
When Ma Mo guarded the street pavilion, there was no strong city and could only camp, and there was no advantage, could someone else really hold it?

If you change the good general, it is indeed possible.

The Battle of the Street Pavilion was controversial, and people have always debated whether he should take the road or go up the mountain. But looking back at the details, it seems that this is not the case.

In the Battle of Jieting, the Shu army lost on the conventional routine. After arriving at the front line of the street pavilion, Ma Mo violated the deployment of "Dangdao Zazhai" and led his troops up the mountain in an attempt to block the attack according to danger. Zhang Gao controlled the water source under the mountain, and the Shu army was hungry and thirsty, and the attack was fruitless, and finally collapsed.

Here, many friends have a feeling:

1, Ma Mo is stupid, as a Jingzhou people have no concept of water shortage, so they do not pay attention to the protection of water sources;

2, Zhang Gao is so powerful that he actually chose the innovative method of cutting off the water source, which was quickly reversed!

When Ma Mo guarded the street pavilion, there was no strong city and could only camp, and there was no advantage, could someone else really hold it?

I didn't expect to win so easily. In fact, cutting off the water source was just a very, very conventional combat routine at the time!

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a long Han-Qiang War near Jieting. Since the main areas involved in this war were in the areas of Longxi, Kansai and Hanzhong, there were also frequent mountain battles.

In 169, not far from Jiefan Mountain, when Duan Ying was attacking the Hanyang Zhuqiang, Duan Ying controlled the highlands, and the Qiang people also tried to cover the Han army's waterway and turn the tide of the war, and in the end, the Han army defeated the Qiang people with its superiority in combat effectiveness.

Duan Ying is Dong Zhuo's Engong, whose era is not far from the Three Kingdoms era, and the battlefield environment is also very similar to that near the street pavilion. Whether it is Ma Chen or Zhang Jaw, they should have known about these battles.

Therefore, the battle for water in mountain warfare, even at that time, was not a new thing!

When Ma Mo guarded the street pavilion, there was no strong city and could only camp, and there was no advantage, could someone else really hold it?

As a matter of common sense, when Ma Mo goes up the mountain, he must control the water source, and Zhang Gao will also give priority to controlling the water source.

The gap between the military qualities of the two sides was large, and Ma Mo's choice was not decisive After Zhang Hao controlled the water source, Ma Mo organized a battle to retake the waterway, but unfortunately, they were all defeated!

During Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition, there was still a big gap between the combat effectiveness of the Shu army and the elite of the Wei army. Zhuge Liang later reflected: Our army has more thieves in Jigu and Qishan, but they have all suffered defeats... It seems that the soldiers are precious.

When Ma Mo guarded the street pavilion, there was no strong city and could only camp, and there was no advantage, could someone else really hold it?

In the Battle of Yiling, the elite of the Shu army suffered heavy losses. Despite Zhuge Liang's efforts to recover, the combat effectiveness of the army at this time was still inferior to that of the Wei army. Therefore, it was not a strange thing that the Shu army lost the battle for water resources with the Wei army.

Obviously, as a former enemy commander, Ma Mo did not know himself and the other, and did not fully estimate the gap between the two sides' combat effectiveness.

Neither knowing oneself nor knowing the other, such a horse, even if he is the Dao Zhaozhai, is it Zhang Gao's opponent? Zhang Gao, who is good at camping, can still find the door of life and hang the horse!

It's like we play a game with a master, the level gap is obvious, do we choose to attack quickly, or choose to close the door to climb technology, does it really have a big impact on victory or defeat?

When Ma Mo guarded the street pavilion, there was no strong city and could only camp, and there was no advantage, could someone else really hold it?

Ma Mo and Zhang Gao are two players who are not on the same level! Therefore, Zhang Hao did not use any innovation, and a routine that could no longer be conventional would eat dead horse rumors!

The defeat was normal, but the collapse of the whole army fully exposed Ma Mo's military ability, but not being able to defeat Zhang Hao did not constitute a reason for Ma Mo to be beheaded.

The purpose of the street pavilion blockade battle was to buy time for Zhuge Liang to take the Long Right. Therefore, it is both a blockade war and a retarded battle! After all, Zhang Jaw can't continue to go deeper without being able to guarantee the safety of the back road of the kiosk!

Therefore, even if Ma Mo suffers defeat, if properly controlled, he can save the troops, have the conditions to reorganize, and fight and retreat, buy time!

We see that the same defeat, Zhao Yun in Migu, was able to save the army, lose nothing in materials, and calmly retreat. And Ma Mo's whole army was defeated and suffered heavy losses!

When Ma Mo guarded the street pavilion, there was no strong city and could only camp, and there was no advantage, could someone else really hold it?

Later, when Ma Mo was beheaded, the sin he asked was the crime of losing his army. When retreating, the organization was unfavorable, and the whole army collapsed! Therefore, Ma Mo's defeat lay in his lack of generals, improper estimation of the combat effectiveness of the enemy and us, and his final defeat. And as long as Ma Mo has not been able to know himself or the other, whether he is in charge of the village or goes up the mountain to block, it is inevitable that he will fail.

Perhaps, with the replacement of other generals, it is difficult to make up for the gap in the combat effectiveness of the two armies, and it is impossible to beat Zhang Jaw. However, if it is a general with a stronger ability to control the army, at least like Miya Zhao Yun, he can control the army, and fight and retreat, buying time!

Therefore, I think that the key to the battle of the street pavilion is not the issue of the village that everyone is talking about, but the issue of the election of generals! If you replace the right general, there is a chance to drag Zhang Gao.

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