
There are two major super-rotten buildings in history, the largest one is in China and the other is in Russia

The first, "the world's first palace" Afang Palace

Afang Palace was built in 212 BC, two years before the death of Qin Shi Huang, located 15 kilometers from the western suburbs of Xi'an and 15 kilometers from Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Dynasty!

Afang Palace is one of the four major projects of the Qin Dynasty, the other three are: the Great Wall of Qin, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the "first highway in the history of the world" Qin Straight Road!

Afang Palace is grand in scale, with a total area of 15 square kilometers, how to describe this number?

There are two major super-rotten buildings in history, the largest one is in China and the other is in Russia

The Forbidden City in Beijing is big enough, right? The area of Afang Palace is equivalent to the size of 20 Forbidden City, and the area of the front hall alone is 800 acres!

But unfortunately, only two years after the construction of Afang Palace, the front hall project has not yet been completed, in 210 BC, Qin Shi Huang died on the parade, in September of that year, Qin Shi Huang was buried in Lishan, Qin II recruited people to build the Qin Emperor's mausoleum, and the A fang palace project was forced to stop.

In April 209 BC, the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum was basically completed, and Qin II took some of the migrant workers to build the Afang Palace, but only 3 months later, the "Dazexiang Uprising" led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang broke out, and infighting broke out within the Qin Dynasty, advocating stopping the construction of the Afang Palace and mobilizing the people to mobilize the people to fight against the rebel army, the right minister Feng Zhiyi and the general Feng Hao, and the left minister Li Si were imprisoned by Qin II.

There are two major super-rotten buildings in history, the largest one is in China and the other is in Russia

In August 207 BC, Zhao Gao forced the 23-year-old Qin II to commit suicide in Wangyi Palace, and the Afang Palace project was forced to stop, which was more than 2,000 years!

As for why the ground building of Afang Palace disappeared, historians generally believe that Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, burned it with a fire, and the evidence is Sima Qian's "History", as well as Du Mu's "Afang Palace Endowment" in the Tang Dynasty.

There are two major super-rotten buildings in history, the largest one is in China and the other is in Russia

Du Mu was more than 900 years away from the Qin Dynasty, but Sima Qian was only a few decades away from the Qin Dynasty, and his "Records of History" was the authority in the history books, and he was convinced of the historians of xiangyu burning the Qin Palace in his account. The Xiang Yu Benji records: "Xiang Yu led the army to slaughter Xianyang in the west, killed the prince and baby of Qin, burned the Qin palace, and the fire was not extinguished in March."

Sima Qian is a die-hard fan of Xiang Yu, worshipping Xiang Yu and never smearing his idol, but what is intriguing is that it says that Xiang Yu burned the Qin Palace, but it is not explicitly said that it was the Burning Afang Palace, maybe the Xianyang Palace?

As for the evidence of Xiang Yu burning the Afang Palace, it is still the Tang Dynasty man Du Mu's sentence "Chu people are torched, poor scorched earth", but this is Du Mu's speculation, not true research and evidence!

The second, the "Soviet Palace" of the Soviet Union

Planned construction of the Soviet Palace began in 1924 AD, but construction began seven years later, in 1931 AD, when the 50-year-old Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was blown up and the Soviet Palace was built on its original site!

There are two major super-rotten buildings in history, the largest one is in China and the other is in Russia

There were more than 400 designers' sketches at that time, and finally the Soviet plan was selected for about Fan Gao, the Soviet Palace was designed to be 415 meters high, and the gilded statue of Lenin, the revolutionary teacher at the top alone, was 75 meters high, 278 meters higher than the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, and 95 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower in France.

There are two major super-rotten buildings in history, the largest one is in China and the other is in Russia

At the beginning of construction, the water in Moscow surged into the construction site, the project was forced to stop, just after the drainage, the Soviet Union fell into famine, the project stopped again, the famine just passed, World War II broke out, the Soviet Union fell into national difficulties, and a large amount of money was spent on the battlefield!

After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was in ruins, there was no excessive financial and material resources to build this huge project, so the "Soviet Palace" became a cross-century rotten tail building, so far the grass was reborn, the water was everywhere, until 1966 AD, in order to "rectify the cityscape", it was converted into a large swimming pool, and in 2000 AD, Russia spent 500 million US dollars to re-appear on the original site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior who was bombed that year, and the "Soviet Palace" and the large swimming pool occupied by the magpie's nest became a legend!

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