheng was, after all, a prominent figure, and in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai Beach was in ruins and waiting to be revived, and it was even more necessary for a leader like Du Yuesheng to come back and preside over the overall situation; on the other hand, Chiang Kai-shek also wanted to win Du Yuesheng over and let him go to Taiwan together.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

As a result, both the Kuomintang and the Communists sent representatives to find Du Yuesheng to lobby, and in order to save Du Yuesheng, Chen Yi, then the mayor of Shanghai, took the initiative to invite, but Du Yuesheng was still uneasy and did not make a decision for a long time. On the other hand, Chiang Kai-shek also knows that many financial tycoons in Shanghai Beach are very obedient to Du Yuesheng, and as long as Du Yuesheng arrives in Taiwan, many things will be much easier to handle.

However, Du Yuesheng knew that his relationship with Jiang was not as good as before, and he was afraid that he would be more fierce and less fortunate, so he politely refused.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

At this time, Du Yuesheng lived in a home with three bedrooms and a living room, and on food, accommodation, and status, Hong Kong was far inferior to Shanghai Beach, and he began to have some thoughts of returning to China. It was also at this time that Premier Zhou also sent a handwritten letter, and the premier said that he would not be blamed for the previous events and hoped that he could return to China.

I thought this was a good opportunity to return to China, but when Du Yuesheng saw a photo, he dispelled his thoughts and never had the idea of returning to China again.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

The photo was published on the front page of the newspaper of the day, showing an old man with a broom standing on the road to clean the satellite TV. The old man was none other than his nobleman, Jin Rong.

Du Yuesheng lived in Hong Kong, and the prime minister personally wrote a letter inviting him to return to Shanghai, but Du refused after seeing a photo

Once a Shanghai tycoon, in previous years, he was reduced to sweeping the streets. Du Yuesheng couldn't help but feel sad in his heart. Since then, he has been living in Hong Kong, where his health was getting worse and worse due to the exacerbation of his asthma. On August 16, 1951, Du Yuesheng died of illness at home at the age of 63. His ashes were placed in New Taipei City, Taiwan, where Du Yuesheng had hoped to return to his hometown and be buried in his hometown of Shanghai, but this has not yet been realized.

Reference book: The Complete Biography of Du Yuesheng

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